Compare commits
No commits in common. "23e5e013ccbff961e8db1657435e498ed0230ffc" and "30add534e0221960b873d99f7076a1ff6ad28d74" have entirely different histories.
5 changed files with 11 additions and 713 deletions
@ -1,13 +1,9 @@
.PHONY: clean
.PHONY: all clean
all: resume_*.qmd templates/jb2resume.latex letter.qmd templates/letter.latex
all: cv
poetry run quarto render
cv: resume_de.qmd resume_en.qmd templates/jb2resume.latex
cv: resume_de.qmd resume_en.qmd templates/jb2resume.latex
poetry run quarto render resume_de.qmd resume_en.qmd
poetry run quarto render
letter: letter.qmd templates/letter.latex
poetry run quarto render letter.qmd
rm -f *CV.aux *CV.bcf *CV.log *CV.out * *CV.pdf short_CV.tex long_CV.tex *CV.bbl *CV.blg *
rm -f *CV.aux *CV.bcf *CV.log *CV.out * *CV.pdf short_CV.tex long_CV.tex *CV.bbl *CV.blg *
@ -153,10 +153,10 @@ experience:
- de: Strukturierung und Bearbeitung einzelner Kapitel einer wissenschaftlichen Anthologie
- de: Strukturierung und Bearbeitung einzelner Kapitel einer wissenschaftlichen Anthologie
en: Structured and edited individual chapters of a scientific anthology
en: Structured and edited individual chapters of a scientific anthology
- de: Verwaltung von Referenzen und Einhaltung spezifischer akademischer Stilrichtlinien und Verlagsvorgaben
- de: Verwaltung von Referenzen und Einhaltung spezifischer akademischer Stilrichtlinien
en: Managed references and adhered to specified academic style guides and publisher's specifications
en: Managed references and adhered to specified academic style guides
- de: Koordinierung eines kleinen internationalen Teams für das jeweilige Kapitel
- de: Vorbereitung der Buchstruktur, des Titels und des Anhangs gemäß den Vorgaben des Verlages
en: Coordinated small international team for each individual chapter
en: Prepared book structure, title, and appendix according to publisher's specifications
- date:
- date:
de: 2018--2019
de: 2018--2019
en: 2018--2019
en: 2018--2019
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
backaddress: Marty Oehme, Körnerstraße 54, 04107 Leipzig
fromname: Marty Oehme
fromaddress: |
Körnerstraße 54
04107 Leipzig
fromphone: "0177 / 377 49 49"
place: Leipzig, DAY MONTH YEAR
placeseparator: " "
sendto: |
lang: en
subject: Bewerbung für JOBSTELLE
signature: Marty Oehme
opening: Dear CONTACTNAME
closing: Sincerely
template: templates/letter.latex
After two years of cooperation, I recently finished the final in a row of projects undertaken as consultant for UNU-WIDER and the ILO.
I am glad to have happened upon your job posting for the position of project officer as part-time worker with minimum 32 hours, as for me it may allow a more medium term stability than the previous short-term freelance positions did.
Over the previous two years, I have primarily provided research assistance for three major projects under the helm of the UN, the ILO and Roskilde University:
In addition to the descriptive analysis undertaken for all of these projects,
my consultancy for UNU-WIDER required the creation of a time-series visualization on the basis of empirical analysis over roughly 200.000 observations within the UN's WIID dataset.
The previous work for the ILO and Roskilde University instead consisted of deep research for the creation of wide-ranging scoping reviews,
which necessitated collecting, organizing and cleaning datasets of around 2000 source potentials.
I accomplished both of these tasks more efficiently with the help of Python and its data analysis modules which is also where my primary statistical programming focus lies.
Additionally, I have long been helping publish academic, particularly empirical, works,
first in the role of academic assistant and later on as editorial consultant.
Perhaps most personally beneficial for the current position was the publication of a large academic anthology under the SPIWORK project:
During this time I worked with clients located internationally,
collaborating directly to create clear and concise manuscripts for each individual topic,
before merging the divergent aspects into a final coherent whole while also fulfilling publisher's formal requirements.
I would love to bring both the analytical and editorial skillsets together in my new work,
to be able to push them forward in tandem.
Lastly, my skills of communication, especially international communication skills, have been honed throughout this time as I was both participant and leader of small (from 3 people) to medium-sized (up to 8 people) teams.
Collaboration in this way was both exciting and straightforward for me,
and I firmly believe concise and clear communication both engenders easier productivity flows
and is fundamental to the ability to precisely frame topics as complex as energy transition.
My interactions with processes of both long-term energy planning and renewables-based electrification of end-use sectors primarily stem from research undertaken in Vietnam and Benin under the helm of the Agence française de développement,
where the eventual distributional impact of access to clean water and new energy grids provided the project's focus.
I have, however, both the willingness and curiosity to dive deeper into these topics and their related issues of regulatory frameworks, financing and policy framing.
I will be happy to hear back from you and am confident that I could be a good match.
Should you agree that my profile is a good fit for the offered position then do not hesitate to contact me and I would be delighted to arrange a meeting.
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from typing import Any
def summary_to_md(data: dict[str, Any], lang: str = "en", headline: str = ""):
def summary_to_md(data: dict[str, Any], lang: str = "en", headline: str = ""):
if "summary" not in data:
if "summary" not in data:
return ""
md = f"{headline}\n\n {data['summary'][lang]}\n\n"
md = f"{headline}\n\n {data['summary'][lang]}\n\n"
return md
return md
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ def experience_to_md(
subdued_publications: bool = True,
subdued_publications: bool = True,
if "experience" not in data:
if "experience" not in data:
return ""
md = f"{headline}\n\n"
md = f"{headline}\n\n"
md += "\\definecolor{publication}{rgb}{0.5,0.5,0.5}\n\n"
md += "\\definecolor{publication}{rgb}{0.5,0.5,0.5}\n\n"
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ def education_to_md(
data: dict[str, Any], lang: str = "en", headline: str = "", thesis: bool = True
data: dict[str, Any], lang: str = "en", headline: str = "", thesis: bool = True
if "education" not in data:
if "education" not in data:
return ""
md = f"{headline}\n\n"
md = f"{headline}\n\n"
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ def education_to_md(
def qualifications_to_md(data: dict[str, Any], lang: str = "en", headline: str = ""):
def qualifications_to_md(data: dict[str, Any], lang: str = "en", headline: str = ""):
if "skills" not in data:
if "skills" not in data:
return ""
md = f"{headline}\n\n"
md = f"{headline}\n\n"
for skillset in data["skills"]:
for skillset in data["skills"]:
@ -1,645 +0,0 @@
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\setkomavar{opening}{Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,}
\setkomavar{closing}{Mit freundlichen Grüßen}
% $if(date)$\setkomavar{date}{$date$}$endif$
% $if(datename)$\setkomavar*{date}{$datename$}$endif$
Reference in a new issue