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20 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Marty Oehme 74ad73e193
Slight rephrase of German summary 2024-09-12 17:42:23 +02:00
Marty Oehme 6cd12c3b8b
Format resume quarto source files 2024-09-12 17:41:57 +02:00
Marty Oehme d572a63107
Add ZeitRaum volunteering 2024-09-12 17:40:40 +02:00
Marty Oehme 05302ff8dc
Separate client from title
Now we can sort and display per-client and not only chronologically
2024-09-12 17:39:47 +02:00
Marty Oehme f181d0a4fd
Add early job Sales assistance Heureka 2024-09-12 15:36:56 +02:00
Marty Oehme bf3ccec37e
Remove mention of CMS system in American studies job 2024-09-12 15:35:26 +02:00
Marty Oehme 9603b46597
Add link to UNU-WIDER/AFD consulting project 2024-09-12 15:35:02 +02:00
Marty Oehme 6903714088
Update German title UNU-WIDER/AFD consulting 2024-09-12 15:34:41 +02:00
Marty Oehme ac3254822d
Change exact publication for ILO WoW Inequalities
Change publication to show ILO connectedness, update German
'unveröffentlicht' to 'angenommen'.
2024-09-12 15:33:47 +02:00
Marty Oehme 920ee60180
Fix small spelling errors 2024-05-31 11:25:16 +02:00
Marty Oehme 440c4417c5
Update for new work experience 2023-2024 2024-05-29 12:23:05 +02:00
Marty Oehme 43cb95b46a
Update dependencies 2024-05-29 10:23:14 +02:00
Marty Oehme b222a3b874
Fix missing README and imports 2024-05-29 09:05:45 +02:00
Marty Oehme f8ee96970a
Make work experience bulletpoints optional
By supplying `bulletpoints_show = False` to the experience function,
the bullet points under each work experience heading will be
entirely removed so only the work experience names themselves
remain. Good for a general CV, or non-american style listings.
2024-05-29 09:05:23 +02:00
Marty Oehme 6f1b5d0b21
Decrease length of title UNU-WIDER project
German title was pushing date off its column, slight rewording to put
keep it to maximum length.
2023-08-05 09:20:17 +02:00
Marty Oehme 23e5e013cc
Add basic letter template
Added letter template (containing example letter in english for
the time being).
2023-07-31 09:42:41 +02:00
Marty Oehme 73a94bdcea
Update SPIWORK bulletpoint phrasing
Removed redundant bullet point from SPIWORK and rephrased
its contents into another.
2023-07-31 09:42:08 +02:00
Marty Oehme c4e7e72ef5
Add letter output to Makefile
Added simple creation of motivation letter to make outputs.
Uses quarto just like the cv creation, using the letter.qmd
file as its base. Will be included in running a general
`make` command.
2023-07-31 09:41:11 +02:00
Marty Oehme 16e6234dac
Add motivation letter template
Added motivation letter template, originally from a DIN letter
by benedictdudel, slightly adjusted to work with the yaml
frontmatter of quarto (e.g. `to` had to be adjusted).
2023-07-31 09:35:04 +02:00
Marty Oehme b6302e0ca6
Fix empty sections in cv
Whenever an empty section was encountered we returned `None`
which lead to display artifacts as Quarto tried to interpret
what we actually wanted to display.
Instead, we simply return an empty string which is to be
'displayed' so nothing will be shown.
2023-07-31 09:33:57 +02:00
9 changed files with 2055 additions and 881 deletions

View file

@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
.PHONY: all clean .PHONY: clean
all: cv all: resume_*.qmd templates/jb2resume.latex letter.qmd templates/letter.latex
poetry run quarto render
cv: resume_de.qmd resume_en.qmd templates/jb2resume.latex cv: resume_de.qmd resume_en.qmd templates/jb2resume.latex
poetry run quarto render poetry run quarto render resume_de.qmd resume_en.qmd
letter: letter.qmd templates/letter.latex
poetry run quarto render letter.qmd
clean: clean:
rm -f *CV.aux *CV.bcf *CV.log *CV.out * *CV.pdf short_CV.tex long_CV.tex *CV.bbl *CV.blg * rm -f *CV.aux *CV.bcf *CV.log *CV.out * *CV.pdf short_CV.tex long_CV.tex *CV.bbl *CV.blg *

