Marty Oehme 7e8fc0c51a
Add ability to execute multiple command options
Can combine command options (-c, -t, -e) in any way to simultaneously
clip, type and/or echo the picked results.
Still defaults to clipping, as before.

If a custom default command is given with `BEMOJI_DEFAULT_CMD` env var,
then invoking bemoji without any command option will invoke this
command. Otherwise, the other commands are added to the default given

Additionally, refactor echo command to mirror other commands
Both typing and clipping simply invoke the corresponding program
function while echo had an extra role so far. This adjusts the echo
command to also work the same way.
2022-08-06 11:46:06 +02:00

65 lines
1.9 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bash
setup_file() {
# make bemoji executable from anywhere relative to current testfile
TEST_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "$BATS_TEST_FILENAME" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
setup() {
load 'test_helper/bats-support/load'
load 'test_helper/bats-assert/load'
# mock out interactive picker for static emoji return
export BEMOJI_PICKER_CMD="echo ❤️"
# set up small default set of test emoji for each test
cat "$BATS_TEST_DIRNAME/resources/test_emoji.txt" > "$BEMOJI_DB_LOCATION/emoji.txt"
@test "-v prints correct version number" {
the_version=$(grep 'bm_version=' "$(which bemoji)")
run bemoji -v
assert_output --partial "v${the_version#bm_version=}"
@test "Runs clipping command by default" {
BEMOJI_CLIP_CMD="echo clipping default" run bemoji 3>&-
assert_output "clipping default"
@test "Runs echo command on -e option" {
run bemoji -e 3>&-
assert_output "❤️"
@test "Runs clipping command on -c option" {
BEMOJI_CLIP_CMD="echo clipping result" run bemoji -c 3>&-
assert_output "clipping result"
@test "Runs typing command on -t option" {
BEMOJI_TYPE_CMD="echo typing result" run bemoji -t 3>&-
assert_output "typing result"
@test "Runs typing and clipping on -ct options" {
BEMOJI_CLIP_CMD="echo clipping result" BEMOJI_TYPE_CMD="echo typing result" run bemoji -ct 3>&-
assert_output \
"clipping result
typing result"
@test "Runs custom default command" {
BEMOJI_DEFAULT_CMD="echo my custom command" run bemoji 3>&-
assert_output "my custom command"
@test "Using command option overrides custom default command" {
BEMOJI_DEFAULT_CMD="echo my custom command" BEMOJI_CLIP_CMD="echo my clipping" run bemoji -c 3>&-
assert_output "my clipping"