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abstract: 'Background The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately impacted
economically-disadvantaged populations in the United States (US).
Precarious employment conditions may contribute to these disparities by
impeding workers in such conditions from adopting COVID-19 mitigation
measures to reduce infection risk. This study investigated the
relationship between employment and economic conditions and the adoption
of COVID-19 protective behaviors among US workers during the initial
phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods Employing a social media
advertisement campaign, an online, self-administered survey was used to
collect data from 2,845 working adults in April 2020. Hierarchical
generalized linear models were performed to assess the differences in
engagement with recommended protective behaviors based on employment and
economic conditions, while controlling for knowledge and perceived
threat of COVID-19, as would be predicted by the Health Belief Model
(HBM). Results Essential workers had more precarious employment and
economic conditions than non-essential workers: 67\% had variable
income; 30\% did not have paid sick leave; 42\% had lost income due to
COVID-19, and 15\% were food insecure. The adoption of protective
behaviors was high in the sample: 77\% of participants avoided leaving
home, and 93\% increased hand hygiene. Consistent with the HBM, COVID-19
knowledge scores and perceived threat were positively associated with
engaging in all protective behaviors. However, after controlling for
these, essential workers were 60\% and 70\% less likely than
non-essential workers, who by the nature of their jobs cannot stay at
home, to stay at home and increase hand hygiene, respectively.
Similarly, participants who could not afford to quarantine were 50\%
less likely to avoid leaving home (AOR: 0.5; 95\% CI: 0.4, 0.6) than
those who could, whereas there were no significant differences
concerning hand hygiene. Conclusions Our findings are consistent with
the accumulating evidence that the employment conditions of essential
workers and other low-income earners are precarious, that they have
experienced disproportionately higher rates of income loss during the
initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic and face significant barriers to
adopting protective measures. Our findings underscore the importance and
need of policy responses focusing on expanding social protection and
benefits to prevent the further deepening of existing health disparities
in the US.'
affiliation: 'Tozan, Y (Corresponding Author), NYU, Sch Global Publ Hlth, Global \&
Environm Hlth Program, 708 Broadway, New York, NY 10003 USA.
Capasso, Ariadna; Ali, Shahmir H.; DiClemente, Ralph J., NYU, Sch Global Publ Hlth,
Dept Social \& Behav Sci, New York, NY 10003 USA.
Kim, Sooyoung, NYU, Sch Global Publ Hlth, Dept Hlth Policy \& Management, New York,
NY 10003 USA.
Jones, Abbey M., NYU, Sch Global Publ Hlth, Dept Epidemiol, New York, NY 10003 USA.
Tozan, Yesim, NYU, Sch Global Publ Hlth, Global \& Environm Hlth Program, 708 Broadway,
New York, NY 10003 USA.'
article-number: '870'
author: Capasso, Ariadna and Kim, Sooyoung and Ali, Shahmir H. and Jones, Abbey M.
and DiClemente, Ralph J. and Tozan, Yesim
- family: Capasso
given: Ariadna
- family: Kim
given: Sooyoung
- family: Ali
given: Shahmir H.
- family: Jones
given: Abbey M.
- family: DiClemente
given: Ralph J.
- family: Tozan
given: Yesim
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.1186/s12889-022-13259-w
eissn: 1471-2458
files: []
keywords: 'COVID-19; Essential workers; Risk of infection; Health Belief Model;
Employment conditions; Economic precarity; Precarious employment; Health
disparities; Social determinants of health'
language: English
month: MAY 2
number: '1'
number-of-cited-references: '54'
orcid-numbers: Ali, Shahmir/0000-0002-0360-3507
papis_id: 4796cfaa5a57dcd5a7810a9ca74bf5c3
ref: Capasso2022employmentconditions
researcherid-numbers: Ali, Shahmir/G-4495-2018
times-cited: '3'
title: 'Employment conditions as barriers to the adoption of COVID-19 mitigation measures:
how the COVID-19 pandemic may be deepening health disparities among low-income earners
and essential workers in the United States'
type: article
unique-id: WOS:000789819200007
usage-count-last-180-days: '0'
usage-count-since-2013: '4'
volume: '22'
web-of-science-categories: Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health
year: '2022'