View file

@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ summary:
mit einem Fokus auf Arbeitsmarktpolitiken, ihren Auswirkungen auf Armut und kollektive Organisation, mit einem Fokus auf Arbeitsmarktpolitiken, ihren Auswirkungen auf Armut und kollektive Organisation,
sowie multi-dimensionaler Ungleichheitsreduktion. sowie multi-dimensionaler Ungleichheitsreduktion.
Ich habe ein breites Spektrum an Fähigkeiten in Datenerfassung, -organisation und -analyse, Ich besitze ein breites Spektrum an Fähigkeiten in Datenerfassung, -organisation und -analyse,
Manuskriptbearbeitung und Literaturverwaltung entwickelt, Manuskriptbearbeitung und Literaturverwaltung,
sowie erste Einblicke in Veranstaltungsmanagement, Lehrassistenz, Website-verwaltung und -inhaltserstellung gewonnen. und konnte erste Einblicke in Veranstaltungsmanagement, Lehrassistenz, Website-verwaltung und -inhaltserstellung gewinnen.
Der Rahmen meiner akademischen Arbeit erstreckt sich über Entwicklungsstudien, sozialen Schutz, Öko-Tourismus, und Arbeitsmarktstudien. Der Rahmen meiner akademischen Arbeit erstreckt sich über Entwicklungsstudien, sozialen Schutz, Öko-Tourismus, und Arbeitsmarktstudien.
Abseits meiner professionellen Tätigkeiten interessiere ich mich für, Abseits meiner professionellen Tätigkeiten interessiere ich mich für,
@ -35,27 +35,62 @@ summary:
experience: experience:
- date: - date:
de: 2022--2023 de: 2024
en: 2022--2023 en: 2024
title: title:
de: Co-Autor, Formalisierung und sozialer Schutz, World Development de: Co-Autor, Formalisierung und sozialer Schutz, World Development
en: Co-Author, Formalization and social protection, World Development en: Co-Author, Formalization and social protection, World Development
publication: publication:
de: 'Torm, N., \& Oehme, M. (unveröffentlicht). Social protection, productivity and formalization among low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review of the literature. World Development.' de: 'Torm, N., \& Oehme, M. (2024). Social protection and formalization in low-and middle-income countries: A scoping review of the literature. World Development, 181.'
en: 'Torm, N., \& Oehme, M. (forthcoming). Social protection, productivity and formalization among low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review of the literature. World Development.' en: 'Torm, N., \& Oehme, M. (2024). Social protection and formalization in low-and middle-income countries: A scoping review of the literature. World Development, 181.'
bullets: bullets:
- de: Quantitative Analyse der Verknüpfungen von sozialer Absicherung, Formalisierung und Produktivität - de: Quantitative Analyse der Verknüpfungen von sozialer Absicherung und Formalisierung
en: Quantitative analysis of connections between sozial protection, formalization and productivity en: Quantitative analysis of connections between social protection and formalization
- de: "Durchführung eines 'Scoping Review': Umfassende Quellenrecherche im Umfang von 2000 Überprüfungskandidaten" - de: "Durchführung eines 'Scoping Review': Umfassende Quellenrecherche im Umfang von 2000 Überprüfungskandidaten"
en: "Implementation of a 'scoping review': Comprehensive source research to the extent of 2000 candidates" en: "Implementation of a 'scoping review': Comprehensive source research to the extent of 2000 candidates"
- de: Editorielle Anpassungen von einem Arbeitspapier auf eine Veröffentlichung durch zeitschriftlichen Verlag - de: Editorielle Vorbereitung eines Arbeitspapiers auf eine Veröffentlichung durch wissenschaftlichen Verlag
en: Editorial adaptation from a working paper towards a journal article ready for publishing en: Editorial adaptation from a working paper towards a journal article ready for publishing
- date:
de: 2023--2024
en: 2023--2024
de: ILO
en: ILO
de: Externer Forscher, Ungleichheiten auf dem Arbeitsmarkt
en: External researcher, Inequalities on the Labour market
de: ILO (angenommen). Addressing Inequalities in the World of Work.
en: ILO (forthcoming). Addressing Inequalities in the World of Work.
- de: Zusammenstellung eines systematischen Scoping Review von 4000 globalen Kandidaten für Arbeitsmarktanalysen
en: Compiling a systematic scoping review of 4000 global labour market analysis candidates
- de: Durchführung einer quantitativen Quellenanalyse unter Verwendung neuer Analysen zur Studienvalidität
en: Conducting quantitative source analysis using novel study validity assertions
- de: Erstellung einer umfassenden qualitativen Synthese aus 52 relevanten Arbeitsmarktanalysen
en: Creating a comprehensive qualitative synthesis of 52 relevant labour market analyses
- date:
de: 2023
en: 2023
de: Consultant, Forschungsarbeit für nachhaltige Beschaffung in internationaler Logistik, Refinter Consulting
