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abstract: 'Our research was designed to find out to what extent non-profit
organisations that identified their scope of activity as enhancing
employment and training are able to fulfil their aims, can they increase
employment, especially the employment of groups that are disadvantaged
in the labour market, what did they achieve in the field of
(re)integrating people to the labour market. We analysed existing
statistics and also carried out a survey among non-profit organisations.
the information that we were able to gather and organise in a systematic
way can be used to assess the effectivity of civil initiatives.
The number of non-profit organisations active in the field of enhancing
employment was around 200 in the past few years, with a slightly
declining tendency in the number. The majority had the form of
foundations and associations. An increasing number of these
organisations had employees, but they have fewer volunteers than other
non-profit organisations. The weight of Government financial support is
outstandingly high in these organisations, compared to the average of
the non-profit sector. The total amount of government financial support
to non-profit organisations active in the field of employment issues was
18 billion HUF The majority of the organisations targeted the employment
of unemployed persons, their activities included training, job hunting
but also the employment of the target group by the organisation itself.
The target group is mainly private individuals, but some of the
organisations service other organisations or groups, among them minority
groups (old, young, families, Roma etc.). the activity of the
organisations is mostly limited to a settlement or a micro-region, few
of them have a county, macro regional or national activity scope.
The demand for the services of these NGOs exceeds their capacity but
they are sooner or later able to help.
The major source of resources are the municipalities and their own
incomes but a large amount comes from the government or from ministries
directly and from the offerings of private individuals who can offer 1\%
of their income tax to an NGO of their choice. The working conditions
and the infrastructure of these NGOs is at a medium level. they have to
cope with a shortage in resources, which they try to overcome by
continuous applications to various funds; they submit proposals 7 times
a year on the average.
They consider their own activities to be successful and improving, the
majority said that they were able to reach their goals, though they
would like to provide services to more people and they would like to
improve the co-operation with local municipalities and government
affiliation: 'Dobossy, I (Corresponding Author), Hungarian Cent Stat, Budapest, Hungary.
Dobossy, Imre; Viragh, Eszter; Vukovich, Gabriella, Hungarian Cent Stat, Budapest,
Vukovich, Gabriella, DEMO STAT CONSULTANTS, Budapest, Hungary.'
author: Dobossy, Imre and Viragh, Eszter and Vukovich, Gabriella
author-email: ''
- family: Dobossy
given: Imre
- family: Viragh
given: Eszter
- family: Vukovich
given: Gabriella
da: '2023-09-28'
files: []
issn: 1786-3341
keywords: 'civil (non-profit) sector; ngos active in improving employment;
reintegration to the labour market; support to disadvanteged groups;
training; register of ngos'
language: Hungarian
number: 3-4
number-of-cited-references: '0'
pages: 44+
papis_id: 77b207b178825d103829cd50944a3211
ref: Dobossy2007situationnonprofit
times-cited: '0'
title: The situation of non-profit organisations active in improving employment
type: article
unique-id: WOS:000253897900003
usage-count-last-180-days: '0'
usage-count-since-2013: '0'
volume: '4'
web-of-science-categories: Public Administration
year: '2007'