
64 lines
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local A = {}
local o = require 'zettelkasten.options'
local function deduplicate(anchor, anchorfct)
while A.is_duplicate(anchor, anchorfct) do anchor = anchor - 1 end
return anchor
-- Return a valid zettelkasten anchor,
-- composed of yymmddHHMM.
-- date can be passed in as a table containing a year, a month, a day, an hour,
-- and a minute key. Returns nil if the date passed in is invalid.
-- If no date is passed in, returns Zettel anchor for current moment.
function A.create(date, anchorfct)
local timestamp
if pcall(function() timestamp = os.time(date) end) then
local anchor = os.date('%y%m%d%H%M', timestamp)
if anchorfct then anchor = deduplicate(anchor, anchorfct) end
return tostring(anchor)
return nil
-- TODO think about making clean/anchor/extension function module private
-- Returns the text passed in with the anchor passed in prepended.
function A.prepend(anchor, text)
if not text or text == "" then return anchor end
text = anchor .. o.anchor().separator .. text
return text
-- Returns anchor contents if an anchor is contained in the input string.
-- It takes an optional regex parameter with which the plugin option
-- of which anchor to look for can be overwritten.
-- If multiple anchors are contained, returns the contents of the first
-- one encountered.
function A.extract(input, regex)
regex = regex or o.anchor().regex
return input:match(regex)
-- Returns a set of all anchors created by the function passed in
-- (if argument is set) or all anchors currently in zettel root dir
-- (if no argument passed).
function A.list(anchor_function)
if not anchor_function then return {} end
return anchor_function()
-- Returns true if anchor passed in already exists, false otherwise.
-- Takes an optional set of anchors to compare against, will
-- compare against all anchors in zettel root dir otherwise.
function A.is_duplicate(anchor, anchor_function)
local all_anchors = A.list(anchor_function)
if all_anchors[anchor] ~= nil then return true end
return false
return A