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abstract: 'Purpose - The uncompromising preference of citizens for public sector
employment throughout the Middle East is not new. However, with the
recent saturation of the public sector job market and demographic
pressures, it has grown to become a problem of unpredictable economic
and social consequences. This paper aims to explore the factors
determining career choice behaviour and the underlying career
expectations and perceptions of young citizens in one Middle Eastern
country, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), where the preference for public
sector employment is not only very strong, but is also perceived as
increasingly problematic.
Design/methodology/approach - Semi-structured interviews were conducted
with a total of 60 UAE citizens in the age group of 18-23.
Findings - The authors explore and discuss cognitive, social, and
institutional factors that influence the job-seeking behaviour of young
Emiratis and lead to negative attitudes towards the private sector. They
further suggest potential causes of the very low private sector
employment levels among UAE citizens and discuss their implications for
policy makers. The authors argue for two main approaches: first, a focus
on training and orientation of young citizens to enable them to
confidently pursue job opportunities in the private sector. This may
also include ways for providing young UAE citizens with private sector
exposure, as 98 per cent of the national workforce is currently working
in the public sector and a lot of what young UAE citizens think they
know about the private sector is not founded in reality. Second,
interventions to address structural and institutional challenges
hindering employment of citizens including gaps in employment conditions
and remuneration levels for citizens between the public and private
employment sectors.
Originality/value - While much previous research in this field has
focused on the perceptions of employers, this is the first paper to
actually explore the perceptions of those at the centre of the
discussion young UAE citizens themselves.'
affiliation: 'Forstenlechner, I (Corresponding Author), United Arab Emirates Univ,
Fac Business \& Econ, Al Ain, U Arab Emirates.
Al-Waqfi, Mohammed A.; Forstenlechner, Ingo, United Arab Emirates Univ, Fac Business
\& Econ, Al Ain, U Arab Emirates.'
author: Al-Waqfi, Mohammed A. and Forstenlechner, Ingo
- family: Al-Waqfi
given: Mohammed A.
- family: Forstenlechner
given: Ingo
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.1108/00483481211249139
eissn: 1758-6933
files: []
issn: 0048-3486
keywords: 'Localization; Jobseekers; Transitional economy; Middle East; Young UAE
citizens; Emiratization; United Arab Emirates'
language: English
number: 5-6
number-of-cited-references: '48'
orcid-numbers: Al Waqfi, Mohammed/0000-0001-5673-3818
pages: 609-629
papis_id: b8d6510a916e82dd3df433b8e2a5c2b0
ref: Alwaqfi2012privatesector
times-cited: '36'
title: Of private sector fear and prejudice The case of young citizens in an oil-rich
Arabian Gulf economy
type: article
unique-id: WOS:000311268800004
usage-count-last-180-days: '0'
usage-count-since-2013: '18'
volume: '41'
web-of-science-categories: Industrial Relations \& Labor; Psychology, Applied; Management
year: '2012'