en: Consultant, Research on sustainable procurement in international logistics, Refinter Consulting
- de: Qualitative Gegenüberstellung verschiedener Forschungsperspektiven im Lieferkettenmanagement
en: Qualitative comparison of various research strands within supply chain management
- de: Analyse von Beschaffungsteilprozessen als lineare, zyklische und entscheidungsorientierte Modelle
en: Analysis of procurement sub-processes as linear, cyclic and decision-oriented models
- de: Klare Abgrenzung der Antriebe und Hindernisse für die Erreichung von Nachhaltigkeit in der Beschaffung
en: Clear delineation of primary drivers and barriers of achieving sustainability in procurement
- date: - date:
de: 2022 de: 2022
en: 2022 en: 2022
de: Universität Roskilde
en: Roskilde University
title: title:
de: Consultant, Datenbankforschung internationale Hilfsgelder, Universität Roskilde de: Consultant, Datenbankforschung internationale Hilfsgelder
en: Consultant, Database research international aid funds, Roskilde University en: Consultant, Database research international aid funds
bullets: bullets:
- de: Präsentation zu Einblick in digitaler Forschung in Datenbanken und Kodierungssystemen - de: Präsentation zu Einblick in digitaler Forschung in Datenbanken und Kodierungssystemen
en: Presentation of introduction to digital research in databases and coding systems en: Presentation of introduction to digital research in databases and coding systems
@ -66,8 +101,11 @@ experience:
- date: - date:
de: 2022 de: 2022
en: 2022 en: 2022
de: Universität Roskilde
en: Roskilde University
title: title:
de: Redaktionsarbeit, Soziale Absicherung und Widerstandsfähigkeit, Universität Roskilde de: Redaktionsarbeit, Soziale Absicherung und Widerstandsfähigkeit
en: Editorial work, Social Protection and Resilience, Roskilde University en: Editorial work, Social Protection and Resilience, Roskilde University
publication: publication:
de: 'Torm, N., Gundertofte, C. M., \& Thur, G. E. (2022). Social Protection and Resilience during COVID-19: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Role of Informal Worker Associations in Kenya. Roskilde Universitet. SECO Working Paper Series Vol. 2022 No. 6.' de: 'Torm, N., Gundertofte, C. M., \& Thur, G. E. (2022). Social Protection and Resilience during COVID-19: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Role of Informal Worker Associations in Kenya. Roskilde Universitet. SECO Working Paper Series Vol. 2022 No. 6.'
@ -82,11 +120,14 @@ experience:
- date: - date:
de: 2022 de: 2022
en: 2022 en: 2022
title: title:
de: Forschungsassistenz, Entwicklungsprojekte zur Reduzierung von Ungleichheitstrends, UNU-WIDER de: Forschungsassistenz, Entwicklungsprojekte zur Reduzierung Ungleichheitstrends
en: Research Assistant, Development projects to reduce inequality trends, UNU-WIDER en: Research Assistant, Development projects to reduce inequality trends
publication: publication:
de: Niño-Zarazúa, M., \& Morabito, C. (unveröffentlicht). Assessing the potential distributional impacts of development interventions. UNU-WIDER. de: Niño-Zarazúa, M., \& Morabito, C. (angenommen). Assessing the potential distributional impacts of development interventions. UNU-WIDER.
en: Niño-Zarazúa, M., \& Morabito, C. (forthcoming). Assessing the potential distributional impacts of development interventions. UNU-WIDER. en: Niño-Zarazúa, M., \& Morabito, C. (forthcoming). Assessing the potential distributional impacts of development interventions. UNU-WIDER.
bullets: bullets:
- de: Sammlung, Verarbeitung und Bereinigung von 4 quantitativen Datensätzen, u.a. der UN Ungleichheitstrends - de: Sammlung, Verarbeitung und Bereinigung von 4 quantitativen Datensätzen, u.a. der UN Ungleichheitstrends
@ -95,12 +136,16 @@ experience:
en: Conducted descriptive analysis of inequality trends and drivers in 4 countries en: Conducted descriptive analysis of inequality trends and drivers in 4 countries
- de: Erstellen visueller Abbildungen der Daten und beschreibender Analysen der Entwicklungshilfen und ihrer Verteilung - de: Erstellen visueller Abbildungen der Daten und beschreibender Analysen der Entwicklungshilfen und ihrer Verteilung
en: Produced basic time-series visualizations and descriptive analysis of development aid contributions and their distribution en: Produced basic time-series visualizations and descriptive analysis of development aid contributions and their distribution
- date: - date:
de: 2022 de: 2022
en: 2022 en: 2022
de: ILO
en: ILO
title: title:
de: Consultant, Review Verknüpfung sozialer Schutz, Produktivität und Formalisierung, ILO de: Consultant, Review Verknüpfung sozialer Schutz, Produktivität und Formalisierung
