abstract: 'Article describes income disparities in various regions and various social groups in Slovakia. The goal of such analysis is to fulfill the targets of social poky with limited budget, not only during the crisis. Data used for the analysis are individual data from administrative sources. They cover whole population of Slovakia. However number of explanatory variables is lower, which limits some of the methods. Various social groups are studied. They are mainly working population, retired population and unemployed/inactive people, including intersections among these groups. The income is understood as net income, either from employment or from social benefits. The income disparities were quantified by several measurments. They included Gini coefficient which described inequality of the income distribution. Later, pyramids of income distribution were studied. These showed objective development of income through time. Using individual data it is possible to identify income disparities and stratification on the level of regions and districts. This allows to put into practice effective social policy..' affiliation: Pauhofova, Iveta, Slovak Acad Sci, Inst Econ, Bratislava 81105, Slovakia. author: Pauhofova, Iveta author-email: 'ipauhofova@yahoo.com ipauhofova@yahoo.com' author_list: - family: Pauhofova given: Iveta booktitle: 'SOCIALNY KAPITAL, LUDSKY KAPITAL A CHUDOBA V REGIONOCH SLOVENSKA: SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS' da: '2023-09-28' editor: Pauhofova, I and Hudec, O and Zelinsky, T files: [] isbn: 978-80-553-0573-8 keywords: Incomes; income stratification; Slovakia language: Slovak note: 'Conference on Social Capital, Human Capital and Poverty in the Regions of Slovakia, Herlany, SLOVAKIA, OCT 13, 2010' number-of-cited-references: '3' pages: 22-30 papis_id: 58597cf93ace123ad2e3d059f9022120 ref: Pauhofova2010regionalincome times-cited: '11' title: Regional income stratification of the population in Slovakia type: proceedings unique-id: WOS:000288467200002 usage-count-last-180-days: '0' usage-count-since-2013: '3' web-of-science-categories: Economics year: '2010'