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@ -0,0 +1,874 @@
title = {Decomposing the {{Ethnic Gap}} in {{Rural Vietnam}}, 19932004},
author = {Baulch, Bob and Pham, Hung T. and Reilly, Barry},
date = {2012-03},
journaltitle = {Oxford Development Studies},
shortjournal = {Oxford Development Studies},
volume = {40},
number = {1},
pages = {87--117},
issn = {1360-0818, 1469-9966},
doi = {10.1080/13600818.2011.646441},
langid = {english},
keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,status::skimmed,topic::rural},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T08:44:18Z},
file = {Baulch2012_Decomposing the Ethnic Gap in Rural Vietnam, 19932004.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/K4W8VPTE/Baulch2012_Decomposing the Ethnic Gap in Rural Vietnam, 19932004.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Agriculture and Income Distribution in Rural {{Vietnam}} under Economic Reforms: A Tale of Two Regions},
booktitle = {Economic {{Growth}}, {{Poverty}} and {{Household Welfare}} in {{Vietnam}}},
author = {Benjamin, Dwayne and Brandt, Loren},
editor = {Glewwe, Paul and Agrawal, Nisha and Dollar, David},
date = {2004},
pages = {133--186},
publisher = {{World Bank}},
location = {{Washington, D.C.}},
abstract = {\&printsec=frontcover\#v=onepage\&q\&f=false},
keywords = {inequality::income,topic::modernization,topic::trade_liberalization},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T09:54:51Z}
title = {Growth with Equity: Income Inequality in {{Vietnam}}, 200214},
shorttitle = {Growth with Equity},
author = {Benjamin, Dwayne and Brandt, Loren and McCaig, Brian},
date = {2017-03},
journaltitle = {The Journal of Economic Inequality},
shortjournal = {J Econ Inequal},
volume = {15},
number = {1},
pages = {25--46},
issn = {1569-1721, 1573-8701},
doi = {10.1007/s10888-016-9341-7},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,index::Gini,index::Theil,inequality::income,status::read,topic::equity},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-14T19:48:15Z},
file = {Benjamin2017_Growth with equity.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/FQJMZJSG/Benjamin2017_Growth with equity.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Determinants of {{Rural-Urban Inequality}} in {{Vietnam}}: {{Detailed Decomposition Analyses Based}} on {{Unconditional Quantile Regressions}}},
shorttitle = {Determinants of {{Rural-Urban Inequality}} in {{Vietnam}}},
author = {Bui, Thanh P. and Imai, Katsushi S.},
date = {2019-12-02},
journaltitle = {The Journal of Development Studies},
shortjournal = {The Journal of Development Studies},
volume = {55},
number = {12},
pages = {2610--2625},
issn = {0022-0388, 1743-9140},
doi = {10.1080/00220388.2018.1536265},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,inequality::rural,status::read,topic::rural,topic::urban},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-14T19:48:10Z},
file = {Bui2019_Determinants of Rural-Urban Inequality in Vietnam.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/7GHFRSL8/Bui2019_Determinants of Rural-Urban Inequality in Vietnam.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Multidimensional {{Inequality}} in {{Vietnam}}, 20022012},
author = {Bui, Thi Kim Thanh and Erreygers, Guido},
date = {2020-04-05},
journaltitle = {Economies},
shortjournal = {Economies},
volume = {8},
number = {2},
pages = {29},
issn = {2227-7099},
doi = {10.3390/economies8020029},
abstract = {We investigate the evolution of multidimensional inequality of well-being in Vietnam in the period 20022012 using household survey data. Our study focuses on four crucial dimensions of human welfare: consumption, education, health and housing. We measure inequality by means of the multidimensional Atkinson index, which belongs to the Atkinson family of relative inequality indices. The choice of the values of two crucial parameters, with respect to the aversion to inequality on the one hand and the degree of substitutability between dimensions on the other hand, has a significant influence on the perceived trends of inequality. We consider different combinations of dimensions (two, three and four dimensions) and a wide variety of values of the parameters, with the aim of arriving at a robust understanding of the extent of inequality in Vietnam. Our results suggest that the level of multidimensional inequality in Vietnam has decreased, albeit that this is not the case for all combinations of the parameter values. Our study shows that looking at multidimensional rather than one-dimensional inequality leads to a richer understanding of the evolution of inequality, and indicates that it is important to be aware of the influence of value judgments on the assessment of inequality.},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,index::Atkinson,inequality::education,inequality::health,inequality::housing,topic::consumption,topic::education,topic::health,topic::housing},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-14T11:12:31Z},
file = {Bui2020_Multidimensional Inequality in Vietnam, 20022012.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/IXPIBKJR/Bui2020_Multidimensional Inequality in Vietnam, 20022012.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Urban and Rural Dimensions of Income Inequality in Vietnam},
author = {Cao, Thi Cam Van and Akita, Takahiro},
date = {2008},
series = {Economic {{Development}} \& {{Policy Series}}},
institution = {{GSIR}},
keywords = {inequality::income,inequality::rural,status::skimmed,topic::agriculture,topic::modernization,topic::trade_liberalization},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T15:17:31Z},
file = {Cao2008_Urban and rural dimensions of income inequality in vietnam.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/EXXELF4W/Cao2008_Urban and rural dimensions of income inequality in vietnam.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {The Distributive Impact of {{Vietnam}}'s Accession to the {{WTO}}:},
shorttitle = {The Distributive Impact of {{Vietnam}}'s Accession to the {{WTO}}},
author = {Cling, Jean-Pierre and Marouani, Mohamed Ali and Razafindrakoto, Mireille and Robilliard, Anne-Sophie and Roubaud, François},
date = {2009-11-02},
journaltitle = {Économie internationale},
volume = {n° 118},
number = {2},
pages = {43--71},
issn = {1240-8093},
doi = {10.3917/ecoi.118.0043},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,inequality::income,topic::trade_liberalization},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T09:53:58Z}
title = {Does {{Horizontal Inequality Matter}} in {{Vietnam}}?},
author = {Dang, Thi Thu Hoai},
date = {2019-10},
journaltitle = {Social Indicators Research},
shortjournal = {Soc Indic Res},
volume = {145},
number = {3},
pages = {943--956},
issn = {0303-8300, 1573-0921},
doi = {10.1007/s11205-018-1896-1},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,inequality::ethnicity,inequality::horizontal,inequality::regional},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-14T11:13:00Z},
file = {Dang2019_Does Horizontal Inequality Matter in Vietnam.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/RIVNVNEQ/Dang2019_Does Horizontal Inequality Matter in Vietnam.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Livestock Production and Income Inequality in Rural {{Vietnam}}},
author = {Do, Truong Lam and Nguyen, Trung Thanh and Grote, Ulrike},
date = {2022-02},
journaltitle = {Empirical Economics},
shortjournal = {Empir Econ},
volume = {62},
number = {2},
pages = {409--438},
issn = {0377-7332, 1435-8921},
doi = {10.1007/s00181-021-02022-6},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,inequality::income,topic::agriculture,topic::livestock},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-14T11:26:05Z},
file = {Do2022_Livestock production and income inequality in rural Vietnam.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/ED6YGVJ6/Do2022_Livestock production and income inequality in rural Vietnam.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Womens Economic Empowerment and {{COVID-19}}: The Case of Vulnerable Women with Intersectional Identities in {{Indonesia}} and {{Vietnam}}},
shorttitle = {Womens Economic Empowerment and {{COVID-19}}},
author = {Ebrahim, Christine and Jack, Adrienne and Jones, Linda},
date = {2021-06-01},
journaltitle = {Enterprise Development and Microfinance},
shortjournal = {EDM},
volume = {32},
number = {1},
pages = {44--56},
issn = {17551978, 17551986},
doi = {10.3362/1755-1986.21-00007},
