Marty Oehme 587fa47268
Refactor option setting with defaults
Now reads from an existing defaults table, which has the required keys:

'vimname', the setting name in vim itself (for the user)
'default', the value it should contain by default

and the optional key

'valid', if the option should be restricted to a certain valid value set
2020-11-04 15:17:58 +01:00

57 lines
1.7 KiB

local Opt = {}
-- vim setting names and defaults
local zettel_defaults = {
extension = {vimname = "zettel_extension", default = ".md"},
link_style = {
vimname = "zettel_link_style",
default = "markdown",
valid = {markdown = true, wiki = true}
link_following = {
vimname = "zettel_link_following",
default = "cursor",
valid = {cursor = true, line = true}
local anchor_defaults = {
separator = {vimname = "zettel_anchor_separator", default = "_"}
-- remaining options
-- TODO zettel_root = vim.g["zettel_root"] or vim.b["zettel_root"] or "~/documents/notes",
-- TODO zettel_anchor_pattern = regex? -> needs custom creation function in `create_anchor`
local function must_contain(set, value, name)
if type(set) ~= "table" then return false end
if not set[value] then
local allvalues = ""
for n, _ in pairs(set) do allvalues = n .. ", " .. allvalues end
error((name or "value") .. " " .. value .. " must be one of " ..
allvalues:sub(1, -3))
local function get_options(defaults)
local options = {}
local def = defaults
for opt, v in pairs(def) do
-- check for vim options set (globally or buffer), otherwise use default value
options[opt] = vim.g[def[opt].vimname] or vim.b[def[opt].vimname] or
-- check correct option set for constrained value sets
if def[opt].valid then
must_contain(def[opt].valid, options[opt], def[opt].name)
return options
function Opt.zettel() return get_options(zettel_defaults) end
function Opt.anchor() return get_options(anchor_defaults) end
return Opt