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abstract: 'The cut flower industry is one of Kenya''s fastest growing foreign
exchange earners. The industry is dominated by large-scale sophisticated
outfits, growing mainly flowers in greenhouses. Employer-employee
relations in flower plantations at times develop in the context of
infringement of human, social, and labour rights. Recurrent problems
such as exposure to toxic chemicals without appropriate protective gear
and employment terms are rarely addressed. Consequently, women who are
normally employed as unskilled workers in flower production greenhouses
are more vulnerable. In order to change the prevailing inequality and
allow equal relations in flower industry, it is necessary to understand
details of the current situation. The study aimed at mapping existing
data on gender concerns in cut flower sub-sector, with the view of
offering suggestions for establishment of proactive gender policies and
gender mainstreaming frameworks. Secondary sources of data were used to
gather information. A combination of library/internet search and desk
study was used to ensure exhaustion of access to existing data. The
contents of the documents accessed were analysed systematically to
reveal the key dimensions presented in the data. This study traced a
wide range of gender concerns covering four main themes; gender rights
and participation, gender and employment, gender and sexual harassment
and gender in small holder flower value chain. For the code of conduct
to be effective, it must be gender sensitive with a continual process of
awareness raising and improvement with an ultimate aim of fostering a
work environment where the social and economic rights of workers are
respected. This requires an education process of management and workers
on recognising that improving labour conditions through gender sensitive
policies and frameworks would enhance productivity and quality of work.
It is in the interest of all stakeholders, including the government,
trade unions, workers, among others, to ensure that this occurs.'
affiliation: 'Miriti, LC (Corresponding Author), Natl Hort Res Ctr, Kenya Agr Res
Inst, POB 220-01000, Thika, Kenya.
Miriti, L. C.; Gikaara, D. M.; Gitonga, J., Natl Hort Res Ctr, Kenya Agr Res Inst,
POB 220-01000, Thika, Kenya.
Waiganjo, M. M., Dept Agr Livestock \& Fisheries, Kiambu, Kiambu County, Kenya.'
author: Miriti, L. C. and Gikaara, D. M. and Gitonga, J. and Waiganjo, M. M.
- family: Miriti
given: L. C.
- family: Gikaara
given: D. M.
- family: Gitonga
given: J.
- family: Waiganjo
given: M. M.
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2015.1077.9
editor: Wesonga, JM and Opiyo, AM
files: []
isbn: 978-94-62610-70-5
issn: 0567-7572
keywords: flowers; Kenya; existing data; gender relations; large scale
language: English
note: '1st International Symposium on Ornamentals in Africa, Naivasha, KENYA,
SEP 09-13, 2013'
number-of-cited-references: '14'
pages: 95-104
papis_id: 4233bbceb3133329f581a8e9731a016b
ref: Miriti2015mappinggender
series: Acta Horticulturae
times-cited: '0'
title: Mapping Gender Concerns in Cut-Flower Value Chains in Kenya
type: proceedings
unique-id: WOS:000378329000009
usage-count-last-180-days: '0'
usage-count-since-2013: '11'
volume: '1077'
web-of-science-categories: Horticulture
year: '2015'