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abstract: 'Women''s participation in the labour market in Central America, Panama,
and the Dominican Republic (CAPADOM) is low by international standards.
Increasing their participation is a goal of many policymakers who want
to improve women''s access to quality employment. This study uses data
from CAPADOM to assess whether gender equality in the law increases
women''s participation in the labour force and, if that is the case, the
extent to which this boosts GDP per capita. To do so, the authors use a
panel VAR model. The results show that CAPADOM could increase female
labour participation rate by 6 percentage points (pp) and GDP per capita
by 1 pp by introducing gender-related legal changes such as equal pay
for equal work, paid parental leave, and allowing women to do all the
same jobs as men.'
affiliation: 'Rodriguez-Caballero, CV (Corresponding Author), ITAM, Dept Stat, Mexico
City, DF, Mexico.
Rodriguez-Caballero, CV (Corresponding Author), Aarhus Univ, CREATES, Aarhus, Denmark.
Lopez-Marmolejo, Arnoldo, Interamer Dev Bank IDB, Washington, DC USA.
Rodriguez-Caballero, C. Vladimir, ITAM, Dept Stat, Mexico City, DF, Mexico.
Rodriguez-Caballero, C. Vladimir, Aarhus Univ, CREATES, Aarhus, Denmark.'
author: Lopez-Marmolejo, Arnoldo and Rodriguez-Caballero, C. Vladimir
- family: Lopez-Marmolejo
given: Arnoldo
- family: Rodriguez-Caballero
given: C. Vladimir
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.15196/RS130301
earlyaccessdate: MAY 2023
eissn: 2064-8243
files: []
issn: 2063-9538
keywords: 'women; business and the law index; gender inequality in law; economic
growth; female labour participation; panel-VAR; CAPADOM'
language: English
month: 2023 MAY 24
number-of-cited-references: '40'
papis_id: ebfc8235bdb8a2e594be20d4a80ad39f
ref: Lopezmarmolejo2023assessingeffect
times-cited: '0'
title: Assessing the effect of gender-related legal reforms on female labour participation
and GDP per capita in the Central American region
type: article
unique-id: WOS:000996219500001
usage-count-last-180-days: '0'
usage-count-since-2013: '0'
web-of-science-categories: Geography
year: '2023'