abstract = {In recent decades, ASEAN has seen significant progress in gender equality and womens empowerment. However, advances have not been even and vulnerable women with a range of intersectional identities have not benefited to the same extent as more privileged women or their male counterparts. Moreover, despite ASEANs much-lauded success in COVID-19 prevention and containment, the economic gains that had been achieved for women and girls are rapidly losing ground. Disruptions in the tourism sector, labour migration, and international trade have had a devastating economic impact on vulnerable populations, while innovations and new implementation approaches have provided some relief for low-income communities. This paper describes the COVID-19 economic fallout for women homeworkers and labour migrants engaged in informal jobs in Indonesia and low-income ethnic minority women in agriculture and tourism sectors in north-west Vietnam. It discusses early experiences and learning on pivoting projects, funded by the Government of Australia, to be COVID-19 responsive and contribute to longer-term recovery.},
keywords = {inequality::gender,topic::agriculture,topic::covid19,topic::poverty},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T13:26:51Z},
file = {Ebrahim2021_Womens economic empowerment and COVID-19.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/YU72GAUG/Ebrahim2021_Womens economic empowerment and COVID-19.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Trade Liberalization and the Allocation of Labor between Households and Markets in a Poor Country},
author = {Edmonds, Eric V. and Pavcnik, Nina},
date = {2006-07},
journaltitle = {Journal of International Economics},
shortjournal = {Journal of International Economics},
volume = {69},
number = {2},
pages = {272--295},
issn = {00221996},
doi = {10.1016/j.jinteco.2005.05.010},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,inequality::income,topic::poverty,topic::trade_liberalization},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T09:54:29Z}
title = {Urban-Biased {{Policies}} and the {{Increasing Rural-Urban Expenditure Gap}} in {{Vietnam}} in the 1990s: {{URBAN-BIASED POLICIES IN VIETNAM IN THE 1990S}}},
shorttitle = {Urban-Biased {{Policies}} and the {{Increasing Rural-Urban Expenditure Gap}} in {{Vietnam}} in the 1990s},
author = {Fesselmeyer, Eric and Le, Kien T.},
date = {2010-06},
journaltitle = {Asian Economic Journal},
volume = {24},
number = {2},
pages = {161--178},
issn = {13513958},
doi = {10.1111/j.1467-8381.2010.02034.x},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,inequality::rural,status::skimmed,topic::education,topic::urban},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T07:45:26Z},
file = {Fesselmeyer2010_Urban-biased Policies and the Increasing Rural-Urban Expenditure Gap in Vietnam.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/AB2Z7CPT/Fesselmeyer2010_Urban-biased Policies and the Increasing Rural-Urban Expenditure Gap in Vietnam.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Vietnam Inequality Report 2005: {{Assessment}} and Policy Choices},
author = {Fritzen, Scott and Brassard, Caroline and Bui, Thi Minh Tam},
date = {2005},
institution = {{DFID Vietnam}},
location = {{Hanoi}},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,inequality::,review::synthesis},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-14T18:06:03Z},
file = {Fritzen2005_Vietnam inequality report 2005.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/Z4A2KQWV/Fritzen2005_Vietnam inequality report 2005.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Vulnerability and Resilience to Climate Change in the Northern Mountainous Region of {{Vietnam}}},
author = {Son, Ngoc Ho},
date = {2013},
abstract = {Vietnam is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change in the world. Therefore, adaptation is increasingly seen as both a necessary and urgent response. However, little is known in terms of who are the most vulnerable and how adaptation will take place. This thesis examines vulnerability and resilience to climate variability and change among communities in the northern mountainous region (NMR) of Vietnam which have been identified as among the most vulnerable communities in Vietnam. The conceptual framework of this thesis draws on the linkage between vulnerability, adaptive capacity and resilience through which to gain a better understanding of vulnerability, adaptation and resilience to climate change in Vietnam's NMR. I adopt a participatory approach to vulnerability assessment using community villages as case studies and using drought, flood and cold weather snaps as study events. The case study of the human-natural system is located in the Ba Be district of Bac Kan province in the NMR of Vietnam. Data were collected in the field from July 2009 to February 2010. Primary data in the form of interviews, focus groups and community workshops, and field observations, as well as insights from local and regional decision-makers, resource managers, scientists and secondary data in the form of published and unpublished literature are used to investigate how communities manage and experience climate-related risks. This study found that households and communities in the NMR are vulnerable to multiple stresses. The main socio-econmic determinants of local vulnerability include poverty, inequality, environmental degradation, ethnicity and community. The interaction of climate risks and local vulnerability factors threatens to overwhelm their resilience. Therefore, this thesis argues that adaptation needs to be rooted in both reducing vulnerability and increasing resilience of communities. The central approach is to increase the adaptive capacity of communities to become resilient in the context of change and uncertainty. It will be more fruitful if policy interventions focus on improving adaptive capacity of vulnerable communities rather than providing specific solutions to uncertain future climates. Addressing fundamental livelihood and development problems and strengthening social, economic, and environmental resilience will make it easier for local communities to respond to climatic risks, whether they are droughts, floods or cold snaps. Another key conclusion is that communities that learn to live with change and uncertainty become resilient. The insights emphasize the importance of learning, information exchange, reflection, innovation, and anticipation, all of which are key elements of the adaptation process. Source: TROVE},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,inequality::environmental,topic::climate_change},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T11:52:53Z}
title = {The Determinants of Gender Income Inequality in Vietnam: {{A}} Longitudinal Data Analysis},
author = {Hong Vo, Duc and Van, Loan Thi-Hong and Tran, Dai Binh and Vu, Tan Ngoc and Ho, Chi Minh},
date = {2021},
journaltitle = {Emerging markets finance \& trade},
volume = {57},
number = {1},
pages = {198--222},
publisher = {{Routledge}},
location = {{Abingdon}},
issn = {1540-496X},
abstract = {Despite a great effort from the Vietnamese government, women in Vietnam have generally been at the disadvantaged position to access education and development opportunities. As a result, the wage gaps between men and women exist. This study is conducted to investigate the gender income inequality in Vietnam in the 2004-2016 period using data from Vietnam Household Living Standards Surveys (VHLSS). The results indicate that the gender pay gap in Vietnam has decreased during the research period. Empirical findings also indicate that education, ethnicity, economic sectors, and geographic areas are main determinants causing wage differentials in Vietnam. Additionally, the gender pay gap, with the focus on the so-called "Within inequality", is heterogeneous across the wage distribution using unconditional quantile regression approach. In particular, the gender pay gap is shown to be higher at the top and the bottom quantiles of the wage distribution, indicating that inequality is more severe among low-paid and high-paid wage earners. These findings suggest that the government's policies should focus on encouraging education and improving the national economy creating more jobs for women to reduce gender wage gap in Vietnam.},
copyright = {Copyright © Taylor \& Francis Group, LLC},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,inequality::income,topic::gender},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-14T11:26:42Z},
file = {Hong Vo2021_The determinants of gender income inequality in vietnam.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/EFB6LJVX/ContentServer.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Self-Stated Recovery from Flooding: {{Empirical}} Results from a Survey in {{Central Vietnam}}},
