Marty Oehme 78a1948545
Add link formatting function
Function takes an anchor (and optional link text and formatting style)
and transforms the input into a link to an anchor id.

Currently works for markdown and wikilink style link transforms.
2020-10-30 18:44:50 +01:00

72 lines
2.2 KiB

local L = {}
local o = require 'zettelkasten.options'
local a = require 'zettelkasten.anchor'
-- TODO split up into clean/anchor/style functions, make private
-- Returns a link to a markdown file with the anchor replaced with a zettel anchor,
-- Returns the text passed in with the anchor passed in prepended,
function L.prepend_anchor(anchor, text)
if not text or text == "" then return anchor end
text = anchor .. o.anchor().separator .. text
return text
-- Returns the text cleaned up to be more useful in a link.
-- Spaces are replaced by dashes and everything is lowercased.
function L.clean(text)
text = text or ""
return text:lower():gsub(" ", "-")
-- Returns the untouched text with the extension set in options appended
-- at the end.
function L.append_extension(text) return text .. o.zettel().extension end
local function check_link_empty(link)
if not link or link == "" then error("Link is not allowed to be empty.") end
local function trimmed(text)
return text:match '^()%s*$' and '' or text:match '^%s*(.*%S)'
-- Returns a markdown-compatible transformation of the link and text combination
-- passed in.
function L.style_markdown(link, text)
return "[" .. trimmed(text) .. "](" .. link .. ")"
-- Returns a wikilink-compatible transformation of the link and text combination
-- passed in, adding the text as a pipe if it exists.
function L.style_wiki(link, text)
local pipe = ""
text = trimmed(text)
if text and text ~= "" then pipe = "|" .. text end
return "[[" .. link .. pipe .. "]]"
-- Returns the correctly formatted link to a zettel with the anchor passed in.
-- Takes an optional link text which will be added to the link.
-- Takes an optional style according to which the link will be transformed.
function L.create(anchor, text, style)
local link = L.clean(text)
style = style or o.zettel().link_style
if style == "markdown" then
link = L.append_extension(L.prepend_anchor(anchor, link))
return L.style_markdown(link, text)
elseif style == "wiki" then
return L.style_wiki(anchor, text)
error("Link creation failed.")
return L