
172 lines
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Raw Normal View History

bibliography: 02-data/supplementary/lib.bib
title: Grab yml
import pandas as pd
from src import data
df = data.from_yml()
Get interventions:
Get inequalities:
df.groupby(["author", "year", "title"]).first().join(df['intervention'])
Unique values in chain method:
df.groupby(["author", "year", "title"])
"intervention": lambda _col:"; ".join(_col),
"inequality": lambda _col:"; ".join(_col),
Merge dataset so it is collected by *STUDY* not by *OBSERVATION*.
Any required columns can be calculated similar to the agg function here.
by_study = (
df.groupby(["author", "year", "title"])
"intervention": lambda _col: "; ".join(_col),
"inequality": lambda _col: "; ".join(_col),
"date": lambda _col: "; ".join(_col),
"findings": lambda _col: "; ".join(_col),
# "region": lambda _col: "; ".join(_col), # only accessible when merging with WB data
# "income_group": lambda _col: "; ".join(_col),
# create de-duplicated joins for all observations
intervention=lambda _df: _df["intervention"].apply(
lambda _cell: set([x.strip() for x in _cell.split(";")])
inequality=lambda _df: _df["inequality"].apply(
lambda _cell: set([x.strip() for x in _cell.split(";")])
by_study = (
df.groupby(["author", "year", "title"])
# create de-duplicated joins for all observations
intervention=lambda _df: _df["intervention"].apply(
lambda _cell: set([x.strip() for x in _cell.split(";")])
inequality=lambda _df: _df["inequality"].apply(
lambda _cell: set([x.strip() for x in _cell.split(";")])
import re
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
by_intervention = (
df.groupby(["author", "year", "title"])
"intervention": lambda _col: "; ".join(_col),
intervention=lambda _df: _df["intervention"].apply(
lambda _cell: set([x.strip() for x in re.sub(r"\(.*\)", "", _cell).split(";")])
sort_order = by_intervention["intervention"].value_counts().index
fig = plt.figure()
fig.set_size_inches(6, 3)
ax = sns.countplot(by_intervention, x="intervention", order=by_intervention["intervention"].value_counts().index)
plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha="right",
by_intervention = None
#| label: fig-publications-per-year
#| fig-cap: Publications per year
df_study_years = (
df.groupby(["author", "year", "title"])
# plot by year TODO decide if we want to distinguish by literature type/region/etc as hue
# FIXME should be timeseries plot so no years are missing
ax = sns.countplot(df_study_years, x="year", native_scale=True)
ax.tick_params(axis='x', rotation=45)
df_study_years = None
#| label: tbl-income-crosstab
#| tbl-cap: Interventions targeting income inequality
df_income = df.copy()
df_income['Inequality'] = df_income['inequality'].str.split(";").explode(ignore_index=True).str.strip()
df_income = df_income.loc[df_income['Inequality'] == "income"].copy()
df_income['Intervention'] = df_income['intervention'].str.split(";").explode(ignore_index=True).str.replace(r"\(.+\)", "", regex=True).str.strip()
pd.crosstab(df_income["Intervention"], df_income["Inequality"])
#| label: tbl-income-crosstab
#| tbl-cap: Interventions targeting income inequality
def inequality_crosstab(df, inequality:str):
temp_df = df.copy()
temp_df['Inequality'] = temp_df['inequality'].str.split(";").explode(ignore_index=True).str.strip()
temp_df = temp_df.loc[temp_df['Inequality'] == inequality].copy()
temp_df['Intervention'] = temp_df['intervention'].str.split(";").explode(ignore_index=True).str.replace(r"\(.+\)", "", regex=True).str.strip()
tab = pd.crosstab(temp_df["Intervention"], temp_df["Inequality"])
return tab
inequality_crosstab(df, "income")