author = {Hudson, Paul and Pham, My and Hagedoorn, Liselotte and Thieken, Annegret H and Lasage, R and Bubeck, Philip},
date = {2021},
journaltitle = {Journal of flood risk management},
volume = {14},
number = {1},
pages = {1--15},
publisher = {{Blackwell Publishing Ltd}},
location = {{Oxford, UK}},
issn = {1753-318X},
abstract = {Social inequalities lead to flood resilience inequalities across social groups, a topic that requires improved documentation and understanding. The objective of this paper is to attend to these differences by investigating self-stated flood recovery across genders in Vietnam as a conceptual replication of earlier results from Germany. This study employs a regression-based analysis of 1,010 respondents divided between a rural coastal and an urban community inThua Thien-Hue province. The results highlight an important set of recovery process-related variables. The set of relevant variables is similar across genders in terms of inclusion and influence, and includes age, social capital, internal and external support after a flood, perceived severity of previous flood impacts, and the perception of stress-resilience. However, women were affected more heavily by flooding in terms of longer recovery times, which should be accounted for in risk management. Overall, the studied variables perform similarly in Vietnam and Germany. This study, therefore, conceptually replicates previous results suggesting that women display slightly slower recovery levels as well as that psychological variables influence recovery rates more than adverse flood impacts. This provides an indication of the results' potentially robust nature due to the different socio-environmental contexts in Germany and Vietnam.},
copyright = {info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,inequality::environmental,status::skimmed,topic::climate_change,topic::flooding},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T16:10:08Z},
file = {Hudson2021_Self-stated recovery from flooding.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/AUV5KVF6/Hudson2021_Self-stated recovery from flooding.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Women's Differentiated Vulnerability and Adaptations to Climate-Related Agricultural Water Scarcity in Rural {{Central Vietnam}}},
author = {Huynh, Phuong T. A. and Resurreccion, Bernadette P.},
date = {2014},
journaltitle = {Climate and development},
volume = {6},
number = {3},
pages = {226--237},
publisher = {{Taylor \& Francis}},
issn = {1756-5529},
abstract = {This field-based study applies a mixed methods approach that combines both qualitative and quantitative analyses to investigate the differences in women's vulnerability and adaptations to climate-related agricultural water scarcity in Ky Nam commune, Central Vietnam. The study highlights the heterogeneity of women as a group and their intersectional dynamics as they adapt to increasing agricultural water scarcity on their rural livelihoods. The findings show that social differences including gender, class, household headship, age and stage of life shape women's differentiated experiences in vulnerability in access to water, to forestland and credit; in turn mark their adaptation differentiation to climate-related agricultural water scarcity. It also stresses that existing development policies can cause inequality in resource access in practice, running the risk of further marginalizing certain groups of women, especially female heads of household. Meanwhile, the current National Target Program to Respond to Climate Change of Vietnam is blind to issues of women's differentiated vulnerability and adaptive capacity. This study suggests that if these current development and adaptation measures do not pay proper attention to differentiated gender experience, it is likely to exacerbate the vulnerabilities of those affected, particularly female heads of household, rather than help them. In addition, these development and climate programmes have to be redesigned to accommodate more context-specific policies instead of one-size-fits-all packages that will effectively address women's (and men's) differential needs and unequal relations and circumstances.},
copyright = {2014 Taylor \& Francis 2014},
langid = {english},
keywords = {inequality::environmental,inequality::gender,next,topic::climate_change,topic::river},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T13:53:06Z},
file = {Huynh2014_Women's differentiated vulnerability and adaptations to climate-related.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/8GCHSZTY/Huynh2014_Women's differentiated vulnerability and adaptations to climate-related.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Poverty, Inequality and Ethnic Minorities in {{Vietnam}}},
author = {Imai, Katsushi S. and Gaiha, Raghav and Kang, Woojin},
date = {2011-05},
journaltitle = {International Review of Applied Economics},
shortjournal = {International Review of Applied Economics},
volume = {25},
number = {3},
pages = {249--282},
issn = {0269-2171, 1465-3486},
doi = {10.1080/02692171.2010.483471},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,inequality::ethnicity,next},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T07:27:59Z},
file = {Imai2011_Poverty, inequality and ethnic minorities in Vietnam.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/4HH88HQY/Imai2011_Poverty, inequality and ethnic minorities in Vietnam.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Decomposing the {{Labor Market Earnings Inequality}}: {{The Public}} and {{Private Sectors}} in {{Vietnam}}, 19932006},
shorttitle = {Decomposing the {{Labor Market Earnings Inequality}}},
author = {Imbert, Clément},
date = {2013-01-01},
journaltitle = {The World Bank Economic Review},
volume = {27},
number = {1},
pages = {55--79},
issn = {1564-698X, 0258-6770},
doi = {10.1093/wber/lhs009},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,inequality::income,status::skimmed,topic::modernization},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T07:27:54Z},
file = {Imbert2013_Decomposing the Labor Market Earnings Inequality.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/FXT2NQW3/Imbert2013_Decomposing the Labor Market Earnings Inequality.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Accounting for Multisectoral Dynamics in Supporting Equitable Adaptation Planning: {{A}} Case Study on the Rice Agriculture in the Vietnam Mekong Delta},
author = {Jafino, B.A and Kwakkel, J.H and Klijn, F and Dung, Nguyen Viet and van Delden, Hedwig and Haasnoot, Marjolijn and Sutanudjaja, Edwin H},
options = {useprefix=true},
date = {2021},
journaltitle = {Earth's future},
volume = {9},
number = {5},
publisher = {{Wiley}},
issn = {2328-4277},
abstract = {The need for explicitly considering equity in climate change adaptation planning is increasingly being recognized. However, evaluations of adaptation often adopt an aggregated perspective, while disaggregation of results is important to learn about who benefits when and where. A typical example is adaptation of rice agriculture in the Vietnam Mekong Delta (VMD). Efforts focused on flood protection have mainly benefitted large-scale farmers while harming small-scale farmers. To investigate the distributional consequences of adaptation policies in the VMD, we assess both aggregate total output and equity indicators, as well as disaggregated impacts in terms of district-level farming profitability. Doing so requires an adequate representation of the multisectoral dynamics between the human and biophysical systems which influence farming profitability. We develop a spatially explicit integrated assessment model that couples inundation, sedimentation, soil fertility and nutrient dynamics, and behavioral land-use change and farming profitability calculation. We find that inter-district inequality responds in a non-linear way to climatic and socio-economic changes and choices of adaptation policies. The patterns of who wins and who loses could change substantially when a different policy is implemented or if a slightly different uncertain future materializes. We also find that there is no simple ranking of alternative adaptation policies, so one should make trade-offs based on agreed preferences. Accounting for equity implies exploring the distribution of outcomes over different groups over a range of uncertain futures. Only by accounting for multisectoral dynamics can planners anticipate the equity consequences of adaptation and prepare additional measures to aid the worse-off actors.},
copyright = {info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,inequality::environmental,status::skimmed,topic::agriculture,topic::climate_change,topic::river},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T16:10:09Z},
