Add project aid breakdown Djibouti

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Marty Oehme 2022-09-08 12:19:25 +02:00
parent 63fcdf3bf8
commit daa8c03ee4
Signed by: Marty
GPG key ID: B7538B8F50A1C800

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@ -205,3 +205,89 @@ multilateral contributions kept increasing significantly to over 170m USD in 202
For the first time in 2020, then, multilateral contributions provided a significantly larger share of development assistance to Djibouti than bilateral contributions,
a trend which may move even further apart if bilateral contributions keep decreasing while multilateral ones increase.
#| label: tbl-dji-aid-projects
#| tbl-cap: "ODA projects of advancing inclusive growth, separated by project type"
#| column: page
totals = df.loc[
(df['SECTOR'] == 15170) |
(df['SECTOR'] == 15180) |
(df['SECTOR'] == 25010) |
(df['SECTOR'] == 25020) |
(df['SECTOR'] == 25030) |
(df['SECTOR'] == 25040) |
(df['SECTOR'] == 33110) |
(df['SECTOR'] == 33120) |
(df['SECTOR'] == 33130) |
(df['SECTOR'] == 33140) |
(df['SECTOR'] == 33150) |
(df['SECTOR'] == 33181) |
(df['SECTOR'] == 43071) |
(df['SECTOR'] == 43072)
) &
(df['CHANNEL'] == 100) &
(df['AMOUNTTYPE'] == 'D') &
((df['FLOW'] == 11) | (df['FLOW'] == 13)) & # Total
(df['FLOWTYPE'] == 112) &
(df['AIDTYPE'] == "100") # contains mixed int and string representations
aid = totals[totals['DONOR'] < 20000] # drop all 'total' aggregations
# Aggregate different measures of topics
aid.loc[aid[(aid['SECTOR'] == 15170) | (aid['SECTOR'] == 15180)].index, 'SECTOR'] = 15170
aid.loc[aid[(aid['SECTOR'] == 15170)].index, 'Sector'] = "Women's rights support"
aid.loc[aid[(aid['SECTOR'] == 25010) | (aid['SECTOR'] == 25020) | (aid['SECTOR'] == 25030) | (aid['SECTOR'] == 25040)].index, 'SECTOR'] = 25010
aid.loc[aid[(aid['SECTOR'] == 25010)].index, 'Sector'] = "Business growth"
aid.loc[aid[(aid['SECTOR'] == 33110) | (aid['SECTOR'] == 33120) | (aid['SECTOR'] == 33130) | (aid['SECTOR'] == 33140) | (aid['SECTOR'] == 33150) | (aid['SECTOR'] == 33181)].index, 'SECTOR'] = 33110
aid.loc[aid[(aid['SECTOR'] == 33110)].index, 'Sector'] = "Trade development"
aid.loc[aid[(aid['SECTOR'] == 43071) | (aid['SECTOR'] == 43072)].index, 'SECTOR'] = 43071
aid.loc[aid[(aid['SECTOR'] == 43071)].index, 'Sector'] = "Food security"
# Group by sector per year and sum all values
aid_grouped = aid.groupby(['Year', 'Sector']).agg({'Value': ['sum']})
aid_grouped = aid_grouped.reset_index(['Year', 'Sector'])
aid_grouped.columns = aid_grouped.columns.to_flat_index()
aid_grouped.columns = ['Year', 'Sector', 'Value']
crosstab = pd.crosstab(aid_grouped['Year'], aid_grouped['Sector'], margins=True, values=aid_grouped['Value'], aggfunc='sum')
# Rename and reorder columns
crosstab = crosstab[['Trade development', 'Business growth', "Women's rights support", 'Food security', 'All']]
Note: Values shown are for all Official Development Assistance flows valid under the OECD CRS data, calculated as constant currency (2020 corrected) USD millions.
Source: Author's elaboration based on OECD ODA CRS (2022).
The sector-based breakdown of aid contributions for inclusive business growth in Djibouti can be seen in @tbl-dji-aid-projects.
It shows that overall development assistance to the necessary inclusive growth sectors in Djibouti is still small in absolute terms, especially for those in vulnerable positions.
The table is broken down into four sectors of development aid which drive the potential for inclusive growth in trade and business:
First, trade development encompasses trade policy and administrative management, trade facilitation, regional trade agreements, multilateral trade negotiations, trade-related adjustments and trade education and training.
Second, business growth is the combination of business policy and administrative management, privatization, business development services as well responsible business conduct ---
meaning the establishing of policy reform, implementation and enforcement of responsible business conduct, including, among others, implementation of guidelines for human rights support.
Third, and specifically aimed at the inclusion of women in economic activities,
is the support for women's rights which includes the establishment of, and assistance for, women's rights organizations and institutions to enhance their effectiveness, influence and sustainability.
And last, the provision for and protection of food security for those in vulnerable positions,
through capacity strengthening and household-level food security programmes, short- or long-term,
excluding emergency food assistance measures (such as for disaster crisis affected households).
The amount of aid contributions into these sectors of inclusive growth in Djibouti is small in comparison with development assistance to the other countries analyzed.
The absolute amount of contributions has consistently stayed under 10m USD per year for all four sectors combined,
though an overall growth trend is visible from 0.5m USD in 2011 to 1.6m USD in 2016 and more rapid growth in 2020 to just under 10m USD.
Most of this recent growth in 2020 is driven by contributions to trade development with 7.7m USD,
while business growth and women's rights support are seeing much smaller contributions yet.
The business growth sector, though seeing small contributions in absolute terms, has seen a continued increase in contributions from 0.3m USD in 2011 to 1.7m USD in 2020,
with almost 2m USD at its peak in 2019.
Women's rights support, on the other hand, has seen some increase from its small contributions of not even 0.1m USD in 2011 to almost 0.8m USD in 2016,
but overall assistance to the sector stays stagnant at only around 0.25m USD in recent years.
Lastly, food security remains almost completely without Official Development Assistance contributions, with barely 0.05m USD being contributed at its peak in 2019.
Thus, development contributions to Djibouti's trade sector itself are increasing,
though at the same time contributions to inclusive growth specifically,
aimed at vulnerable populations and an inclusive business environment,
are growing slowly at best and stagnant for protection measures for those in vulnerable groups.