Marty Oehme aef7d29997
Add action module
Action module contains the interactions the user can take directly with
the zettelkasten, and which in turn act on the editor.

First action to be taken is the opening of zettel links.
`action.open(mytext)` allows the user to pass in a md/wikilink-formatted
string from which the function will open the first found in the current

`action.open_selected()` does the same, but looks at the cursor context
to get its string (the link under current cursor position as of now; in
the future probably also the next link on current line, and the first
link in visual selection)
2020-10-31 14:17:26 +01:00

79 lines
2.5 KiB

local A = {}
-- Return only the link reference portion of a markdown/wiki style link
function A.extract_link(input)
if not input then return end
return input:match("%[%[(.+)|?.*%]%]") or input:match("%[.*%]%((.+)%)")
-- Extracts a file name from a link and opens the corresponding file
-- in the current buffer.
-- Takes an optional input parameter
function A.open(input)
local fname = A.extract_link(input)
if not fname then return end
-- TODO follow: go to anchor, fall back to filename
vim.api.nvim_command(string.format("edit %s", fname))
-- Gets the input at the current buffer cursor and opens it
-- in the current buffer.
function A.open_selected()
-- TODO decide between currentword/restofline option
-- Returns the word currently under cursor, the vim equivalent of yiW.
-- Takes an optional boolean flag to set the word being caught
-- to the vim equivalent of doing yiw, a more exclusive version.
function A.get_link_under_cursor(small)
local c = "<cWORD>"
if small then c = "<cword>" end
local word = vim.fn.expand(c)
return word
-- -- Returns the content of the line from the cursor onwards.
-- function A.get_next_link_on_line()
-- local line = vim.api.nvim_get_current_line()
-- local linenr = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)[1]
-- print(line, linenr)
-- return ""
-- end
return {open = A.open, open_selected = A.open_selected}
-- local function get_selection()
-- s_start = vim.fn.line("'<") - 1
-- s_end = vim.fn.line("'>")
-- return vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, s_start, s_end, true)
-- end
-- function ZK.create_zettel()
-- -- get line and its number
-- local selection
-- local line = vim.api.nvim_get_current_line()
-- local linenr = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)[1]
-- -- get words under cursor / selected
-- local mode = vim.api.nvim_get_mode()['mode']
-- if mode == "n" then
-- print(vim.fn.line("'<'") - 1)
-- selection = vim.fn.expand("<cWORD>")
-- elseif mode == "v" then
-- selection = get_selection()
-- else
-- return
-- end
-- -- get valid link
-- local link = l.create(nil, selection)
-- -- create new line with selection replaced in middle
-- local st, en = line:find(selection, 0, true)
-- local repl_line = line:sub(1, st - 1) .. link .. line:sub(en + 1)
-- -- replace existing line in favor of new one
-- vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, linenr - 1, linenr, true, {repl_line})
-- end