Marty Oehme fdcb0f2a93
Add opening zettel by reference if no anchor found
Opens zettel by linked value, most often a direct path link, but will
also look through the root dir to find a(n exactly) matching basename to

If nothing is found in the root dir will open a new file to write with
the corresponding name. Careful, if the reference is a full path
definition, and the file does not exist, it will still open the
corresponding file at the correct location but when attempting to save
will generally complain if parts of the path are missing. They have to
be created manually or in some other place, this is outside the scope of
this plugin.
2021-04-30 16:30:52 +02:00

93 lines
3 KiB

local A = {}
local o = require 'zettelkasten.options'
local link = require 'zettelkasten.link'
local list = require 'zettelkasten.files'
local BIGNUMBER = 10000000
-- Opens the link passed in in the editor's current buffer.
-- Requires a link object passed in.
function A.open(zlink)
if not zlink or not zlink.ref then return end
local fname = list.get_zettel_by_anchor(zlink.anchor) or
list.get_zettel_by_ref(zlink.ref) or zlink.ref
vim.api.nvim_command(string.format("edit %s", fname))
-- Gets the input at the current buffer cursor and opens it
-- in the current buffer.
-- Takes an optional style of link following to use,
-- superseding the one set in options.
function A.open_selected(style)
local st = style or o.link().following
local curpos = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)[2]
local links = link.extract_all(vim.api.nvim_get_current_line())
if st == 'line' then
A.open(A.get_next_link_on_line(links, curpos))
elseif st == 'cursor' then
A.open(A.get_link_under_cursor(links, curpos))
-- Returns the link currently under cursor, roughly the vim equivalent of yiW.
-- Works for links containing spaces in their text or reference link.
function A.get_link_under_cursor(links, curpos)
for _, l in pairs(links) do
if l.startpos <= curpos + 1 and l.endpos > curpos then return l end
return nil
-- Returns the next link of the current line from the cursor onwards.
function A.get_next_link_on_line(links, curpos)
local nearestpos = BIGNUMBER
local nearestlink
for _, ln in pairs(links) do
if ln.endpos > curpos and ln.endpos < nearestpos then
nearestpos = ln.endpos
nearestlink = ln
return nearestlink
return {open = A.open, open_selected = A.open_selected}
--- local function get_selection()
--- s_start = vim.fn.line("'<") - 1
--- s_end = vim.fn.line("'>")
--- return vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, s_start, s_end, true)
--- end
--- function ZK.create_zettel()
--- -- get line and its number
--- local selection
--- local line = vim.api.nvim_get_current_line()
--- local linenr = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)[1]
--- -- get words under cursor / selected
--- local mode = vim.api.nvim_get_mode()['mode']
--- if mode == "n" then
--- print(vim.fn.line("'<'") - 1)
--- selection = vim.fn.expand("<cWORD>")
--- elseif mode == "v" then
--- selection = get_selection()
--- else
--- return
--- end
--- -- get valid link
--- local link = l.create(nil, selection)
--- -- create new line with selection replaced in middle
--- local st, en = line:find(selection, 0, true)
--- local repl_line = line:sub(1, st - 1) .. link .. line:sub(en + 1)
--- -- replace existing line in favor of new one
--- vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, linenr - 1, linenr, true, {repl_line})
--- end