abstract: 'Manual pit-emptying - the removal of faecal sludge from pits and tanks using hands or basic tools - is a widespread practice in Bangladesh, and in other low- and middle-income countries. Despite this, little is known about the livelihoods of pit-emptiers. This paper analyses data from six cases of pit-emptying in three cities in Bangladesh, across three different operational modes: private cooperatives, government employees and self-employed workers. These cases describe the experiences of emptiers from diverse socio-economic, religious and ethnic backgrounds, operating across a formal-informal spectrum. We find that government employees and self-employed groups are deprived of basic rights, fear a loss of income brought about by mechanisation and cannot access alternative livelihoods. While the status of emptiers in private cooperatives has improved recently due to the support of governmental oranisations (GOs) and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), the extent to which these cooperatives are sustainable, without the ongoing support of NGOs or GOs, remains unclear. In all modes, sustainable livelihoods are hindered by deep-rooted social and financial barriers. Organisations can support pit-emptiers by designing sanitation interventions that prioritise the human right to decent work, focussing not only on the beneficiaries of universal sanitation, but also on those who work to implement this ambitious goal.' affiliation: 'Zaqout, M (Corresponding Author), Univ Leeds, Fac Engn, Sch Civil Engn, Leeds, W Yorkshire, England. Zaqout, Mariam; Cawood, Sally; Evans, Barbara E.; Barrington, Dani J., Univ Leeds, Fac Engn, Sch Civil Engn, Leeds, W Yorkshire, England. Cawood, Sally, Univ Sheffield, Sheffield, S Yorkshire, England. Barrington, Dani J., Univ Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia. Barrington, Dani J., Univ Leeds, Leeds, W Yorkshire, England.' author: Zaqout, Mariam and Cawood, Sally and Evans, Barbara E. and Barrington, Dani J. author-email: cn17mdaz@leeds.ac.uk author_list: - family: Zaqout given: Mariam - family: Cawood given: Sally - family: Evans given: Barbara E. - family: Barrington given: Dani J. da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1080/01436597.2020.1810560 earlyaccessdate: SEP 2020 eissn: 1360-2241 files: [] issn: 0143-6597 journal: THIRD WORLD QUARTERLY keywords: 'Bangladesh; pit-emptying; sanitation workers; decent work; sustainable livelihoods' language: English month: SEP 4 number: '2' number-of-cited-references: '36' orcid-numbers: 'Evans, Barbara/0000-0001-9815-3141 Zaqout, Mariam/0000-0001-6978-8252 Barrington, Dani/0000-0002-1486-9247' pages: 329-347 papis_id: b3500aef554a0c03693c96d131b3539e ref: Zaqout2020sustainablesanitatio researcherid-numbers: Barrington, Dani/B-6182-2008 times-cited: '8' title: 'Sustainable sanitation jobs: prospects for enhancing the livelihoods of pit-emptiers in Bangladesh' type: article unique-id: WOS:000567206900001 usage-count-last-180-days: '0' usage-count-since-2013: '0' volume: '42' web-of-science-categories: Development Studies year: '2020'