Marty Oehme aad77cff07
Add function to open root index file
Call up `require 'zettelkasten'.open_index()` to open the file.
Pass along a file name `require 'zettelkasten'.open_index('home')` to
open said file at the zettel root instead.
2021-07-26 22:30:11 +02:00

42 lines
1.4 KiB

local ZK = {}
local f = require 'zettelkasten.files'
local anchor = require 'zettelkasten.anchor'
local action = require 'zettelkasten.action'
-- Returns all zettel in path as a
-- { "anchor" = "path/to/zettel/anchor filename.md" }
-- table.
-- Recurses into subdirectories if recursive argument is true.
function ZK.get_zettel_list(path, recursive)
return f.get_anchors_and_paths(f.get_all_files(path, recursive or false))
-- Return a valid zettelkasten anchor for the current time,
-- composed of yymmddHHMM.
function ZK.get_anchor() return anchor.create() end
-- Open link under cursor, or next on line
function ZK.open_link() return action.open_selected() end
-- Create a new link under cursor
function ZK.make_link(visual) return action.make_link(visual) end
-- If invoked in reach of a valid link will try to follow said link.
-- Otherwise will take the current context and make a link out of it.
function ZK.open_or_make_link(visual)
if not ZK.open_link() then ZK.make_link(visual) end
-- Open index file at zettel root directory. If title is passed in opens
-- `title`.<extension> file, otherwise defaults to `index`.<extension>.
function ZK.open_index(title) return action.open_index_file(title) end
return {
get_zettel_list = ZK.get_zettel_list,
get_anchor = ZK.get_anchor,
open_link = ZK.open_link,
make_link = ZK.make_link,
open_or_make_link = ZK.open_or_make_link,
open_index = ZK.open_index