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abstract: 'In Chile, between 450 and 500 cases of cancer are diagnosed annually in
children and adolescents. Treatment is financed by the state, but there
are non-financial elements that could condition ad-herence to treatment.
Objective: to explore family, socioeconomic, housing, and support
network risk factors that could affect adherence to medical treatment in
children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer. Patients and Method:
Descriptive observational study in pediatric oncology hospitals of a
national cancer program. Through a ``Social Care Form{''''} applied to 104
caregivers of children and adolescents, between August 2019 and March
2020, socioeconomic data of children diagnosed with cancer were recorded
in four dimensions: i) Individual/family/health; ii)
Work/education/so-cioeconomic; iii) Housing/environment; and iv)
Participation/support networks. Results: 99\% of the children and
adolescents were registered in the public health system; 69\% belonged
to the lowest income brackets. Care for children and adolescents was
mainly provided by the mother (91\%). 79\% reported living in a house;
48\% owned or were paying for their home. Housing quality was described
as good (70\%), with low levels of overcrowding. 56\% of households had
access to Wi-Fi internet con-nection, while 27\% reported no access. The
main support network reported was the family (84\%). Conclusions:
Family, socioeconomic, housing, and support network risk factors were
observed in children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer;
socioeconomic and gender aspects highlight the social inequalities in
these families. Descriptive baseline results were obtained, so it is
suggested to re-observe its evolution and thus measure its impact on
adherence to treatment.'
affiliation: 'Prieto, BC (Corresponding Author), Univ Edinburgh, Usher Inst, Edinburgh,
Prieto, BC (Corresponding Author), Fdn Nuestros Hijos, Area Invest \& Desarrollo,
Santiago, Chile.
Prieto, B. Cecilia, Univ Edinburgh, Usher Inst, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Prieto, B. Cecilia, Fdn Nuestros Hijos, Area Invest \& Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile.
Ibarra, B. Gloria, Hosp Ninos Luis Calvo Mackenna, Santiago, Chile.
Guzman, V. Pablo, Univ Diego Portales, Fac Comunicac \& Letras, Santiago, Chile.
Werth, C. Alejandra, Hosp Ninos Roberto Rio, Santiago, Chile.
Espinoza, O. Romina, Hosp Dr Sotero del Rio, Santiago, Chile.
Sepulveda, C. Roberto, Hosp Exequiel Gonzalez Cortes, Santiago, Chile.'
author: Prieto, B. Cecilia and Ibarra, B. Gloria and Guzman, V. Pablo and Werth, C.
Alejandra and Espinoza, O. Romina and Sepulveda, C. Roberto
- family: Prieto
given: B. Cecilia
- family: Ibarra
given: B. Gloria
- family: Guzman
given: V. Pablo
- family: Werth
given: C. Alejandra
- family: Espinoza
given: O. Romina
- family: Sepulveda
given: C. Roberto
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.32641/andespediatr.v94i2.4041
eissn: 2452-6053
files: []
issn: '{*}{*}{*}{*}\_{*}{*}{*}{*}'
keywords: Cancer; Oncology; Tumors; Poverty; Adherence
language: English
month: MAR-APR
number: '2'
number-of-cited-references: '16'
pages: 144-152
papis_id: 21acfdce219a360d346107d5f90b8fca
ref: Prieto2023riskfactors
times-cited: '0'
title: Risk factors associated with adherence to medical oncology treatment in pediatrics
type: article
unique-id: WOS:001001813600003
usage-count-last-180-days: '1'
usage-count-since-2013: '1'
volume: '94'
web-of-science-categories: Pediatrics
year: '2023'