Marty Oehme
Opens zettel by linked value, most often a direct path link, but will also look through the root dir to find a(n exactly) matching basename to open. If nothing is found in the root dir will open a new file to write with the corresponding name. Careful, if the reference is a full path definition, and the file does not exist, it will still open the corresponding file at the correct location but when attempting to save will generally complain if parts of the path are missing. They have to be created manually or in some other place, this is outside the scope of this plugin.
94 lines
2.9 KiB
94 lines
2.9 KiB
local ls = {}
-- TODO rename to files.lua? since it's the only module interacting solely w/ the file system
local o = require 'zettelkasten.options'
local function isDirectory(ftype)
if ftype == 'directory' then return true end
return false
local function isFile(ftype)
if ftype == 'file' then return true end
return false
local function cleanPath(path)
if path:match("^~") then path = os.getenv("HOME") .. path:sub(2) end
return path
-- Returns a set of valid zettels in the form
-- { anchor = fullpathname }.
-- Takes a (flat) set of files to iterate over in the form that
-- get_all_files produces.
-- TODO transform paths:
-- * to ensure / at the end (or no /) gets taken into account
function ls.get_anchors_and_paths(fileset)
-- TODO check for duplicates and warn user
local zettel = {}
local anchorreg = '^.*/?(' .. o.anchor().regex .. ')[^/]*%' ..
o.zettel().extension .. '$'
for full_path, name in pairs(fileset) do
local anchor = string.match(name, anchorreg)
if anchor then zettel[tostring(anchor)] = full_path end
return zettel
-- Returns a set of all files at the target directory, as well
-- as subdirectories if the recursive argument is set to true.
-- Set has the form { "full/path/" = "" }
function ls.get_all_files(path, recursive)
local f = {}
path = cleanPath(path)
local handle = vim.loop.fs_scandir(path)
while handle do
local name, ftype = vim.loop.fs_scandir_next(handle)
if not name then break end
if isDirectory(ftype) and recursive then
local subdir = ls.get_all_files(path .. "/" .. name, true)
for k, v in pairs(subdir) do f[tostring(k)] = v end
if isFile(ftype) then f[tostring(path .. "/" .. name)] = name end
return f
-- Returns the path to the zettel defined by the anchor argument.
-- Takes a set of files as optional variable.
-- If no set provided will use the (recursive) results
-- of zettel_root directory.
function ls.get_zettel_by_anchor(anchor, files)
files = files or ls.get_all_files(o.zettel().rootdir, true)
local zettels = ls.get_anchors_and_paths(files)
if not zettels then return end
return zettels[anchor]
-- Returns the path to the zettel defined by a reference link.
-- Will prefer a fully matching path to only matching basename
-- of a file, but if only basename is found will return first
-- matching one.
-- Takes a set of files as optional variable in.
-- If no set provided will use the (recursive) results
-- of zettel_root directory.
function ls.get_zettel_by_ref(ref, files)
files = files or ls.get_all_files(o.zettel().rootdir, true)
local name_only_match
for full_path, bname in pairs(files) do
if full_path == ref then return full_path end
if bname == ref then name_only_match = full_path end
return name_only_match
return ls