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import QtQml 2.0
* This script will encrypt and decrypt notes with PGP
* You have to use your own public key instead of "F5161BD3"
* Decryption will only work if you don't have to enter a password
QtObject {
property string gpgPath;
property string publicKey;
// register your settings variables so the user can set them in the script settings
property variant settingsVariables: [
"identifier": "gpgPath",
"name": "GPG path",
"description": "Please select the path to your <code>gpg</code> executable:",
"type": "file",
"default": "/usr/bin/gpg",
"identifier": "publicKey",
"name": "Public PGP Key",
"description": "Please enter your public pgp key",
"type": "string",
"default": "F5161BD3",
* This is called when the script is loaded by QOwnNotes
function init() {
// disable the password dialog
* This function is called when text has to be encrypted or decrypted
* @param text string the text to encrypt or descrypt
* @param password string the password
* @param decrypt bool if false encryption is demanded, if true decryption is demanded
* @return the exncrypted or decrypted text
function encryptionHook(text, password, decrypt) {
// encrypt the text for public key or decrypt with gpg
// decryption will only work if you don't have to enter a password
var param = decrypt ? ["--decrypt"] : ["--encrypt", "--armor", "-r", publicKey];
var result = script.startSynchronousProcess(gpgPath, param, text);
return result;