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abstract: 'The purpose of the paper is to highlight the living conditions of
disabled people of the Great Patriotic War in post-war Ukraine, which
were resulted from certain measures for the social protection of that
social group, implemented by the party-government leadership of the
The scientific novelty is in the fact that the study focuses on
manifestations of discrimination by the authorities against certain
groups of the social community of disabled front-line soldiers in the
Ukrainian SSR.
Conclusions. The process of legal registration of the social group
`invalids of the Great Patriotic War'' in the USSR and the Ukrainian SSR
began in 1940 and continued until the end of the Second World War. The
disabled of the Soviet-German War were legally separated from all social
groups of the social security system and had a number of rights and
privileges. At the same time, the practice of implementing the policy of
the disabled WWII soldiers'' social protection by the party-government
leadership of the USSR and Ukrainian SSR testified to a general tendency
to ignore those rights and privileges.
The facts of the encroachment of the highest-ranking Communist party and
government of the USSR and Ukraine representatives upon the process of
determining the degree of loss of labor capacity of disabled veterans
with the aim of reducing expenses for supporting their incomes are found
out. The reasons for such actions of the authorities are analyzed. The
dependence of the social protection of the war disabled on the
ideological guidelines of the communist state as well as the
command-administrative system of managing the economy and social policy
is revealed. Disabled WWII soldiers who lived in the villages were
discriminated against as well. They were paid a smaller pension, were
not given food stamps for a guaranteed supply of bread, and were not
exempted from taxes in kind in the form of harvesting agricultural
products. It was discrimination on social grounds.
The administrative and coercive character of the solution to the problem
of employment of disabled WWII soldiers in post-war Ukraine is proven.
The paper shows the facts of discrimination against disabled war
veterans with severe injuries who tried to survive on their own in hard
living conditions, engaging in petty trade or begging. Authorities
deprived them of freedom of movement, freedom of choice of occupation,
and even personal freedom, forcibly sending them to specialized
institutions. The top officials of the republic were also involved in
affiliation: 'Hordiyenko, V (Corresponding Author), Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedag
Univ, Uman, Ukraine.
Hordiyenko, Vyacheslav; Hordiyenko, Halina, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedag Univ,
Uman, Ukraine.'
author: Hordiyenko, Vyacheslav and Hordiyenko, Halina
author-email: ''
- family: Hordiyenko
given: Vyacheslav
- family: Hordiyenko
given: Halina
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.33782/eminak2022.2(38).586
eissn: 2708-0226
files: []
issn: 1998-4634
journal: EMINAK
keywords: 'disabled of the Great Patriotic War; social protection; disability
category; pension; employment; discrimination; repressions'
keywords-plus: DISABILITY
language: Ukrainian
month: APR-JUN
number: '2'
number-of-cited-references: '22'
pages: 130-146
papis_id: 93fe3b52a70e25f89c43de91bde142e0
ref: Hordiyenko2022disabledpeople
times-cited: '0'
type: article
unique-id: WOS:000904729000009
usage-count-last-180-days: '0'
usage-count-since-2013: '0'
web-of-science-categories: Archaeology; History; History \& Philosophy Of Science
year: '2022'