
93 lines
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local ls = {}
local o = require 'zettelkasten.options'
local function isDirectory(ftype)
if ftype == 'directory' then return true end
return false
local function isFile(ftype)
if ftype == 'file' then return true end
return false
local function cleanPath(path)
if path:match("^~") then path = os.getenv("HOME") .. path:sub(2) end
return path
-- Returns a set of valid zettels in the form
-- { anchor = fullpathname }.
-- Takes a (flat) set of files to iterate over in the form that
-- get_all_files produces.
-- TODO transform paths:
-- * to ensure / at the end (or no /) gets taken into account
function ls.get_anchors_and_paths(fileset)
-- TODO check for duplicates and warn user
local zettel = {}
local anchorreg = '^.*/?(' .. o.anchor().regex .. ')[^/]*%' ..
o.zettel().extension .. '$'
for full_path, name in pairs(fileset) do
local anchor = string.match(name, anchorreg)
if anchor then zettel[tostring(anchor)] = full_path end
return zettel
-- Returns a set of all files at the target directory, as well
-- as subdirectories if the recursive argument is set to true.
-- Set has the form { "full/path/name.md" = "name.md" }
function ls.get_all_files(path, recursive)
local f = {}
path = cleanPath(path)
local handle = vim.loop.fs_scandir(path)
while handle do
local name, ftype = vim.loop.fs_scandir_next(handle)
if not name then break end
if isDirectory(ftype) and recursive then
local subdir = ls.get_all_files(path .. "/" .. name, true)
for k, v in pairs(subdir) do f[tostring(k)] = v end
if isFile(ftype) then f[tostring(path .. "/" .. name)] = name end
return f
-- Returns the path to the zettel defined by the anchor argument.
-- Takes a set of files as optional variable.
-- If no set provided will use the (recursive) results
-- of zettel_root directory.
function ls.get_zettel_by_anchor(anchor, files)
files = files or ls.get_all_files(o.zettel().rootdir, true)
local zettels = ls.get_anchors_and_paths(files)
if not zettels then return end
return zettels[anchor]
-- Returns the path to the zettel defined by a reference link.
-- Will prefer a fully matching path to only matching basename
-- of a file, but if only basename is found will return first
-- matching one.
-- Takes a set of files as optional variable in.
-- If no set provided will use the (recursive) results
-- of zettel_root directory.
function ls.get_zettel_by_ref(ref, files)
files = files or ls.get_all_files(o.zettel().rootdir, true)
local name_only_match
for full_path, bname in pairs(files) do
if full_path == ref then return full_path end
if bname == ref then name_only_match = full_path end
return name_only_match
return ls