en: Consultant, Social Protection, Productivity and Formalization Nexus Review, ILO en: Consultant, Social Protection, Productivity and Formalization Nexus Review
publication: publication:
de: "Torm, N. (forthcoming). The Social Protection, Productivity and Formalization Nexus among low- and middle- income countries: A Scoping Review of the Literature. International Labour Office." de: "Torm, N. (forthcoming). The Social Protection, Productivity and Formalization Nexus among low- and middle- income countries: A Scoping Review of the Literature. International Labour Office."
en: "Torm, N. (forthcoming). The Social Protection, Productivity and Formalization Nexus among low- and middle- income countries: A Scoping Review of the Literature. International Labour Office." en: "Torm, N. (forthcoming). The Social Protection, Productivity and Formalization Nexus among low- and middle- income countries: A Scoping Review of the Literature. International Labour Office."
@ -114,9 +159,12 @@ experience:
- date: - date:
de: 2022 de: 2022
en: 2022 en: 2022
de: Universität Roskilde
en: Roskilde University
title: title:
de: Consultant, Review Arbeitsmarktpolitiken in Asien und dem Pazifik, Universität Roskilde de: Consultant, Review Arbeitsmarktpolitiken in Asien und dem Pazifik
en: Consultant, Labour Market Policies Review in Asia and the Pacific, Roskilde University en: Consultant, Labour Market Policies Review in Asia and the Pacific
publication: publication:
de: 'Niño-Zarazúa, M., \& Torm, N. (2022). Active Labour Market Policies in Asia and the Pacific: A review of the literature. Roskilde Universitet. SECO Working Paper Series Vol. 2022 No. 4.' de: 'Niño-Zarazúa, M., \& Torm, N. (2022). Active Labour Market Policies in Asia and the Pacific: A review of the literature. Roskilde Universitet. SECO Working Paper Series Vol. 2022 No. 4.'
en: 'Niño-Zarazúa, M., \& Torm, N. (2022). Active Labour Market Policies in Asia and the Pacific: A review of the literature. Roskilde Universitet. SECO Working Paper Series Vol. 2022 No. 4.' en: 'Niño-Zarazúa, M., \& Torm, N. (2022). Active Labour Market Policies in Asia and the Pacific: A review of the literature. Roskilde Universitet. SECO Working Paper Series Vol. 2022 No. 4.'
@ -128,9 +176,12 @@ experience:
- date: - date:
de: 2021 de: 2021
en: 2021 en: 2021
de: Universität Roskilde
en: Roskilde University
title: title:
de: Forschungsassistenz, informelle Organisierung und Absicherung, Universität Roskilde de: Forschungsassistenz, informelle Organisierung und Absicherung
en: Research Assistant, informal organization and social security, Roskilde University en: Research Assistant, informal organization and social security
publication: publication:
de: Riisgaard, L. (2020). Worker Organisation and Social Protection amongst Informal Petty Traders in Tanzania. Roskilde Universitet. CAE Working Paper No. 2020:4 de: Riisgaard, L. (2020). Worker Organisation and Social Protection amongst Informal Petty Traders in Tanzania. Roskilde Universitet. CAE Working Paper No. 2020:4
en: Riisgaard, L. (2020). Worker Organisation and Social Protection amongst Informal Petty Traders in Tanzania. Roskilde Universitet. CAE Working Paper No. 2020:4 en: Riisgaard, L. (2020). Worker Organisation and Social Protection amongst Informal Petty Traders in Tanzania. Roskilde Universitet. CAE Working Paper No. 2020:4
@ -144,19 +195,22 @@ experience:
- date: - date:
de: 2021 de: 2021
en: 2021 en: 2021
de: Universität Roskilde
en: Roskilde University
title: title:
de: Redaktionsassistenz, SPIWORK-Projekt, Universität Roskilde de: Redaktionsassistenz, SPIWORK-Projekt
en: Editorial Assistant, SPIWORK Project, Roskilde University en: Editorial Assistant, SPIWORK Project
publication: publication:
de: 'Riisgaard, L., Mitullah, W.V., \& Torm, N. (Eds.). (2021). Social Protection and Informal Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lived Realities and Associational Experiences from Tanzania and Kenya (1st ed.). Routledge.' de: 'Riisgaard, L., Mitullah, W.V., \& Torm, N. (Eds.). (2021). Social Protection and Informal Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lived Realities and Associational Experiences from Tanzania and Kenya (1st ed.). Routledge.'
en: 'Riisgaard, L., Mitullah, W.V., \& Torm, N. (Ed.). (2021). Social Protection and Informal Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lived Realities and Associational Experiences from Tanzania and Kenya (1st ed.). Routledge.' en: 'Riisgaard, L., Mitullah, W.V., \& Torm, N. (Ed.). (2021). Social Protection and Informal Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lived Realities and Associational Experiences from Tanzania and Kenya (1st ed.). Routledge.'
bullets: bullets:
