Marty Oehme 03dd1a485d
Some checks failed
ci/woodpecker/push/woodpecker Pipeline failed
Add continuous integration pipeline
Added basic continuous integration tests to run on any push:
On main branch, the python program is built.
On tagged commit, a gitea release is created.

Fixed first detected build pipeline issues:
Fixing mypy library stubs missing for some imported libraries.
Fixed two small typing errors for Repetitions.

The steps run on basic python containers, onto which the ci steps simply
install poetry.
This takes a little more processing time during pipeline running (~16s
per step),
but also gives a lot of flexibility in container usage.

Added script which assists in creating an automatic release by
extracting the current version and newest changes from the semantic
This is then used in the gitea release preparation as title and
content of the release message.
The files built in the dist directory by poetry will be attached.
2022-01-19 16:26:37 +01:00

114 lines
4.2 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import sqlite3
from typing import Optional
from datetime import datetime
from habitmove.loopdata import Habit, Repetition
from habitmove.nomiedata import Event
def migrate(db: sqlite3.Connection, habits: list[Habit], events: list[Event]) -> None:
"""Move Loop Activities contained in all Events matching Habits passed in into database.
:param db: Database to populate.
:param habits: List of Habits to find matching repetitions for.
:param events: List of events to find repetitions in.
c = db.cursor()
habits_with_sql_id = habit_list_add_ids(c, habits)
repetitions = get_all_repetitions(habits_with_sql_id, events)
for rep in repetitions:
add_to_database(c, habits_with_sql_id, rep)
def get_all_repetitions(
habits: dict[int, Habit], events: list[Event]
) -> list[Repetition]:
"""Return list of all repetitions found in events passed in.
:param habits: Dict of habits with sql_ids that repetitions can be for.
:param events: List of events to search through for repetitions.
:return repetitions: List of Loop repetitions.
repetitions = []
for event in events:
for activity in event.activities:
for habit in habits.values():
# TODO Fix reaching a layer too far into activity -> tracker
if habit.uuid == activity.tracker.id:
rep = Repetition(
habit_uuid=habit.uuid, timestamp=event.end, value=2
if habit.type == 1 and activity.value:
rep.value = activity.value * LOOP_RANGE_VALUE_MULTIPLIER
return repetitions
# TODO possibly just get rid of this entirely
def habit_list_add_ids(c: sqlite3.Cursor, habitlist: list[Habit]) -> dict[int, Habit]:
"""Return the collection of habits with their sqlite id added.
:param c: SQL cursor of database to query.
:param habitlist: Habits to get sql IDs for.
:return habit_id_dict: The habit collection as a dict with the keys
consisting of the habit's sqlite database ID.
with_id: dict[int, Habit] = {}
for h in habitlist:
sql_id = fetch_habit_id(c, h.uuid or "")
if sql_id is not None:
with_id[sql_id] = h
return with_id
def fetch_habit_id(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, uuid: str) -> Optional[int]:
"""Return sqlite internal id for habit with uuid.
:param c: SQL cursor of database to query.
:param uuid: Unique id of habit to query for.
:return id: SQLite internal id for habit queried for.
cursor.execute("select id from Habits where uuid = ?", ([uuid]))
id = cursor.fetchone()
if id is not None:
return id[0]
return None
def add_to_database(
cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, habits: dict[int, Habit], repetition: Repetition
) -> None:
"""Insert the repetition into a sqlite3 table suitable for Loop.
:param c: SQL cursor of database to query.
:sql_id: Internal sqlite database id of the habit the repetition belongs to.
for sql_id, habit in habits.items():
if repetition.habit_uuid == habit.uuid:
Repetitions(id, habit, timestamp, value)
VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?)
(sql_id, repetition.timestamp, repetition.value),
except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
# FIXME better error handling
# TODO think about adapting this to allow importing into existing databases
f"{sql_id}, {habit.name}: timestamp {datetime.fromtimestamp(repetition.timestamp/1000)} not unique, moving timestamp slightly."
repetition.timestamp + 1,