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abstract: 'Federal and state governments spend well over a billion dollars a year
on programs that encourage employment development in disadvantaged labor
markets through the use of subsidies and tax credits. In this paper we
use an estimation approach that is valid under relatively weak
assumptions to measure the impact of State Enterprise Zones (ENTZs),
Federal Empowerment Zones (EMPZs), and Federal Enterprise Community
(ENTC) programs on local labor markets. We find that all three programs
have positive, statistically significant, impacts on local labor markets
in terms of the unemployment rate, the poverty rate, the fraction with
wage and salary income, and employment. Further, the effects of EMPZ and
ENTC designation are considerably larger than the impact of ENTZ
designation. We find that our estimates are robust to allowing for a
regression to the mean effect. We also find that there are positive, but
statistically insignificant, spillover effects to neighboring Census
tracts of each of these programs. Thus our positive estimates of these
program impacts do not simply represent a transfer from the nearest
non-treated Census tract to the treated Census tract. Our results are
noteworthy for several reasons. First, our study is the first to jointly
look at these three programs, thus allowing policy makers to compare the
impacts of these programs. Second, our paper, along with a concurrent
study by Neumark and Kolko (2008), is the first to carry out the
estimation accounting for overlap between the programs. Third, our
estimation strategy is valid under weaker assumptions than those made in
many previous studies; we consider three comparison groups and let the
data determine the appropriate group. Fourth, in spite of our
conservative estimation strategy, by looking at national effects with
disaggregated data, we show that ENTZ designation generally has a
positive effect on the local labor market, while most previous research
on ENTZs, much of which used more geographically aggregated data to look
at state-specific effects, did not find any significant impacts. Fifth,
we note that there is little or no previous work on ENTCs. Overall, our
results strongly support the efficacy of these labor market
interventions. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.'
affiliation: 'Ham, JC (Corresponding Author), Univ Maryland, IZA \& IRP UW Madison,
College Pk, MD 20742 USA.
Ham, John C., Univ Maryland, IZA \& IRP UW Madison, College Pk, MD 20742 USA.
Swenson, Charles; Imrohoroglu, Ayse, Univ So Calif, Marshall Sch Business, Los Angeles,
CA 90089 USA.'
author: Ham, John C. and Swenson, Charles and Imrohoroglu, Ayse and Song, Heonjae
- family: Ham
given: John C.
- family: Swenson
given: Charles
- family: Imrohoroglu
given: Ayse
- family: Song
given: Heonjae
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.1016/j.jpubeco.2010.11.027
files: []
issn: 0047-2727
keywords: 'Enterprise zones; Empowerment zones; Enterprise communities; Program
evaluation; Disadvantaged labor markets'
language: English
month: AUG
number: 7-8
number-of-cited-references: '39'
pages: 779-797
papis_id: a91a44da3eda1a8c64793457e32e8de4
ref: Ham2011governmentprograms
times-cited: '111'
title: 'Government programs can improve local labor markets: Evidence from State Enterprise
Zones, Federal Empowerment Zones and Federal Enterprise Community'
type: article
unique-id: WOS:000291289800025
usage-count-last-180-days: '5'
usage-count-since-2013: '50'
volume: '95'
web-of-science-categories: Economics
year: '2011'