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abstract: 'BackgroundGlobally, including in low- and middle-income {[}LMIC]
countries, there is increased attention to and investment in
interventions to prevent and respond to violence against women; however,
most of these approaches are delivered outside of formal or informal
health systems. The World Health Organization published clinical and
policy guidelines Responding to intimate partner violence and sexual
violence against women in 2013. Further evidence is needed concerning
implementation of the Guidelines, including how health care providers
perceive training interventions, if the training approach meets their
needs and is of relevance to them and how to ensure sustainability of
changes in practice due to training. This manuscript describes a study
protocol for a mixed methods study of the implementation of the
Guidelines and related tools in tertiary hospitals in two districts in
Maharashtra, India.MethodsThe study will employ a mixed-methods study
design. A quantitative assessment of health care providers'' and
managers'' knowledge, attitudes, and practices will be conducted pre,
post, and 6months after the training. Qualitative methods will include a
participatory stakeholders'' meeting to inform the design of the training
intervention design, in-depth interviews {[}IDIs] and focus-group
discussions {[}FGDs] with health care providers and managers 3-6months
after training, and IDIs with women who have disclosed violence to a
trained health care provider, approximately 6months after training. The
study will also validate two tools: a readiness assessment of health
facilities and a health management information system form in a facility
register format which will be used to document cases of
violence.DiscussionThe multiple components of this study will generate
data to improve our understanding of how implementation of the
Guidelines works, what barriers and facilitators to implementation exist
in this context, and how current implementation practices result in
changes in terms of health services and providers'' practices of
responding to women affected by violence. The results will be useful for
governmental and non-governmental and United Nations Agency efforts to
improve health systems and services for women affected by violence, as
well as for researchers working on health systems responses to violence
against women in India and possibly other contexts.'
affiliation: 'Meyer, SR (Corresponding Author), WHO, Dept Sexual \& Reprod Hlth \&
Res, Geneva, Switzerland.
Meyer, Sarah R.; Garcia-Moreno, Claudia; Amin, Avni, WHO, Dept Sexual \& Reprod
Hlth \& Res, Geneva, Switzerland.
Rege, Sangeeta; Avalaskar, Prachi; Deosthali, Padma, CEHAT Ctr Inquiry Hlth \& Allied
Themes, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.'
article-number: '63'
author: Meyer, Sarah R. and Rege, Sangeeta and Avalaskar, Prachi and Deosthali, Padma
and Garcia-Moreno, Claudia and Amin, Avni
- family: Meyer
given: Sarah R.
- family: Rege
given: Sangeeta
- family: Avalaskar
given: Prachi
- family: Deosthali
given: Padma
- family: Garcia-Moreno
given: Claudia
- family: Amin
given: Avni
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.1186/s40814-020-00609-x
eissn: 2055-5784
files: []
keywords: 'Violence against women; Training; Implementation science; Guidelines;
Study protocol'
language: English
number: '1'
number-of-cited-references: '49'
papis_id: 210a23d2987529df9c42ce468b139e7e
ref: Meyer2020strengtheninghealth
times-cited: '4'
title: 'Strengthening health systems response to violence against women: protocol
to test approaches to train health workers in India'
type: article
unique-id: WOS:000729238200070
usage-count-last-180-days: '1'
usage-count-since-2013: '1'
volume: '6'
web-of-science-categories: Medicine, Research \& Experimental
year: '2020'