file = {Jafino2021_Accounting for multisectoral dynamics in supporting equitable adaptation.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/Q9YPVAP2/Jafino2021_Accounting for multisectoral dynamics in supporting equitable adaptation.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Unearthing the Ripple Effects of Power and Resilience in Large River Deltas},
author = {Karpouzoglou, Timos and Dang Tri, VAN Pham and Ahmed, Farhana and Warner, Jeroen and Hoang, Long and Nguyen, Thanh Binh and Dewulf, Art},
date = {2019},
journaltitle = {Environmental science \& policy},
volume = {98},
pages = {1--10},
publisher = {{Elsevier Ltd}},
issn = {1462-9011},
doi = {10.1016/j.envsci.2019.04.011},
abstract = {•Delta interventions to manage flood risk can amplify power and social inequalities.•The power dimensions of delta interventions tends to be overlooked.•Resilience in deltas needs to transition towards a situated and negotiated frame.•Power considerations need to inform a more holistic understanding of delta resilience. Historically, flood resilience in large river deltas has been strongly tied to institutional and infrastructural interventions to manage flood risk (such as building of embankments and drainage structures). However, the introduction of infrastructural works has inevitably brought unforeseen, major consequences, such as biodiversity and accelerated land subsidence, endangering the fertile characteristics that made them interesting places to live in in the first place. These ripple effects have sparked, a reconsideration of what deltas are, questioning the very separation and control between nature and culture, and how deltas are to be dealt with. These effects have further sparked changing modalities of power that tend to be overlooked by delta and resilience scholars alike. As a result, there is a real risk that future interventions to increase resilience, will in fact amplify unequal power relations in deltas as opposed to alleviating them. If the system as a whole has achieved some level of flood resilience (partly due to the flood defence mechanisms in place), does infrastructure have a differential effect on peoples mobility under flood conditions? Are some groups experiencing less rather than more security, as water accumulates in some places but not others? This paper presents theoretical insights on the relationship between power and resilience in delta regions supported by two case studies, the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta in Bangladesh and the Mekong delta in Vietnam.},
copyright = {2019 The Authors},
issue = {March 2018},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,inequality::,status::skimmed,topic::river},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T16:10:09Z},
file = {Karpouzoglou2019_Unearthing the ripple effects of power and resilience in large river deltas.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/24YV5JI5/Karpouzoglou2019_Unearthing the ripple effects of power and resilience in large river deltas.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Well {{Begun}} but {{Not Yet Done}}: {{Progress}} and {{Emerging Challenges}} for {{Poverty Reduction}} in {{Vietnam}}},
author = {Kozel, Valerie J.},
date = {2014},
series = {Equity and {{Development}}},
institution = {{World Bank}},
location = {{Washington, D.C.}},
url = {},
keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::income,inequality::regional,topic::poverty},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T09:52:30Z},
file = {Kozel2014_Well Begun but Not Yet Done.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/HBSGJ5K7/Kozel2014_Well Begun but Not Yet Done.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Trade Liberalisation, Poverty, and Inequality in {{Vietnam}}: A Quantile Regression Approach},
shorttitle = {Trade Liberalisation, Poverty, and Inequality in {{Vietnam}}},
author = {Le, Minh Son and Su, Jen-Je and Nguyen, Jeremy},
date = {2019-08-02},
journaltitle = {Applied Economics},
shortjournal = {Applied Economics},
volume = {51},
number = {36},
pages = {3971--3981},
issn = {0003-6846, 1466-4283},
doi = {10.1080/00036846.2019.1588943},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,inequality::income,topic::modernization,topic::poverty,topic::trade_liberalization},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-14T11:28:33Z},
file = {Le2019_Trade liberalisation, poverty, and inequality in Vietnam.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/3S5CUK6U/Le2019_Trade liberalisation, poverty, and inequality in Vietnam.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {The {{Impact}} of {{Foreign Direct Investment}} on {{Income Inequality}} in {{Vietnam}}},
author = {Le, Quoc Hoi and Do, Quynh Anh and Pham, Hong Chuong and Nguyen, Thanh Duong},
date = {2021-03-01},
journaltitle = {Economies},
shortjournal = {Economies},
volume = {9},
number = {1},
pages = {27},
issn = {2227-7099},
doi = {10.3390/economies9010027},
abstract = {Foreign direct investments (FDI) is an important determinant of economic growth. FDI does not only contribute to the growth and economic development but also affects income through contributing to economic development and the impact on employment and salary structure of developing countries. The aim of this paper is to analyze the impact of FDI on income inequality in Vietnam. This study is the first attempt to examine the impact of FDI on income inequality under the constraints of the institution and education levels. To address the potential endogeneity problem, this study adopts Genernalized Method of Moment (GMM) model to conduct the estimation. A two-step GMM model with robust standard errors is used in the study. Empirical results show that FDI tends to increase income inequality in Vietnam and the existence of a non-linearity relationship between FDI and income inequality is also validated. Moreover, the study finds that the effects of FDI on income inequality are different depending on the level of education and institutions of the host provinces in Vietnam. The results of this study imply that, in order to ensure sustainable development, Vietnams policies should focus on improving the quality of economic governance and the administrative reform efforts of the government of the provinces and cities. Besides, policies should focus on increasing investment in public education and improving human capital, which not only can reduce income inequality but also can attract more FDI inflows.},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,inequality::income,topic::FDI},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-14T11:29:07Z},
file = {Le2021_The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Income Inequality in Vietnam.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/RJ3NP2U8/Le2021_The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Income Inequality in Vietnam.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Growth, Inequality and Poverty in {{Vietnam}}: {{How}} Did Trade Liberalisation Help the Poor, 20022008},
shorttitle = {Growth, Inequality and Poverty in {{Vietnam}}},
author = {Le, Nga Van T. and Hoang, Trung Xuan and Tran, Tuyen Quang},
date = {2022-01},
journaltitle = {International Journal of Social Welfare},
shortjournal = {Int J Soc Welfare},
volume = {31},
number = {1},
pages = {86--99},
issn = {1369-6866, 1468-2397},
doi = {10.1111/ijsw.12482},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,inequality::income,topic::modernization,topic::poverty,topic::trade_liberalization},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-14T11:28:57Z},
file = {Le2022_Growth, inequality and poverty in Vietnam.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/L8HM9TCJ/Le2022_Growth, inequality and poverty in Vietnam.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Why Poor People Stay Poor: Urban Bias in World Development},
shorttitle = {Why Poor People Stay Poor},
author = {Lipton, Michael},
date = {1977},
publisher = {{Harvard University Press}},
location = {{Cambridge}},
isbn = {978-0-674-95238-6},
pagetotal = {467},
keywords = {topic::poverty,topic::urban},
note = {Includes index},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T10:33:15Z}
title = {Exporting out of Poverty: {{Provincial}} Poverty in {{Vietnam}} and {{U}}.{{S}}. Market Access},
shorttitle = {Exporting out of Poverty},
author = {McCaig, Brian},
date = {2011-09},
journaltitle = {Journal of International Economics},
shortjournal = {Journal of International Economics},
volume = {85},
number = {1},
pages = {102--113},
issn = {00221996},
doi = {10.1016/j.jinteco.2011.05.007},