- de: Strukturierung und Bearbeitung einzelner Kapitel einer wissenschaftlichen Anthologie - de: Strukturierung und Bearbeitung einzelner Kapitel einer wissenschaftlichen Anthologie
en: Structured and edited individual chapters of a scientific anthology en: Structured and edited individual chapters of a scientific anthology
- de: Verwaltung von Referenzen und Einhaltung spezifischer akademischer Stilrichtlinien - de: Verwaltung von Referenzen und Einhaltung spezifischer akademischer Stilrichtlinien und Verlagsvorgaben
en: Managed references and adhered to specified academic style guides en: Managed references and adhered to specified academic style guides and publisher's specifications
- de: Vorbereitung der Buchstruktur, des Titels und des Anhangs gemäß den Vorgaben des Verlages - de: Koordinierung eines kleinen internationalen Teams für das jeweilige Kapitel
en: Prepared book structure, title, and appendix according to publisher's specifications en: Coordinated small international team for each individual chapter
- date: - date:
de: 2018--2019 de: 2018--2019
en: 2018--2019 en: 2018--2019
@ -166,8 +220,8 @@ experience:
bullets: bullets:
- de: Digitalisierung und Aufbereitung von Unterrichts- und Forschungsmaterialien - de: Digitalisierung und Aufbereitung von Unterrichts- und Forschungsmaterialien
en: Digitized and optimized teaching and research materials en: Digitized and optimized teaching and research materials
- de: Pflege und Verarbeitung des instituts-internen Content Management Systems (SHRIMP) - de: Pflege und Verarbeitung des instituts-internen Content Management Systems
en: Maintained and prepared internal institute content management system (SHRIMP) en: Maintained and prepared internal institute content management system
- de: Optimierung der optischen Schriftzeichenerkennung und artefaktfreien Bildverarbeitung - de: Optimierung der optischen Schriftzeichenerkennung und artefaktfreien Bildverarbeitung
en: Optimized optical character recognition and artifact-free image processing en: Optimized optical character recognition and artifact-free image processing
- date: - date:
@ -187,8 +241,8 @@ experience:
de: 2018 de: 2018
en: 2018 en: 2018
title: title:
de: Veranstaltungs- und Lehrassistenz, Transatlantische Sommerschule Cultures of Security de: Lehrassistenz, Transatlantische Sommerschule Cultures of Security, Universität Leipzig
en: Event and Teaching Assistant, Trans Atlantic Summer School Cultures of Security en: Teaching Assistant, Trans Atlantic Summer School Cultures of Security, University of Leipzig
bullets: bullets:
- de: Vorbereitung, Organisation und Umsetzung von Lehrveranstaltungen und Events - de: Vorbereitung, Organisation und Umsetzung von Lehrveranstaltungen und Events
en: Prepared, organized, and implemented schedule for teaching and events en: Prepared, organized, and implemented schedule for teaching and events
@ -209,6 +263,19 @@ experience:
en: Created API interface to interact with Twitter, Facebook, and an internal event stream en: Created API interface to interact with Twitter, Facebook, and an internal event stream
- de: Design einfacher statischer HTML- und CSS-Seiten - de: Design einfacher statischer HTML- und CSS-Seiten
en: Designed basic HTML and CSS pages en: Designed basic HTML and CSS pages
- date:
de: 2014--2018
en: 2014--2018
de: Verkaufsassistent und Eventhelfer für historische Märkte, Heureka Gastronomie
en: Sales Assistant and Event Support for Historical Markets, Heureka Gastronomy
- de: Betreuung mehrerer Verkaufsstände, darunter Glühwein und Getränke, Grillstände und Handbrote
en: Managed multiple sales stands, including mulled wine and beverages, grill, and handbread stands
- de: Unterstützung der Auf- und Abbauorganisation des gesamten Marktes
en: Supported the setup and teardown organization of the entire market
- de: Koordinierung der Verteilung neuer Ware an Liefertagen
en: Coordinated distribution of new goods on delivery days
education: education:
- place: - place:
@ -331,6 +398,7 @@ skills:
en: GIMP en: GIMP
- de: Adobe Suite - de: Adobe Suite
en: Adobe suite en: Adobe suite
# Add date information for volunteer work
- de: Ehrenamt - de: Ehrenamt
en: Volunteering work en: Volunteering work
content: content:
@ -340,6 +408,12 @@ skills:
items: items:
- de: technische Assistenz zur Vermittlung digitaler Kompetenzen - de: technische Assistenz zur Vermittlung digitaler Kompetenzen
en: technical assistance for conveying digital competencies en: technical assistance for conveying digital competencies
- name:
de: ZeitRaum, Heizhaus e.V.
en: ZeitRaum, Heizhaus association
- de: Vermittlung digitaler Kompetenzen im Alter, Workshop und Fragestunde
en: Transferring Digital Competence in Aging, Workshop and individual sessions
- de: Sprachen - de: Sprachen
en: Languages en: Languages
content: content:

