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abstract: 'China''s main comparative advantage in international competition is its
cheap labour, mostly migrant workers from rural areas. Migrant workers
play an important role in the economic development of China. Since 1978
when China began to adopt the reform and opening-up policy, more and
more migrant workers have poured into cities and towns to seek better
employment opportunities. However, besides low wages, they have to
endure long working hours and dangerous working environments. In
addition, many employers do not contribute social insurance for migrant
workers at all, leaving them vulnerable to unexpected living costs.
According to a survey conducted in the Yangtze Delta Region by the Legal
Aid Program for Migrant Workers at Nanjing University in August 2009,
only 39.3 per cent of migrant workers have pension schemes, and 31.5 per
cent of migrant workers have not joined any social insurance schemes of
any sort. In some cities such as Wenzhou, even fewer are covered, as
only 15.4 per cent of migrant workers have a pension scheme and 50 per
cent of migrant workers have not joined any social insurance scheme.
When migrant workers become old, sick, unemployed or injured in
industrial accidents, they fall into poverty because they cannot apply
for social insurance benefits. Among these problematic issues, old-age
insurance should be specifically highlighted because more migrant
workers are reaching their retirement age. There has been an increasing
number of pension cases filed at the courts of law. However, many courts
refuse to proceed with the hearings of these social insurance cases, or
apply inappropriate legal doctrines in the trial process. It is also
almost impossible for migrant workers to get legal redress for their
pension benefits when their employers fail to comply with the law and
contribute fees for them. It is imperative for the Chinese government to
unify the old-age insurance system countrywide.'
affiliation: 'Zhou, CZ (Corresponding Author), Nanjing Univ, Sch Law, Nanjing, Peoples
R China.
Nanjing Univ, Sch Law, Nanjing, Peoples R China.'
author: Changzheng, Zhou
- family: Changzheng
given: Zhou
da: '2023-09-28'
eissn: 0219-8614
files: []
issn: 0219-7472
language: English
month: AUG
number: '2'
number-of-cited-references: '8'
pages: 135-150
papis_id: 4a412c48d74a01564b1617c90242c4a1
ref: Changzheng2015legalprotection
times-cited: '1'
title: Legal Protection of the Right to Old-Age Insurance for Migrant Workers from
Rural Areas in China
type: article
unique-id: WOS:000360141000008
usage-count-last-180-days: '3'
usage-count-since-2013: '26'
volume: '13'
web-of-science-categories: Area Studies
year: '2015'