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2017-10-03 14:51:29 +00:00
import QtQml 2.0
import QOwnNotesTypes 1.0
* This script handles tagging in a note for tags in the note text like:
* @tag1 @tag2 @tag3
* @tag_one would tag the note with "tag one" tag.
2017-10-03 14:51:29 +00:00
2017-10-03 14:51:29 +00:00
Script {
property string tagMarker
property bool putToBeginning
property string tagHighlightColor
property variant settingsVariables: [
"identifier": "tagMarker",
"name": "Tag word marker",
"description": "A word that starts with this characters is recognized as tag",
"type": "string",
"default": "@",
"identifier": "putToBeginning",
"name": "Put tags to beginning of note rather than to end",
"description": "If enabled tags, added by UI, will be put to the first line of note or right after top headline",
"type": "boolean",
"default": "false",
"identifier": "tagHighlightColor",
"name": "The color for tag highlighting in note preview",
"description": "Put a <a href=\"https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/types.html#ColorKeywords\">color name</a> or a <a href=\"http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qcolor.html#setNamedColor\">supported</a> color code here. Leave empty to disable tag highlighting in preview.",
"type": "string",
"default": "purple",
2017-10-03 14:51:29 +00:00
* Handles note tagging for a note
* This function is called when tags are added to, removed from or renamed in
* a note or the tags of a note should be listed
* @param note
* @param action can be "add", "remove", "rename" or "list"
* @param tagName tag name to be added, removed or renamed
* @param newTagName tag name to be renamed to if action = "rename"
* @return string or string-list (if action = "list")
function noteTaggingHook(note, action, tagName, newTagName) {
var noteText = note.noteText;
var tagRegExp = RegExp("\\B%1(?=($|\\s|\\b)) ?".arg(escapeRegExp(tagMarker + tagName).replace(/ /g, "_")));
2017-10-03 14:51:29 +00:00
switch (action) {
// adds the tag "tagName" to the note
// the new note text has to be returned so that the note can be updated
// returning an empty string indicates that nothing has to be changed
case "add":
// check if tag already exists
if (noteText.search(tagRegExp) > 0) {
return "";
const tag = tagMarker + tagName.replace(/ /g, "_");
// add the tag to the beginning or to the end of the note
if (putToBeginning) {
// make an array of up to 3 first lines and other text as last item
var textLines = [];
for (var lineCount = 0, lineStart = 0, lineEnd = 0; lineCount != 3; lineCount++) {
lineEnd = noteText.indexOf("\n", lineStart + 1);
2017-10-03 14:51:29 +00:00
if (lineEnd == -1)
textLines.push(noteText.substring(lineStart, lineEnd));
lineStart = lineEnd;
// if line after headline is a line for tags add tag there,
// or make a new line for tags after headline
function appendTag(text, tag, prepend) {
if (text.substring(0, tagMarker.length) == tagMarker ||
text.substring(1, tagMarker.length + 1) == tagMarker)
return text + " " + tag;
return prepend + tag + "\n" + text;
// use different tag line number depending on a headline type
if (textLines[0].substring(0, 1) == "#")
textLines[1] = appendTag(textLines[1], tag, "\n");
else if (textLines[1].search(/=+/) != -1)
textLines[2] = appendTag(textLines[2], tag, "\n");
textLines[0] = appendTag(textLines[0], tag, "");
noteText = textLines.join("");
noteText += "\n" + tag;
2017-10-03 14:51:29 +00:00
return noteText;
// removes the tag "tagName" from the note
// the new note text has to be returned so that the note can be updated
// returning an empty string indicates that nothing has to be changed
case "remove":
return noteText.replace(tagRegExp, "");
2017-10-03 14:51:29 +00:00
// renames the tag "tagName" in the note to "newTagName"
// the new note text has to be returned so that the note can be updated
// returning an empty string indicates that nothing has to be changed
case "rename":
return noteText.replace(tagRegExp, tagMarker + newTagName.replace(/ /g, "_"));
2017-10-03 14:51:29 +00:00
// returns a list of all tag names of the note
case "list":
var re = new RegExp("\\B%1([^\\s,;]+)".arg(escapeRegExp(tagMarker)), "gi"),
2017-10-03 14:51:29 +00:00
result, tagNameList = [];
while ((result = re.exec(noteText)) !== null) {
tagName = result[1].replace(/_/g, " ");
2017-10-03 14:51:29 +00:00
// add the tag if it wasn't in the list
if (tagNameList.indexOf(tagName) == -1) {
return tagNameList;
return "";
// Removes tag marker in note preview and highlights tag name with set color
function noteToMarkdownHtmlHook(note, html) {
if (tagHighlightColor == "")
var re = new RegExp("\\B%1([^\\s,;]+)".arg(escapeRegExp(tagMarker)), "gi"), result;
while ((result = re.exec(html)) !== null)
html = html.replace(result[0], '<b><font color="%1">%2</font></b>'.arg(tagHighlightColor).arg(result[1]));
return html;
// Escapes a string for regular expressions
2017-10-03 14:51:29 +00:00
function escapeRegExp(str) {
return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");