--- bibliography: data/intermediate/zotero-library.bib csl: /home/marty/documents/library/utilities/styles/APA-7.csl papersize: A4 linestretch: 1.5 fontfamily: lmodern fontsize: "12" geometry: - left=2.2cm - right=3.5cm - top=2.5cm - bottom=2.5cm toc: false link-citations: true link-bibliography: true number-sections: false lang: en title: Scoping review on 'what works' subtitle: Addressing inequalities in the World of Work filters: - src/pandoc-to-zotero-live.lua zotero: library: wow-inequalities client: zotero csl-style: apa --- ```{python} #| echo: false from pathlib import Path import src.globals as g DATA_DIR = g.DATA_DIR RAW_DATA = g.RAW_DATA BIB_PATH = g.REFERENCE_DATA.joinpath("01_wos-sample_2023-11-02") ## standard imports from IPython.core.display import Markdown as md import numpy as np import pandas as pd from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns from tabulate import tabulate sns.set_style("whitegrid") ``` ```{python} rng = np.random.RandomState(0) x = np.linspace(0, 10, 500) y = np.cumsum(rng.randn(500, 6), 0) ``` ```{python} # same plotting code as above! plt.plot(x, y) plt.legend('ABCDEF', ncol=2, loc='upper left'); ```