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abstract: 'Background People who use drugs and are structurally vulnerable (e.g.,
experiencing unstable and/or lack of housing) frequently access acute
care. However, acute care systems and providers may not be able to
effectively address social needs during hospitalization. Our objectives
were to: 1) explore social service providers'' perspectives on addressing
social needs for this patient population; and 2) identify what possible
strategies social service providers suggest for improving patient care.
Methods We completed 18 semi-structured interviews with social service
providers (e.g., social workers, transition coordinators, peer support
workers) at a large, urban acute care hospital in Western Canada between
August 8, 2018 and January 24, 2019. Interviews explored staff
experiences providing social services to structurally vulnerable
patients who use drugs, as well as continuity between hospital and
community social services. We conducted latent content analysis and
organized our findings in relation to the socioecological model. Results
Tensions emerged on how participants viewed patient-level barriers to
addressing social needs. Some providers blamed poor outcomes on
perceived patient deficits, while others emphasized structural factors
that impede patients'' ability to secure social services. Within the
hospital, some participants felt that acute care was not an appropriate
location to address social needs, but most felt that hospitalization
affords a unique opportunity to build relationships with structurally
vulnerable patients. Participants described how a lack of housing and
financial supports for people who use drugs in the community limited
successful social service provision in acute care. They identified
potential policy solutions, such as establishing housing supports that
concurrently address medical, income, and substance use needs.
Conclusions Broad policy changes are required to improve care for
structurally vulnerable patients who use drugs, including: 1) ending
acute care''s ambivalence towards social services; 2) addressing
multi-level gaps in housing and financial support; 3) implementing
hospital-based Housing First teams; and, 4) offering sub-acute care with
integrated substance use management.'
affiliation: 'Hyshka, E (Corresponding Author), Univ Alberta, Sch Publ Hlth, Edmonton,
AB, Canada.
Hyshka, E (Corresponding Author), Royal Alexandra Hosp, Inner City Hlth \& Wellness
Program, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
Gehring, Nicole D.; Speed, Kelsey A.; Hyshka, Elaine, Univ Alberta, Sch Publ Hlth,
Edmonton, AB, Canada.
Gehring, Nicole D.; Speed, Kelsey A.; Dong, Kathryn; Salvalaggio, Ginetta; Hyshka,
Elaine, Royal Alexandra Hosp, Inner City Hlth \& Wellness Program, Edmonton, AB,
Dong, Kathryn; Salvalaggio, Ginetta, Univ Alberta, Fac Med \& Dent, Edmonton, AB,
Pauly, Bernie, Univ Victoria, Sch Nursing, Victoria, BC, Canada.'
article-number: '1138'
author: Gehring, Nicole D. and Speed, Kelsey A. and Dong, Kathryn and Pauly, Bernie
and Salvalaggio, Ginetta and Hyshka, Elaine
- family: Gehring
given: Nicole D.
- family: Speed
given: Kelsey A.
- family: Dong
given: Kathryn
- family: Pauly
given: Bernie
- family: Salvalaggio
given: Ginetta
- family: Hyshka
given: Elaine
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.1186/s12913-022-08498-x
eissn: 1472-6963
files: []
keywords: 'Social needs; Social work; Social services; Structural vulnerability;
Illegal drugs; Houseless; Acute care; Qualitative research'
language: English
month: SEP 8
number: '1'
number-of-cited-references: '64'
orcid-numbers: 'Dong, Kathryn/0000-0002-0843-4618
Speed, Kelsey/0000-0002-5728-5209'
papis_id: 3c98705d2e417de0bd6b110226deb1b9
ref: Gehring2022socialservice
researcherid-numbers: 'Dong, Kathryn/JBS-4781-2023
Hyshka, Elaine/AGG-3812-2022
times-cited: '0'
title: 'Social service providers'' perspectives on caring for structurally vulnerable
hospital patients who use drugs: a qualitative study'
type: article
unique-id: WOS:000852400500001
usage-count-last-180-days: '2'
usage-count-since-2013: '5'
volume: '22'
web-of-science-categories: Health Care Sciences \& Services
year: '2022'