Add word under cursor and (manual) mode selection

This commit is contained in:
Marty Oehme 2021-05-03 23:02:59 +02:00
parent 2310f4a2d0
commit 4e3d364d17
Signed by: Marty
GPG Key ID: B7538B8F50A1C800
3 changed files with 46 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ function A.open_selected(style)
-- Returns visually selected text and line, start and end cursor position.
-- Returns visually selected text and cursor column where selection starts.
-- Works with selections over multiple lines, but will only return the
-- starting line, as well as the starting line's text.
local function get_current_selection()
@ -41,34 +41,53 @@ local function get_current_selection()
local selection = vim.fn.getline(line, line)[1]:sub(start_col, end_col)
return selection, {line, start_col, end_col}
return selection, start_col
-- Returns (big) word currently under cursor, a list of current line,
-- start and end cursor position.
local function get_current_word_big()
local curpos = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor()
local ln = vim.api.nvim_get_current_line()
-- Returns word currently under cursor and cursor column where
-- the word begins.
-- If big argument resolves to true, it will get the whitespace
-- delimited word, otherwise the vim specified wordboundary word.
local function get_current_word(big)
local pattern = [[\k]]
if not big then pattern = [[\S]] end
print(ln, curpos)
local cur_col = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)[2]
local line = vim.api.nvim_get_current_line()
-- return selection, {line, start_col, end_col}
local word_before_cur = vim.fn.matchstrpos(line:sub(1, cur_col + 1),
pattern .. "*$")
local word_start_col = word_before_cur[2] + 1
word_before_cur = word_before_cur[1]
local word_after_cur = vim.fn.matchstr(line:sub(cur_col + 1),
"^" .. pattern .. "*"):sub(2)
return word_before_cur .. word_after_cur, word_start_col
-- Sanitizes the string before replacement, taking care of escaping any
-- characters that lua uses to signify patterns.
local function replace(str, patt, repl, n)
patt = string.gsub(patt, "[%(%)%.%+%-%*%?%[%]%^%$%%]", "%%%1")
repl = string.gsub(repl, "[%%]", "%%%%")
return string.gsub(str, patt, repl, n)
-- Replaces the input text on the current line with a zettel link.
-- Takes an optional initial column on which the text to be replaced starts,
-- which can prevent falsely substituting the wrong text fragment if an
-- identical one exists earlier on the line.
function A.substitute_text(newtext, start_col)
local link =
local function replace_text_with_link(text, start_col)
local link =
local line_full = vim.api.nvim_get_current_line()
local line_edited
if start_col then
line_edited = line_full:sub(1, start_col - 1) ..
line_full:sub(start_col):gsub(newtext, link, 1)
replace(line_full:sub(start_col), text, link, 1)
line_edited = line_full:gsub(newtext, link, 1)
line_edited = replace(line_full, text, link, 1)
return line_edited
@ -77,15 +96,14 @@ end
-- Replaces the current text context with a link to a new zettel.
-- The current context is the visual selection (if called from visual mode)
-- or the (big) word under the cursor if called from any other mode.
local selection, position
-- if vim.api.nvim_get_mode()['mode'] == "v" then
-- selection, position = get_current_selection()
-- else
-- print(vim.api.nvim_get_mode()['mode'])
-- end
selection, position = get_current_word_big()
vim.api.nvim_set_current_line(A.substitute_text(selection, position[2]))
local selection, start_col
if visual or vim.api.nvim_get_mode()['mode'] == "v" then
selection, start_col = get_current_selection()
selection, start_col = get_current_word()
vim.api.nvim_set_current_line(replace_text_with_link(selection, start_col))
-- Returns the link currently under cursor, roughly the vim equivalent of yiW.

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@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ function ZK.get_anchor() return anchor.create() end
function ZK.open_link() return action.open_selected() end
-- Create a new link under cursor
function ZK.create_link() return end
function ZK.create_link(visual) return end
return {
get_zettel_list = ZK.get_zettel_list,

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@ -24,4 +24,9 @@ vnoremap <Plug>zettel_link_open :lua require 'zettelkasten'.open_link()<cr>
nmap <leader>i <Plug>zettel_link_open
vmap <leader>i <Plug>zettel_link_open
nnoremap <Plug>zettel_link_create :lua require 'zettelkasten'.create_link()<cr>
vnoremap <Plug>zettel_link_create :lua require 'zettelkasten'.create_link(true)<cr>
nmap <leader>o <Plug>zettel_link_create
vmap <leader>o <Plug>zettel_link_create
let g:loaded_zettelkasten = 1