langid = {english},
keywords = {inequality::rural,topic::poverty,topic::trade_liberalization},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T09:55:26Z},
file = {McCaig2011_Exporting out of poverty.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/94NXHFS2/McCaig2011_Exporting out of poverty.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Moving out of {{Agriculture}}: {{Structural Change}} in {{Vietnam}}},
shorttitle = {Moving out of {{Agriculture}}},
author = {McCaig, Brian and Pavcnik, Nina},
date = {2013-11},
number = {w19616},
pages = {w19616},
institution = {{National Bureau of Economic Research}},
location = {{Cambridge, MA}},
doi = {10.3386/w19616},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,status::skimmed,topic::modernization,topic::trade_liberalization},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T08:32:18Z},
file = {McCaig2013_Moving out of Agriculture.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/N6FT2KCY/McCaig2013_Moving out of Agriculture.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Export {{Markets}} and {{Labor Allocation}} in a {{Low-income Country}}},
author = {McCaig, Brian and Pavcnik, Nina},
date = {2014-09},
number = {w20455},
pages = {w20455},
institution = {{National Bureau of Economic Research}},
location = {{Cambridge, MA}},
doi = {10.3386/w20455},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,status::skimmed,topic::modernization,topic::trade_liberalization},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T08:35:02Z},
file = {McCaig2014_Export Markets and Labor Allocation in a Low-income Country.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/Y52395K2/McCaig2014_Export Markets and Labor Allocation in a Low-income Country.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Informal {{Employment}} in a {{Growing}} and {{Globalizing Low-Income Country}}},
author = {McCaig, Brian and Pavcnik, Nina},
date = {2015-05-01},
journaltitle = {American Economic Review},
shortjournal = {American Economic Review},
volume = {105},
number = {5},
pages = {545--550},
issn = {0002-8282},
doi = {10.1257/aer.p20151051},
abstract = {We document several facts about workforce transitions from the informal to the formal sector in Vietnam, a fast growing, industrializing, and low-income country. First, younger workers, particularly migrants, are more likely to work in the formal sector and stay there permanently. Second, the decline in the aggregate share of informal employment occurs through changes between and within birth cohorts. Third, younger, educated, male, and urban workers are more likely to switch to the formal sector than other workers initially in the informal sector. Poorly educated, older, female, rural workers face little prospect of formalization. Fourth, formalization coincides with occupational upgrading.},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,status::skimmed,topic::formality,topic::modernization},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T08:52:16Z},
file = {Informal Employment in a Growing and Globalizing Low-Income Country:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/B9PDGNH5/mccaig2015.pdf.pdf:application/pdf;zAppendix.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/WXU5WNWQ/zAppendix.pdf:application/pdf}
author = {Minh Ho, Chi and Thai-Thuong Le, Quan and The Vo, Anh and Hong Vo, Duc and Thi-Thieu Ha, Dao},
date = {2021-06-01},
journaltitle = {The Singapore Economic Review},
shortjournal = {Singapore Econ. Rev.},
volume = {66},
number = {04},
pages = {1105--1123},
issn = {0217-5908, 1793-6837},
doi = {10.1142/S0217590820490065},
abstract = {This study is conducted to examine the effect on income inequality of government spending on education across 63 provinces in Vietnam. The generalized method of moments (GMM) regression technique is used to address potential endogeneity in the model caused by income inequality and inequality in government spending on education. Income inequality is proxied by both the Gini coefficient and the Theil index. Inequality in government spending on education in Vietnam is estimated using a novel entropic approach, which decomposes the inequality into two components: “within-province” inequality and “between-province” inequality. Data for the period from 2010 to 2016 are used. Our empirical findings are summarized as follows. First, “within-province” inequality accounts for a substantial portion of inequality in government spending on education. This means that although the Vietnamese national government has done well in terms of allocating spending on education across 63 provinces, inequality in education spending appears across districts within provinces. Second, both total inequality of government spending on education and its two components are positively associated with income inequality across provinces. As such, reducing differences in government spending on education across provinces and across districts within provinces is an effective mechanism for reducing income inequality across provinces and across districts within provinces in Vietnam.},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,inequality::income,topic::education},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-14T11:29:32Z},
title = {Lurbanisation de la ville de Ninh Binh dans le delta du fleuve rouge (Vietnam) : mise en perspective des forces et faiblesses de la gestion du risque dinondation.},
shorttitle = {Lurbanisation de la ville de Ninh Binh dans le delta du fleuve rouge (Vietnam)},
author = {Mottet, Éric and Roche, Yann},
date = {2009-01-08},
journaltitle = {VertigO},
shortjournal = {vertigo},
issn = {1492-8442},
doi = {10.4000/vertigo.7782},
issue = {Volume 8 Numéro 3},
langid = {french},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,status::skimmed,topic::flooding,topic::river},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T11:31:51Z},
file = {Mottet2009_Lurbanisation de la ville de Ninh Binh dans le delta du fleuve rouge (Vietnam).pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/NAZTWGZW/Mottet2009_Lurbanisation de la ville de Ninh Binh dans le delta du fleuve rouge (Vietnam).pdf:application/pdf}
title = {A Quantile Regression Decomposition of UrbanRural Inequality in {{Vietnam}}},
author = {Nguyen, Binh T. and Albrecht, James W. and Vroman, Susan B. and Westbrook, M. Daniel},
date = {2007-07},
journaltitle = {Journal of Development Economics},
shortjournal = {Journal of Development Economics},
volume = {83},
number = {2},
pages = {466--490},
issn = {03043878},
doi = {10.1016/j.jdeveco.2006.04.006},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,inequality::ethnicity,inequality::rural,status::skimmed,topic::education},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T07:32:17Z},
file = {Nguyen2007_A quantile regression decomposition of urbanrural inequality in Vietnam.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/WN23U92I/Nguyen2007_A quantile regression decomposition of urbanrural inequality in Vietnam.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Economic Growth, Inequality, and Poverty in {{Vietnam}}: {{Nguyen AND Pham}} - {{{\emph{ECONOMIC GROWTH}}}}{\emph{, }}{{{\emph{INEQUALITY}}}}{\emph{, }}{{{\emph{AND POVERTY IN VIETNAM}}}}},
shorttitle = {Economic Growth, Inequality, and Poverty in {{Vietnam}}},
author = {Nguyen, Cuong V. and Pham, Nguyet M.},
date = {2018-05},
journaltitle = {Asian-Pacific Economic Literature},
shortjournal = {Asia Pac Econ Lit.},
volume = {32},
number = {1},
pages = {45--58},
issn = {08189935},
doi = {10.1111/apel.12219},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,inequality::income,topic::modernization,topic::poverty},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-14T11:30:48Z},
file = {Nguyen2018_Economic growth, inequality, and poverty in Vietnam.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/7JLMIQA8/Asian-Pac Economic Lit - 2018 - Nguyen - Economic growth inequality and poverty in Vietnam.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Energy Transition, Poverty and Inequality in {{Vietnam}}},
author = {Nguyen, Trung Thanh and Nguyen, Thanh-Tung and Hoang, Viet-Ngu and Wilson, Clevo and Managi, Shunsuke},
date = {2019-09},
journaltitle = {Energy Policy},
shortjournal = {Energy Policy},
volume = {132},
pages = {536--548},
issn = {03014215},
doi = {10.1016/j.enpol.2019.06.001},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,inequality::,topic::energy,topic::poverty},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-14T11:37:26Z},
file = {Nguyen2019_Energy transition, poverty and inequality in Vietnam.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/BS8J9JT6/Nguyen2019_Energy transition, poverty and inequality in Vietnam.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Essays on Housing Affordability and Housing Quality Dilemmas in {{Vietnam}}},
