Finish aid section Vietnam with disaster risk aid

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Marty Oehme 2022-09-07 17:02:20 +02:00
parent b1d6e141a6
commit e9af011e1c
Signed by: Marty
GPG key ID: B7538B8F50A1C800

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@ -257,5 +257,85 @@ though growing to just over 2 times the share in 2017,
before quickly shrinking down to just 1.3 times the share of multilateral contributions in 2018. before quickly shrinking down to just 1.3 times the share of multilateral contributions in 2018.
This gap may close further in the future, with multilateral contributions being on an increase and bilateral contributions still decreasing. This gap may close further in the future, with multilateral contributions being on an increase and bilateral contributions still decreasing.
#| label: tbl-vnm-aid-water
#| tbl-cap: "ODA projects of water supply and risk reduction in Vietnam per year, separated by project type"
#| column: page
# 14020-22 - large scale potable water
# 14030-32 - individual-level water and sanitation supply
# 14081 - education and training in water supply
totals = df.loc[
(df['SECTOR'] == 14020) |
(df['SECTOR'] == 14021) |
(df['SECTOR'] == 14022) |
(df['SECTOR'] == 14030) |
(df['SECTOR'] == 14031) |
(df['SECTOR'] == 14032) |
(df['SECTOR'] == 43060)
) &
(df['CHANNEL'] == 100) &
(df['AMOUNTTYPE'] == 'D') &
((df['FLOW'] == 11) | (df['FLOW'] == 13)) & # Total
(df['FLOWTYPE'] == 112) &
(df['AIDTYPE'] == "100") # contains mixed int and string representations
floodaid = totals[totals['DONOR'] < 20000] # drop all 'total' aggregations
# Aggregate different measures of large scale water supply and sanitation
floodaid.loc[floodaid[(floodaid['SECTOR'] == 14021) | (floodaid['SECTOR'] == 14022)].index, 'SECTOR'] = 14020
floodaid.loc[floodaid[(floodaid['SECTOR'] == 14020)].index, 'Sector'] = "Large water supply and sanitation"
# Aggregate different measures of individual water supply and sanitation
floodaid.loc[floodaid[(floodaid['SECTOR'] == 14031) | (floodaid['SECTOR'] == 14032)].index, 'SECTOR'] = 14030
floodaid.loc[floodaid[(floodaid['SECTOR'] == 14030)].index, 'Sector'] = "Basic water supply and sanitation"
# Group by sector per year and sum all values
floodaid_grouped = floodaid.groupby(['Year', 'Sector']).agg({'Value': ['sum']})
floodaid_grouped = floodaid_grouped.reset_index(['Year', 'Sector'])
floodaid_grouped.columns = floodaid_grouped.columns.to_flat_index()
floodaid_grouped.columns = ['Year', 'Sector', 'Value']
crosstab = pd.crosstab(floodaid_grouped['Year'], floodaid_grouped['Sector'], margins=True, values=floodaid_grouped['Value'], aggfunc='sum')
# Rename and reorder columns
crosstab.columns = ['Basic water supply', 'Disaster risk reduction', 'Large water supply', 'All']
crosstab = crosstab[['Basic water supply', 'Large water supply', 'Disaster risk reduction', 'All']]"latex")
Note: Values shown are for all Official Development Assistance flows valid under the OECD CRS data, calculated as constant currency (2020 corrected) USD millions. The categories under analysis are large- and small-scale water supply and sanitation infrastructure projects as well as disaster risk reduction which includes improved flooding prevention infrastructure.
Source: Author's elaboration based on OECD ODA CRS (2022).
The breakdown of project-based development aid for water supply infrastructure and disaster risk reduction in Vietnam can be seen in @tbl-vnm-aid-water.
It shows the funds broken down into their use for three categories:
First, contributions to provide access to basic water supply and sanitation,
which subsumes building and maintaining handpumps, gravity wells, rainwater collection systems, storage tanks, and small, often shared, distribution systems.
Second, contributions to large-scale water supply and sanitation,
including potable water treatment plants, intake works, large pumping stations and storage, as well as the transmission and distribution through large-scale systems.
And last, contributions towards disaster risk reduction which is a larger umbrella concept aimed at building local and national capacities,
but includes infrastructure measures (e.g. flood protection systems),
preparedness measures (such as early warning systems),
and normative prevention measures (such as closer adherence to building and structural codes),
as well as risk transfer systems (insurance schemes or risk funds).
This constitutes the closest category to flood risk management itself,
which is part of the overarching disaster risk management dimension.
While overall aid contributions to Vietnam's water supply and risk management sectors have slightly increased over time from 206m USD in 2011 to their peak of 422m USD in 2016, they have largely stagnated around the level of 300m to 350m USD per year since then.
From the level of 96m USD in 2011,
access to basic water supply saw significant increases to its contributions from 2013 to 2016,
with 154m USD contributed at its peak in 2016 and shrinking drastically the following years to 39m USD in 2019,
its lowest contribution year.
Large water supply project contributions see a similar if less drastic curve, with contributions increasing from 105m USD in 2011 to 252m USD at their in 2018, before decreasing slightly over the next two years.
Thus, the contribution curves to basic and large-scale water supply projects somewhat follows the overall development aid contribution curve to Vietnam,
with peaks between 2016 and 2018 before more or less drastic drops in aid contributions.
Disaster risk reduction contributions, however, show the least similarity to the general trend,
with contributions being only 4m USD in 2011 before increasing year-over-year (with the exception of 2018) to reach their peak with 63m USD in 2020.
The most significant increases happened between the years 2014 and 2016, as well as again in 2020.
While the other contribution sectors follow a shrinking contribution in the years following 2014, then,
disaster risk reduction instead keeps on reaching an increase in its absolute contribution amounts,
perhaps pointing to a continued necessity for development in the sector.
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