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abstract: 'Background: Family-based interventions present a much-needed opportunity
to increase children''s physical activity levels. However, little is
known about how best to engage parents and their children in physical
activity research. This study aimed to engage with the whole family to
understand how best to recruit for, and retain participation in,
physical activity research.
Methods: Families (including a `target'' child aged between 8 and 11
years, their parents, siblings, and others) were recruited through
schools and community groups. Focus groups were conducted using a
semi-structured approach (informed by a pilot session). Families were
asked to order cards listing the possible benefits of, and the barriers
to, being involved in physical activity research and other health
promotion activities, highlighting the items they consider most
relevant, and suggesting additional items. Duplicate content analysis
was used to identify transcript themes and develop a coding frame.
Results: Eighty-two participants from 17 families participated,
including 17 `target'' children (mean age 9.3 +/- 1.1 years, 61.1 \%
female), 32 other children and 33 adults (including parents,
grandparents, and older siblings). Social, health and educational
benefits were cited as being key incentives for involvement in physical
activity research, with emphasis on children experiencing new things,
developing character, and increasing social contact (particularly for
shy children). Children''s enjoyment was also given priority. The
provision of child care or financial reward was not considered
sufficiently appealing. Increased time commitment or scheduling
difficulties were quoted as the most pertinent barriers to involvement
(especially for families with several children), but parents commented
these could be overcome if the potential value for children was clear.
Conclusions: Lessons learned from this work may contribute to the
development of effective recruitment and retention strategies for
children and their families. Making the wide range of potential benefits
clear to families, providing regular feedback, and carefully considering
family structure, may prove useful in achieving desired research
participation. This may subsequently assist in engaging families in
interventions to increase physical activity in children.'
affiliation: 'Brown, HE (Corresponding Author), Univ Cambridge, Sch Clin Med, Inst
Metab Sci, MRC Epidemiol Unit, Box 285, Cambridge CB2 0QQ, England.
Brown, Helen Elizabeth, Univ Cambridge, Sch Clin Med, Inst Metab Sci, MRC Epidemiol
Unit, Cambridge CB2 0QQ, England.
Univ Cambridge, Sch Clin Med, Inst Metab Sci, UKCRC Ctr Diet \& Activ Res CEDAR,
Cambridge CB2 0QQ, England.'
article-number: '1178'
author: Brown, Helen Elizabeth and Schiff, Annie and van Sluijs, Esther M. F.
- family: Brown
given: Helen Elizabeth
- family: Schiff
given: Annie
- family: van Sluijs
given: Esther M. F.
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.1186/s12889-015-2497-4
files: []
issn: 1471-2458
language: English
month: NOV 25
number-of-cited-references: '22'
orcid-numbers: van Sluijs, Esther/0000-0001-9141-9082
papis_id: 197629cbc400a8b87dfca7dee29130df
ref: Brown2015engagingfamilies
times-cited: '23'
title: 'Engaging families in physical activity research: a family-based focus group
type: article
unique-id: WOS:000365312600002
usage-count-last-180-days: '0'
usage-count-since-2013: '15'
volume: '15'
web-of-science-categories: Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health
year: '2015'