author = {Nguyen, Phuong},
date = {2020},
abstract = {The housing affordability problem is a profound and increasing challenge facing policy-makers in the developing world, where poor households are the most vulnerable to problems arising from a shortage of affordable and adequate housing. In Vietnam, the housing market has undergone fundamental changes driven by widening income inequality, increasing urbanisation and decreasing household size. The housing price-to-income ratio, a measure of housing affordability, is currently at an unprecedentedly high level. Vietnam's experience is impacted by a number of elements such as rapidly rising costs of housing, unequal income distribution, speculative activities, constraints in land supply and housing finance, housing market structure, and the regulatory environment. Over three studies, this thesis carries out the econometric analysis of secondary data to explore mechanisms underlying housing affordability in Vietnam and its flow-on effects on household well-being. Noticing that the distribution of income plays a crucial role in explaining the housing affordability problem, the first study analyses the influence of income inequality on a number of housing outcomes, including housing price-to-income ratio, housing values, and household choices of housing type and housing conditions in Vietnam's urban areas. It does so by employing data from the Vietnam Household Living Standard Survey as well as district-level data from the Statistical Yearbook of Vietnam from 2010 to 2016. The estimated results demonstrate that rising income inequality, measured by the Gini coefficient at the district level, is associated with rising housing cost burden and a substitution effect towards consuming poor-quality housing resulting from a lack of housing affordability. The findings of this study provide deep insights into the long-lasting existence of informal and self-built housing in Vietnam, which is predominantly in sub-standard forms and frequently lack essential amenities. Next, the second study measures the effects of poor housing conditions on occupants' physical and mental health. This study employs the Vietnam Access to Resources Household Survey (VARHS) data from 2008 to 2016. Empirical findings from this chapter indicate that living in deprived housing conditions is associated with a higher number of sick days within a year, worsening mental well-being and a more inferior self-reported health status of the occupants. The estimated results also show that the intensity of deprived housing conditions, measured by an increase in the number of housing problems, tends to worsen all health outcomes considered. These results provide a better understanding of the role of a dwelling's structural and sanitary conditions on individuals' health and have important implications for public policies. The third study examines the role of housing conditions in enhancing households' resilience to natural disasters. This study separately looks at three of the most frequently occurring natural disasters in Vietnam, which include floods, droughts, and typhoons. This study also uses data from the VARHS. The findings from this chapter make a significant contribution to the literature on natural disasters by analysing the link between the physical attributes of housing and the probability of achieving full recovery post a disaster. In particular, the empirical findings suggest that those living in substandard houses are not only more vulnerable to disasters but take longer to recover. Source: TROVE},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,inequality::housing},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T15:16:52Z},
file = {NGUYEN2020_Essays on housing affordability and housing quality dilemmas in Vietnam.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/FD3NAYXR/NGUYEN2020_Essays on housing affordability and housing quality dilemmas in Vietnam.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Diversified Responses to Contemporary Pressures on Sloping Agricultural Land: {{Thai}} Farmers Perception of Mountainous Landscapes in Northern {{Vietnam}}},
author = {Nguyen, An Thinh and Hens, Luc},
date = {2020},
journaltitle = {Environment, development and sustainability},
volume = {23},
number = {4},
pages = {5411--5429},
publisher = {{Springer Netherlands}},
location = {{Dordrecht}},
issn = {1387-585X},
doi = {10.1007/s10668-020-00822-x},
abstract = {Mountains cover approximately three quarters of the Vietnam, mainly in the north, west, and central parts of the country. Among the 38 ethnic minorities inhabiting the northern mountains of Vietnam, the Thai population is the second largest. Cultural landscapes and traditional agricultural uplands shaped by the Thai have a long history and represent a mosaic of paddy and vegetable fields along rivers and springs, forests and plantations of trees on slopes. This pattern is now changing significantly, which results in a diversification of the fields shaped by Thai farmers. This study deals with understanding the pressures driving the changes, the new state of the upland agriculture, and the way the Thai of the Son Thinh mountain (Yen Bai, Vietnam) respond to sustain their upland farming systems. Land quality indicators (LQIs) are identified using the pressurestateresponse (PSR) framework. Sixty completed questionnaires with 65 closed questions each using a five-point Likert scale were collected in 2016. The results show that Thai farmers nowadays apply a wider-scale solutions to deal with the sustainability of agricultural upland on the slopes as compared to a limited number of traditional farming techniques that were used in the past. Climate change hazards (floods, droughts, landslides, extreme cold, and flash floods), the scarcity of irrigation water, and agricultural land put pressure on the slopes. The most noticeable socioeconomic impacts are migration, population growth, and unstable input and output prices. The most considerable changes in the state of the land quality are soil erosion, land degradation, and local cultivation practices. Modifying cultivation options, applying soil conservation practices, improving indigenous techniques, and implementing agricultural land use policies are the most significant responses to modify land use and its pressures. Responses of the Thai farmers on sustainable sloping land use are put in a structural model with a horizontal diversification strategy. Recommendations concern mainstreaming the local indigenous knowledge on agricultural land use, land management policies, and implementing the LQIs based on PSR framework for sustainable land use planning on the slopes in Vietnam.},
copyright = {Springer Nature B.V. 2020},
langid = {english},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T15:01:22Z},
file = {Nguyen2020_Diversified responses to contemporary pressures on sloping agricultural land.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/7A3JX6JC/Nguyen2020_Diversified responses to contemporary pressures on sloping agricultural land.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Global Food Security: Challenges for the Food and Agricultural System},
shorttitle = {Global Food Security},
editor = {Organisation for Economic Co-operation {and} Development},
date = {2013},
location = {{Paris}},
isbn = {978-92-64-19536-3 978-92-64-19534-9},
langid = {english},
pagetotal = {162},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,topic::agriculture,topic::food},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-14T11:11:26Z},
file = {Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development2013_Global food security.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/KKZDH3D8/Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development2013_Global food security.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Natural Hazard's Effect and Farmers' Perception: {{Perspectives}} from Flash Floods and Landslides in Remotely Mountainous Regions of {{Vietnam}}},
author = {Pham, Nga Thanh Thi and Nong, Duy and Garschagen, Matthias},
date = {2021},
journaltitle = {The Science of the total environment},
volume = {759},
pages = {142656--142656},
publisher = {{Elsevier B.V}},
location = {{Netherlands}},
issn = {0048-9697},
doi = {10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142656},
