abstract: 'Rwanda''s development policy focuses on socio-economic transformation with a specific focus on the agriculture sector and gender equality. Through the commercialization of agriculture, employment opportunities inside and outside the sector are expected to be created. Both women and men are integrated into this new agriculture production system. Based on a mixed-method approach, this paper provides insights into current transformations of the rural labour market. The feminization debates build the theoretical background. The empirical results show that wage employment is created almost exclusively in the informal sector, typically for casual on-field agriculture workers. It is apparent that for the same work, women earn approximately 20\% less than men. Women play an important role in the rural labour market while carrying the main bulk of reproductive work. The agricultural transformation is gendered, and due to reproductive work, women do not have the same opportunities in the paid labour market.' affiliation: 'Bigler, C (Corresponding Author), Univ Bern, Interdisciplinary Ctr Gender Studies, Vereinsweg 23, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland. Bigler, Christine; Amacker, Michele, Univ Bern, Interdisciplinary Ctr Gender Studies, Vereinsweg 23, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland. Ingabire, Chantal, Egerton Univ, POB 536-20115, Egerton, Kenya. Birachi, Eliud, CIAT, POB 1269, Kigali, Rwanda.' author: Bigler, Christine and Amacker, Michele and Ingabire, Chantal and Birachi, Eliud author-email: 'christine.bigler@izfg.unibe.ch michele.amacker@izfg.unibe.ch c.ingabire001@gmail.com e.birachi@cgiar.org' author_list: - family: Bigler given: Christine - family: Amacker given: Michele - family: Ingabire given: Chantal - family: Birachi given: Eliud da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1016/j.wsif.2017.08.004 eissn: 1879-243X files: [] issn: 0277-5395 journal: WOMENS STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM keywords: 'Rural labour market; Gender inequality; Feminization debate; Mixed-methods design' keywords-plus: 'GREEN-REVOLUTION; POVERTY; LAND; INTENSIFICATION; AFRICA; REPRESENTATION; COOPERATIVES; FEMINIZATION; INNOVATION; PATTERNS' language: English month: SEP-OCT number-of-cited-references: '93' orcid-numbers: Amacker, Michele/0009-0003-9232-9048 pages: 17-27 papis_id: d18ff7812db5c3d01abefbf1a90e216c ref: Bigler2017rwandasgendered times-cited: '10' title: 'Rwanda''s gendered agricultural transformation: A mixed-method study on the rural labour market, wage gap and care penalty' type: article unique-id: WOS:000414111100003 usage-count-last-180-days: '0' usage-count-since-2013: '19' volume: '64' web-of-science-categories: Women's Studies year: '2017'