
100 lines
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Raw Normal View History

local T = {}
-- Returns visually selected text and cursor column where selection starts.
-- Works with selections over multiple lines, but will only return the
-- starting line, as well as the starting line's text.
function T.get_current_selection()
local line, start_col, end_col = vim.fn.getpos("'<")[2],
2021-05-04 14:38:39 +00:00
local selection = T.get_line(line):sub(start_col, end_col)
return selection, start_col
-- Returns word currently under cursor and cursor column where
-- the word begins.
-- If big argument resolves to true, it will get the whitespace
-- delimited word, otherwise the vim specified wordboundary word.
function T.get_current_word(big)
local pattern = [[\k]]
if not big then pattern = [[\S]] end
local cur_col = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)[2]
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local line = T.get_line()
local word_before_cur = vim.fn.matchstrpos(line:sub(1, cur_col + 1),
pattern .. "*$")
local word_start_col = word_before_cur[2] + 1
word_before_cur = word_before_cur[1]
local word_after_cur = vim.fn.matchstr(line:sub(cur_col + 1),
"^" .. pattern .. "*"):sub(2)
return word_before_cur .. word_after_cur, word_start_col
-- Returns the link currently under cursor, roughly the vim equivalent of yiW.
-- Works for links containing spaces in their text or reference link.
function T.get_link_under_cursor(links, curpos)
for _, link in pairs(links) do
if link.startpos <= curpos + 1 and link.endpos > curpos then
return link
return nil
-- Returns the next link of the current line from the cursor onwards.
function T.get_next_link_on_line(links, curpos)
local nearestpos = math.huge
local nearestlink
for _, link in pairs(links) do
if link.endpos > curpos and link.endpos < nearestpos then
nearestpos = link.endpos
nearestlink = link
return nearestlink
-- Sanitizes the string before replacement, taking care of escaping any
-- characters that lua uses to signify patterns.
local function replace(str, patt, repl, n)
patt = string.gsub(patt, "[%(%)%.%+%-%*%?%[%]%^%$%%]", "%%%1")
repl = string.gsub(repl, "[%%]", "%%%%")
return string.gsub(str, patt, repl, n)
-- Replaces the input text on the current line with new text.
-- Takes an optional initial column on which the text to be replaced starts,
-- which can prevent falsely substituting the wrong text fragment if an
-- identical one exists earlier on the line. (E.g. I want to replace the
-- second 'test' in 'test test 1 2 3').
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function T.replace_text_in_current_line(text, new_text, start_col)
local line_full = T.get_line()
local line_edited
if start_col then
line_edited = line_full:sub(1, start_col - 1) ..
replace(line_full:sub(start_col), text, new_text, 1)
line_edited = replace(line_full, text, new_text, 1)
return line_edited
--- Return editor line contents.
-- Returns the content of the line number passed in or the currently active
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-- line if no number passed in. Lines are, different to the neovim function,
-- *one-indexed*.
--- @param linenr number
--- @return string
function T.get_line(linenr)
if linenr then
return vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, linenr - 1, linenr, false)[1]
return vim.api.nvim_get_current_line()
return T