abstract = {Understanding perceptions of indigenous people toward natural disasters is essential in social and environmental research to facilitate further studies in investigating the impacts of the events, as well as in examining the adaptive strategies and having implications for policymakers and relevant institutional bodies. We took this essential feature to study the perceptions of local people toward the two common natural disasters: flash floods and landslides. We selected the case study in three communes (An Binh, An Thinh, and Dai Son) in Van Yen district, Yen Bai province in Vietnam. This is because flash floods and landslides are two frequent natural disasters that highly adversely affect these areas where major poor ethnic minority communities reside. We conducted six Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and household surveys (405 households) in 2016. The results showed that a decline in productivity, a decrease in income, more hard-working conditions, and an increase in daily expenses were the most observed impacts of these natural disasters in the communes. The analysis also revealed that almost 45\% of farmers perceived an increasing trend in the frequency and impacts of flash floods and landslides over the past 15 years. A Multinomial Logit (MNL) model was used to analyze the determinants of farmers' awareness of flash floods and landslides, which indicated that farmers' perceptions of flash floods and landslides are associated with socio-economic characteristics, such as gender, agricultural experience, ethnic groups, climate information, and household income conditions. We suggested that local governments should pay more attention to strengthen farmers' awareness to help improve perceptions of local people toward common natural disasters so that they would gain better adaptive capacities and become more sustainable, which are in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. [Display omitted] •Farmers' cognition on flash floods and landslides in Vietnam is examined.•Multinomial Logit models are used for investigating indigenous farmers' perceptions.•Local farmers' awareness varies across different agro-ecological areas.•Socioeconomic features are determining forces in explaining farmers' awareness.•Findings can be the references for policy-making in regions with similar conditions.},
copyright = {2020 Elsevier B.V.},
langid = {english},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T15:00:59Z},
file = {Pham2021_Natural hazard's effect and farmers' perception.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/TLWQQZEI/Pham2021_Natural hazard's effect and farmers' perception.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Farmers Barriers to the Access and Use of Climate Information in the Mountainous Regions of {{Thừa Thiên Huế}} Province, {{Vietnam}}},
author = {Sen, Le Thi Hoa and Bond, Jennifer and Dung, Nguyen Tien and Hung, Hoang Gia and Mai, Nguyen Thi Hong and Phuong, Huynh Thi Anh},
date = {2021},
journaltitle = {Climate services},
volume = {24},
pages = {100267-},
publisher = {{Elsevier B.V}},
issn = {2405-8807},
doi = {10.1016/j.cliser.2021.100267},
abstract = {Climate change is a major challenge to rural livelihoods in Vietnam, particularly in remote and mountainous areas. Access and use of climate information is considered vital to households and communities adaptive capacity. This research employed a survey to investigate barriers to the access, and use of, formal climate change information among two groups of farmers (ethnic minority and Kinh) in mountainous areas of Thừa Thiên Huế province, Vietnam. Adopting a logit model, the results show that the main barriers were: 1) farmers lack of trust of formal climate-related services; 2) farmers lack of perceived risk from climate change; and 3) difficulties in balancing climate adaptation and economic benefits of new interventions. Ethnicity was not a barrier, as all farmers looked for climate information from informal channels (friends, neighbors, market actors) rather than from formal channels (agricultural departments, television, radio), although cultural issues such as language did act as a barrier. This research recommends strengthening the networks and interactions between market actors and government staff with local people, through direct communication and adaptation demonstrations. Formal and informal climate information channels should be integrated to effectively combine local resources and indigenous knowledge with advanced technologies, to support farmers sustainable and robust climate adaptation responses. Further, the research found that while farmers have access to devices, such as smart phones, they prefer to use these for entertainment rather than climate information. The implications of the study therefore are that any future network or communication activities should be in local languages and note the limitations of using devices for information dissemination.},
copyright = {2021 The Author(s)},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,status::skimmed,topic::agriculture,topic::climate_change},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T15:17:20Z},
file = {Sen2021_Farmers barriers to the access and use of climate information in the.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/TE5D79FK/Sen2021_Farmers barriers to the access and use of climate information in the.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Community Adaptation and Climate Change in the {{Northern Mountainous Region}} of {{Vietnam}}: {{A}} Case Study of Ethnic Minority People in {{Bac Kan Province}}},
shorttitle = {Community Adaptation and Climate Change in the {{Northern Mountainous Region}} of {{Vietnam}}},
author = {Son, Ho and Kingsbury, Aaron},
date = {2020-01-02},
journaltitle = {Asian Geographer},
shortjournal = {Asian Geographer},
volume = {37},
number = {1},
pages = {33--51},
issn = {1022-5706, 2158-1762},
doi = {10.1080/10225706.2019.1701507},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,inequality::environmental,status::skimmed,topic::climate_change},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T12:06:21Z},
file = {Son2020_Community adaptation and climate change in the Northern Mountainous Region of.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/CBYPLX4P/Son2020_Community adaptation and climate change in the Northern Mountainous Region of.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Sources of Regional Income Disparity in Rural {{Vietnam}}: {{Oaxaca-blinder}} Decomposition},
author = {Takahashi, Kazushi},
date = {2007},
series = {{{IDE Discussion Papers}}},
number = {95},
institution = {{Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization}},
abstract = {This paper investigates determinants of regional income disparity in rural Vietnam, with special emphasis placed on the roles of human capital and land. We apply a decomposition method, suggested by Oaxaca and Blinder. We found that returns to assets rather than endowments, especially those of human capital, are one of the leading factors to account for income differences across regions. We also found that substantial improvements of returns to human capital in the Red River delta region are a driving force to catch up with Mekong River delta region. Unexpectedly, differences in land endowment do not strongly correlate with regional income disparity because better access to land in a region was partially offset by lower returns.},
keywords = {inequality::environmental,inequality::regional,status::skimmed,topic::education,topic::river},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T08:32:18Z},
file = {TakahashiSources of regional income disparity in rural Vietnam.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/KFCNGEDE/TakahashiSources of regional income disparity in rural Vietnam.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Social Inequality in {{Vietnam}} and the Challenges to Reform},
editor = {Taylor, Philip},
date = {2004},
series = {Vietnam Update Series},
publisher = {{Institute of Southeast Asian Studies}},
location = {{Singapore}},