letter.qmd Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
backaddress: Marty Oehme, Körnerstraße 54, 04107 Leipzig
fromname: Marty Oehme
fromaddress: |
Körnerstraße 54
04107 Leipzig
fromphone: "0177 / 377 49 49"
place: Leipzig, DAY MONTH YEAR
placeseparator: " "
sendto: |
lang: en
subject: Bewerbung für JOBSTELLE
signature: Marty Oehme
opening: Dear CONTACTNAME
closing: Sincerely
template: templates/letter.latex
After two years of cooperation, I recently finished the final in a row of projects undertaken as consultant for UNU-WIDER and the ILO.
I am glad to have happened upon your job posting for the position of project officer as part-time worker with minimum 32 hours, as for me it may allow a more medium term stability than the previous short-term freelance positions did.
Over the previous two years, I have primarily provided research assistance for three major projects under the helm of the UN, the ILO and Roskilde University:
In addition to the descriptive analysis undertaken for all of these projects,
my consultancy for UNU-WIDER required the creation of a time-series visualization on the basis of empirical analysis over roughly 200.000 observations within the UN's WIID dataset.
The previous work for the ILO and Roskilde University instead consisted of deep research for the creation of wide-ranging scoping reviews,
which necessitated collecting, organizing and cleaning datasets of around 2000 source potentials.
I accomplished both of these tasks more efficiently with the help of Python and its data analysis modules which is also where my primary statistical programming focus lies.
Additionally, I have long been helping publish academic, particularly empirical, works,
first in the role of academic assistant and later on as editorial consultant.
Perhaps most personally beneficial for the current position was the publication of a large academic anthology under the SPIWORK project:
During this time I worked with clients located internationally,
collaborating directly to create clear and concise manuscripts for each individual topic,
before merging the divergent aspects into a final coherent whole while also fulfilling publisher's formal requirements.
I would love to bring both the analytical and editorial skillsets together in my new work,
to be able to push them forward in tandem.
Lastly, my skills of communication, especially international communication skills, have been honed throughout this time as I was both participant and leader of small (from 3 people) to medium-sized (up to 8 people) teams.
Collaboration in this way was both exciting and straightforward for me,
and I firmly believe concise and clear communication both engenders easier productivity flows
and is fundamental to the ability to precisely frame topics as complex as energy transition.
My interactions with processes of both long-term energy planning and renewables-based electrification of end-use sectors primarily stem from research undertaken in Vietnam and Benin under the helm of the Agence française de développement,
where the eventual distributional impact of access to clean water and new energy grids provided the project's focus.
I have, however, both the willingness and curiosity to dive deeper into these topics and their related issues of regulatory frameworks, financing and policy framing.
I will be happy to hear back from you and am confident that I could be a good match.
Should you agree that my profile is a good fit for the offered position then do not hesitate to contact me and I would be delighted to arrange a meeting.

