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abstract: 'High unemployment and regional inequalities are major concerns for
European policy makers. but so far connections between policies dealing
with unemployment and regional inequalities have been few and weak. We
think that this should change. This paper documents a regional and
transnational dimension to unemployment - i.e.. geographical
unemployment clusters that do not respect national boundaries. Since the
Mid 1980s, regions with high or low initial unemployment rates saw
little change, while regions with intermediate unemployment moved
towards extreme values. During,, this polarization, nearby regions
tended to share similar outcomes due, we argue, to spatially related
changes in labour demand. These spatially correlated demand shifts were
due in part to initial clustering of low-skilled regions and badly
performing industries but a significant neighbour effect remains even
after controlling for these, and the effect is as strong within as it is
between nations. We believe this reflects agglomeration effects of
economic integration. The new economic geography literature shows how
integration fosters employment clusters that need not respect national
borders. If regional labour forces do not adjust, regional unemployment
polarization with neighbour effects can result. To account for these
`neighbour efficiency a cross-regional and transnational dimension
should be added to national policies. actions should consider policies
that encourage regional wage setting, and short distance mobility, and
the EU should consider including transnational considerations in its
regional policy, since neighbour effects on unemployment mean that an
anti-unemployment policy paid for by one region will benefit
neighbouring regions. Since local politicians gain no votes or tax
revenues from these `spillozeis'', they are likely to underestimate the
true benefit of the policy and thus tend to undertake too little of it.'
affiliation: 'Overman, HG (Corresponding Author), Univ London London Sch Econ \& Polit
Sci, London WC2A 2AE, England.
Univ London London Sch Econ \& Polit Sci, London WC2A 2AE, England.
Univ Toronto, Toronto, ON M5T 1R8, Canada.'
author: Overman, HG and Puga, D and Vandenbussche, H
- family: Overman
given: HG
- family: Puga
given: D
- family: Vandenbussche
given: H
da: '2023-09-28'
eissn: 1468-0327
files: []
issn: 0266-4658
language: English
month: APR
number: '34'
number-of-cited-references: '21'
orcid-numbers: Puga, Diego/0000-0003-2640-1534
pages: 115-147
papis_id: 58254fa6c98e9167fd34cbc836e3e7b7
ref: Overman2002unemploymentclusters
researcherid-numbers: Puga, Diego/A-9184-2008
times-cited: '36'
title: Unemployment clusters across Europe's regions and countries
type: article
unique-id: WOS:000175384700004
usage-count-last-180-days: '0'
usage-count-since-2013: '0'
web-of-science-categories: Economics
year: '2002'