abstract = {Social inequalities have grown during Vietnam's transition to a market-based economy, even as average incomes have increased and the number of people living in poverty has lessened. Do widening social rifts - between rich and poor, urban and rural communities and along regional, gender and ethnic lines - have the potential to undermine Vietnam's liberal reforms and its integration with its region? How has the socialist state responded to these challenges? Based on research and analysis of recent conditions, Social Inequality in Vietnam and the Challenges to Reform offers detailed descriptions of disparities in income, spatial access, gender, ethnicity and status, addressing their causes and consequences. The eleven chapters in this book illustrate the changing ways in which people have accumulated wealth, social and cultural capital in Vietnam's move from a socialist to a market-oriented society. They assemble data from the Northern Uplands to the Mekong delta to explore geographic variability in patterns of social differentiation. Offering critical insights into state policy, the chapters assess the adequacy of government responses and outline local responses and informal solutions to social disadvantage. This book features a diverse mix of theoretical and methodological approaches and bridges some of the disciplinary and institutional divides that have impeded understanding of inequality in Vietnam. The wide range of themes it covers will make it a sought-after resource for those interested in contemporary Vietnam and the effects of liberal reforms, globalization and post-socialist development strategies.},
eventtitle = {Vietnam {{Update Conference}}},
isbn = {978-981-230-275-5 978-981-230-254-0},
pagetotal = {392},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,inequality::},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-14T11:11:08Z}
title = {Vulnerability Assessment of Households to Flash Floods and Landslides in the Poor Upland Regions of {{Vietnam}}},
author = {Thanh Thi Pham, Nga and Nong, Duy and Raghavan Sathyan, Archana and Garschagen, Matthias},
date = {2020},
journaltitle = {Climate Risk Management},
shortjournal = {Climate Risk Management},
volume = {28},
pages = {100215},
issn = {22120963},
doi = {10.1016/j.crm.2020.100215},
langid = {english},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T15:00:30Z},
file = {Thanh Thi Pham2020_Vulnerability assessment of households to flash floods and landslides in the.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/VZJ2IRQK/Thanh Thi Pham2020_Vulnerability assessment of households to flash floods and landslides in the.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Inequality in {{Vietnamese Urban-Rural Living Standards}}, 1993-2006},
author = {Thu Le, Huong and Booth, Alison L.},
date = {2014},
journaltitle = {Review of Income and Wealth},
shortjournal = {Review of Income and Wealth},
volume = {60},
number = {4},
issn = {00346586},
doi = {10.1111/roiw.12051},
langid = {english},
keywords = {inequality::rural,status::skimmed,topic::education},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T07:37:20Z},
file = {Thu Le2014_Inequality in Vietnamese Urban-Rural Living Standards, 1993-2006.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/VYQT833H/Thu Le2014_Inequality in Vietnamese Urban-Rural Living Standards, 1993-2006.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Sources of Ethnic Inequality in {{Viet Nam}}},
author = {van de Walle, Dominique and Gunewardena, Dileni},
options = {useprefix=true},
date = {2001-06},
journaltitle = {Journal of Development Economics},
shortjournal = {Journal of Development Economics},
volume = {65},
number = {1},
pages = {177--207},
issn = {03043878},
doi = {10.1016/S0304-3878(01)00133-X},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,inequality::ethnicity,status::skimmed,topic::rural},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T08:20:02Z},
file = {van de Walle2001_Sources of ethnic inequality in Viet Nam.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/LDMZ9SGR/van de Walle2001_Sources of ethnic inequality in Viet Nam.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Is the Emerging Non-Farm Market Economy the Route out of Poverty in {{Vietnam}}?},
author = {van de Walle, Dominique and Cratty, Dorothyjean},
options = {useprefix=true},
date = {2004-06},
journaltitle = {The Economics of Transition},
shortjournal = {Economics of Transition},
volume = {12},
number = {2},
pages = {237--274},
issn = {0967-0750, 1468-0351},
doi = {10.1111/j.0967-0750.2004.00178.x},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,inequality::income,status::skimmed,topic::modernization,topic::poverty},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T08:55:47Z},
file = {van de Walle2004_Is the emerging non-farm market economy the route out of poverty in Vietnam.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/GHYIGV7U/van de Walle2004_Is the emerging non-farm market economy the route out of poverty in Vietnam.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Vietnam {{Poverty Update Report}} 2006: {{Poverty}} and {{Poverty Reduction}} in {{Vietnam}} 1993-2004},
author = {VASS},
date = {2006},
institution = {{Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences}},
location = {{Hanoi}},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,topic::poverty},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T09:55:50Z}
title = {Poverty {{Reduction}} in {{Vietnam}}: {{Achievements}} and {{Challenges}}},
author = {VASS},
date = {2011},
institution = {{Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences}},
location = {{Hanoi}},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,topic::poverty},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T12:15:41Z},
file = {VASS2011_Poverty Reduction in Vietnam.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/TMVA9NCG/VASS2011_Poverty Reduction in Vietnam.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Vietnam Poverty Assessment: Well Begun, Not yet Done - {{Vietnam}}'s Remarkable Progress on Poverty Reduction and the Emerging Challenges ({{English}}).},
author = {World Bank},
date = {2012},
institution = {{World Bank}},
location = {{Washington, D.C.}},
url = {},
editora = {Badiani-Magnusson, Reena C. and Baulch, Bob and Brandt, Loren and Vu, Dat Hoang and Nguyen, Giang Tam and Gibson, John and Giles, John T. and Hinsdale, Ian Palmer and Hung, Pham Manh and Kozel, Valerie J. and Lanjouw, Peter F. and Marra, Marleen and Ngoc, Vu Van and Phuong, Nguyen Thi and Schuler, Paul Joseph and Thang, Nguyen Chien and Hoang, Thanh Xuan and Le, Trung Dang and Tung, Phung Duc and Cuong, Nguyen Viet and Vu, Linh Hoang and Wells Dang, Andrew},
editoratype = {collaborator},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-14T20:34:51Z},
file = {Badiani-Magnusson2012_Vietnam poverty assessment.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/KC72ZFUP/Badiani-Magnusson2012_Vietnam poverty assessment.pdf:application/pdf}
title = {Climate Change Adaptation and Gender Inequality: {{Insights}} from Rural Vietnam},
author = {Ylipaa, Josephine and Gabrielsson, Sara and Jerneck, Anne},
date = {2019},
journaltitle = {Sustainability (Basel, Switzerland)},
volume = {11},
number = {10},
pages = {2805-},
publisher = {{MDPI AG}},
location = {{Basel}},
issn = {2071-1050},
doi = {10.3390/su11102805},
abstract = {Vietnam is one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change impacts, especially from extreme weather events such as storms and floods. Thus, climate change adaptation is crucial, especially for natural resource-dependent farmers. Based on a qualitative research approach using a feminist political ecology lens, this article investigates gendered patterns of rural agrarian livelihoods and climate adaptation in the province of Thái Bình. In doing so, we identify differentiated rights and responsibilities between female and male farmers, leading to unequal opportunities and immobility for females, making them more vulnerable to climate impacts and threatening to reduce their capacity to adapt. This research also shows that demands on farmers to contribute to perpetual increases in agricultural output by the state poses a challenge, since farming livelihoods in Vietnam are increasingly becoming feminised, as a result of urbanisation and devaluation of farming. Past and present national strategies and provincial implementation plans linked to climate change do not consider the burden affecting rural female farmers, instead the focus lies on addressing technical solutions to adaptation. With little attention being paid to an increasingly female workforce, existing gender inequalities may be exacerbated, threatening the future existence of rural livelihoods and the viability of Vietnams expansion into global markets.},
copyright = {2019. This work is licensed under (the “License”). Notwithstanding the ProQuest Terms and Conditions, you may use this content in accordance with the terms of the License.},
langid = {english},
keywords = {country::Vietnam,inequality::gender,status::skimmed,topic::climate_change},
groups = {vietnam},
timestamp = {2022-08-15T16:10:09Z},
file = {Ylipaa2019_Climate change adaptation and gender inequality.pdf:/home/marty/Zotero/storage/5RH9PBTL/Ylipaa2019_Climate change adaptation and gender inequality.pdf:application/pdf}
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