poetry.lock generated

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from typing import Any
def summary_to_md(data: dict[str, Any], lang: str = "en", headline: str = ""): def summary_to_md(data: dict[str, Any], lang: str = "en", headline: str = ""):
if "summary" not in data: if "summary" not in data:
return return ""
md = f"{headline}\n\n {data['summary'][lang]}\n\n" md = f"{headline}\n\n {data['summary'][lang]}\n\n"
return md return md
@ -23,21 +23,28 @@ def experience_to_md(
data: dict[str, Any], data: dict[str, Any],
lang: str = "en", lang: str = "en",
headline: str = "", headline: str = "",
subdued_publications: bool = True, subdued_publications: bool = True, # slightly off-color presentation
bulletpoints_show: bool = True, # display detailed bulletpoints per job
): ):
if "experience" not in data: if "experience" not in data:
return return ""
md = f"{headline}\n\n" md = f"{headline}\n\n"
md += "\\definecolor{publication}{rgb}{0.5,0.5,0.5}\n\n" md += "\\definecolor{publication}{rgb}{0.5,0.5,0.5}\n\n"
for exp in data["experience"]: for exp in data["experience"]:
md += f"## {exp['title'][lang]}\\hfill{exp['date'][lang]}\n\n" client = exp["client"][lang] if "client" in exp else ""
title = exp["title"][lang] if "title" in exp else ""
md += (
# new python 3.12 f-string embedding niceness
f"## {title}{f", {client}" if client else ""}\\hfill{exp['date'][lang]}\n\n"
if "publication" in exp: if "publication" in exp:
md += _publication_md(exp["publication"][lang], subdued_publications) md += _publication_md(exp["publication"][lang], subdued_publications)
for point in exp["bullets"]: if bulletpoints_show:
md += f"* {point[lang]}\n" for point in exp["bullets"]:
md += f"* {point[lang]}\n"
md += "\n\n" md += "\n\n"
return md return md
@ -56,7 +63,7 @@ def education_to_md(
data: dict[str, Any], lang: str = "en", headline: str = "", thesis: bool = True data: dict[str, Any], lang: str = "en", headline: str = "", thesis: bool = True
): ):
if "education" not in data: if "education" not in data:
return return ""
md = f"{headline}\n\n" md = f"{headline}\n\n"
@ -73,7 +80,7 @@ def education_to_md(
def qualifications_to_md(data: dict[str, Any], lang: str = "en", headline: str = ""): def qualifications_to_md(data: dict[str, Any], lang: str = "en", headline: str = ""):
if "skills" not in data: if "skills" not in data:
return return ""
md = f"{headline}\n\n" md = f"{headline}\n\n"
for skillset in data["skills"]: for skillset in data["skills"]:

