"description":"This script creates menu items and buttons to import and export Taskwarrior tasks.\n\n<b>Dependencies</b>\n\nUnix-like OSes only!\n<a href=\"http://taskwarrior.org\">Taskwarrior</a>\n\n<b>Usage</b>\n\n<i>Export:</i>\nThe script takes selected text from your note and parse it to create task entries based on it. The following rules currently apply for the test to be parsed correctly:\n * the project is defined as the header. Subheaders are appended to hierarchically upper header name (giving the possibility of nesting) * the task is defined by making a list item, using either - (minus) or * (asterisk) at the beginning; the task description taken will be used with the most recently detected project name to create a new task\n\n<i>Import:</i>\nThe script takes selected text from your note, parsing it into the project names you want to fetch from Taskwarrior into the note. The tasks will be written as a list right below the selection. The project names will be created as headers to separate tasks, with appropriate nesting.<b>To Do</b>\n\n * foolproof regexps\n * Windows support\n * Taskwarrior parameter parsing (like tags, dates, priority, etc.)"