
124 lines
3.4 KiB

import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:rules_of_living/src/Grid.dart';
import 'package:rules_of_living/src/rules/GameOfLife.dart';
import 'package:rules_of_living/src/rules/RuleSet.dart';
enum CellPattern { SpaceShip, Blinker }
class Simulation {
Grid<bool> map;
Grid<bool> _snapshot;
RuleSet rules = GameOfLife();
int _amount;
int _dispersal;
Point get gridSize => Point<int>(map.width, map.height);
void set gridSize(Point<int> value) {
if (value.x <= 0 || value.y <= 0)
throw ArgumentError("grid size must not be smaller than 1");
map = Grid(value.x, value.y);
Simulation(int w, int h) : this.map = new Grid(w, h) {
this.map = reset();
Simulation.fromGrid(Grid<bool> map) : this.map = map;
//TODO this needs to RETURN a changeSet, just like the others do
Grid<bool> reset([Grid<bool> map]) {
map ??= this.map;
map.setAll(0, List.filled(map.length, false));
return map;
void addRandomPattern({int amount, int dispersal}) {
int _startingSeed = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch;
math.Random rng = new math.Random(_startingSeed);
_amount = amount ?? rng.nextInt(20);
_dispersal = dispersal ?? 10;
int cx = rng.nextInt(map.width ~/ 3) + (map.width ~/ 3);
int cy = rng.nextInt(map.height ~/ 3) + (map.height ~/ 3);
int sanityCheck = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < (_amount); i++) {
getCellState(cx, cy)
? i--
: setCellState(
cx + rng.nextInt(_dispersal), cy + rng.nextInt(_dispersal), true);
if (sanityCheck > 100 && sanityCheck > i * 3) break;
void setCellState(int x, int y, bool state) {
if (y >= map.height || x >= map.width) return null;
state ? map.set(x, y, true) : map.set(x, y, false);
bool getCellState(int x, int y) {
if (y >= map.height || x >= map.width) return null;
return map.get(x, y);
void toggleCellState(int x, int y) {
if (y >= map.height || x >= map.width) return null;
getCellState(x, y) == null
? setCellState(x, y, true)
: setCellState(x, y, false);
Map<int, bool> update() {
Map<int, bool> stateChanges = calculateNextState(map);
return stateChanges;
void mergeStateChanges(Map<int, bool> stateChanges) {
stateChanges.forEach((i, el) => map[i] = el);
Map<int, bool> calculateNextState(Grid<bool> oldState) {
Map<int, bool> stateChanges = Map();
for (int i = 0; i < map.length; i++) {
math.Point p = map.toCoordinates(i);
bool cell = map[i];
int neighbors = getNeighbors(p.x, p.y, rules.range);
if (cell == false && rules.checkBirth(neighbors) == true) {
stateChanges[i] = true;
} else if (cell == true && rules.checkSurvival(neighbors) == false) {
stateChanges[i] = false;
return stateChanges;
int getNeighbors(int x, int y, int range) {
int count = 0;
for (int ix = -range + x; ix <= range + x; ix++) {
for (int iy = -range + y; iy <= range + y; iy++) {
if (ix >= 0 &&
iy >= 0 &&
ix < map.width &&
iy < map.height &&
getCellState(ix, iy) == true &&
!(x == ix && y == iy)) count++;
return count;
void saveSnapshot() => _snapshot = Grid.from(map);
Grid<bool> loadSnapshot() {
map = Grid.from(_snapshot);
return map;