View file

@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ version = "0.1.0"
description = "My personal curriculum vitae" description = "My personal curriculum vitae"
authors = ["Marty Oehme <>"] authors = ["Marty Oehme <>"]
license = "GPLv3" license = "GPLv3"
readme = "" packages = [
{ include = "processing"}
[tool.poetry.dependencies] [tool.poetry.dependencies]
python = "^3.11" python = "^3.11"

View file

@ -4,39 +4,44 @@ subtitle: Marty Oehme
name: Marty Oehme name: Marty Oehme
lang: de lang: de
left-column: left-column:
- 'Email: [](' - "Email: []("
- 'Telefon: +49 177 377 4949' - "Telefon: +49 177 377 4949"
right-column: right-column:
- 'Homepage: [](' - "Homepage: []("
- 'GitHub: [](' - "GitHub: []("
- 'Stand: \today' - 'Stand: \today'
--- ---
```{python} ```{python}
from IPython.core.display import Markdown from processing import yml, content
from IPython.display import display from IPython.display import Markdown
from processing import yml data = yml.parse("content.yml")
from processing import content lang = "de"
``` ```
```{python} ```{python}
#| label: summary
display(Markdown(content.summary_to_md(data, headline="# Zusammenfassung", lang=lang))) display(Markdown(content.summary_to_md(data, headline="# Zusammenfassung", lang=lang)))
``` ```
```{python} ```{python}
display(Markdown( #| label: prof experience
content.experience_to_md(data, headline="# Berufserfahrung", lang=lang))) display(
Markdown(content.experience_to_md(data, headline="# Berufserfahrung", lang=lang))
``` ```
```{python} ```{python}
#| label: education
display(Markdown(content.education_to_md(data, headline="# Ausbildung", lang=lang))) display(Markdown(content.education_to_md(data, headline="# Ausbildung", lang=lang)))
``` ```
```{python} ```{python}
display(Markdown( #| label: qualifications
content.qualifications_to_md(data, headline="# Qualifikationen", lang=lang))) display(
content.qualifications_to_md(data, headline="# Qualifikationen", lang=lang)
``` ```

View file

@ -4,38 +4,48 @@ subtitle: Marty Oehme
name: Marty Oehme name: Marty Oehme
lang: en lang: en
left-column: left-column:
- 'Email: [](' - "Email: []("
- 'Mobile: +49 177 377 4949' - "Mobile: +49 177 377 4949"
right-column: right-column:
- 'Homepage: [](' - "Homepage: []("
- 'GitHub: [](' - "GitHub: []("
- 'Last Updated: \today' - 'Last Updated: \today'
--- ---
```{python} ```{python}
from IPython.display import display, Markdown from processing import yml, content
from IPython.display import Markdown
from processing import yml data = yml.parse("content.yml")
from processing import content lang = "en"
``` ```
```{python} ```{python}
#| label: summary
display(Markdown(content.summary_to_md(data, headline="# Summary", lang=lang))) display(Markdown(content.summary_to_md(data, headline="# Summary", lang=lang)))
``` ```
```{python} ```{python}
display(Markdown( #| label: prof experience
content.experience_to_md(data, headline="# Professional experience", lang=lang))) display(
headline="# Professional experience",
``` ```
```{python} ```{python}
#| label: education
display(Markdown(content.education_to_md(data, headline="# Education", lang=lang))) display(Markdown(content.education_to_md(data, headline="# Education", lang=lang)))
``` ```
```{python} ```{python}
display(Markdown( #| label: qualifications
content.qualifications_to_md(data, headline="# Qualifications", lang=lang))) display(
Markdown(content.qualifications_to_md(data, headline="# Qualifications", lang=lang))
``` ```

templates/letter.latex Normal file
View file

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