abstract: 'Formal education represents one of the main determining factors in poverty reduction. Different authors remark the relationship between knowledge, incomes increase, and living standards. It represents a crucial factor in an individual socioeconomic situation at present and in the future. The main characteristics of development include: education, health and economy, which are important factors in the achievement of sustainable social development. In this line, the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (UNMDG-2000) and the Sustainable Development Objectives agenda highlights the need of promoting universal education not only as an objective, but also as a means to reduce poverty since it is considered as an investment that contributes to the economic growth, social development and reduction of inequality. In Ecuador, these objectives have been developed under the National Plan for Well-being. According to its executors, it has achieved remarkable results in the majority of its objectives and goals, including the increase of the basic education coverage. This descriptive and correlational research is aimed at determining the Ecuadorian (5-75 years old) perception of education and poverty. Socio-demographic characteristics marked by its condition of being or not are analyzed in order to identify the peculiarities and differences between these two groups and relate them to the development objectives set by the government. The Employment, Underemployment, and Unemployment Survey (ENEMDU 2015) - INEC has been taken as a reference in the study, and it is important to mention that it uses standardized variables of the ILO International Labour Organization, thus making the results comparable internationally. The analyzed variables are: age, racial group, language, educational attainment, attendance, school day, educational establishment, activity and inactivity condition, computer and technological Access, natural region, state assistance, among others. The most important results obtained in the research include the gap between the attendance and the achievements according to the educational attainment. The poor show a major percentage of attendance and better results regarding the culmination of their study period in basic and primary school. However, in middle and higher education, this percentage is higher among non-poor people. The former situation can be influenced by the state assistance and public policies implemented such as the free distribution of school uniforms and lunch, as well as other benefits given by the public institutions. The second major result is the fact that most of these poor people belong to certain ethnic groups such as: indigenous, afro-ecuadorian, black, mulatto, and montubio. Based on these results, it seems that public policies which focused on improving access to education of the poor population show encouraging results in basic and primary education. However, they also show the existing inequity in higher levels of education between mestizos and white and other ethnic minority groups.' affiliation: 'Ortiz-Santacruz, S (Corresponding Author), Univ Politecn Salesiana, Cuenca, Ecuador. Ortiz-Santacruz, Saul; Guevara-Segarra, Gabriela, Univ Politecn Salesiana, Cuenca, Ecuador.' author: Ortiz-Santacruz, Saul and Guevara-Segarra, Gabriela author_list: - family: Ortiz-Santacruz given: Saul - family: Guevara-Segarra given: Gabriela booktitle: '10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION (ICERI2017)' da: '2023-09-28' editor: Chova, LG and Martinez, AL and Torres, IC files: [] isbn: 978-84-697-6957-7 issn: 2340-1095 keywords: Education; poverty condition; Ecuador; socio-demographic profile keywords-plus: REDUCTION language: English note: '10th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI), Seville, SPAIN, NOV 16-18, 2017' number-of-cited-references: '17' pages: 764-770 papis_id: e298e06fd40a2918276a430f5320c580 ref: Ortizsantacruz2017educationpoverty series: ICERI Proceedings times-cited: '0' title: 'EDUCATION AND POVERTY: A SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS ON THE EDUCATION OF THE ECUADORIAN POPULATION BETWEEN 5-75 YEARS OLD SEGMENTED BY POVERTY CONDITION' type: proceedings unique-id: WOS:000429975300123 usage-count-last-180-days: '0' usage-count-since-2013: '4' web-of-science-categories: Education \& Educational Research year: '2017'