abstract: 'Minimum wage raises debate and controversy since its introduction. Proponents reported its justification in particular related to the task of ensuring income to workers, which guarantees them their basic needs. Opponents argue the impacts of rising unemployment. Legislative and institutional setting of the lower limit for wages in the economy does not allow the wages of certain employees to decline to the level of equilibrium wages in the event of adverse economic activity, which may cause barriers in employing particular risk groups in the labor market. The modification of the minimum wage is a serious problem, since it represents the fundamental elements of the macroeconomic and macro-regulation in the country, the impact on the revenue policy, price policy, pension policy, as well as their own employees and employers and other groups. The aim of this paper is to examine the correlation between the increase in the minimum wage and the unemployment rate in the Slovak Republic with a focus on specific groups in the labor market and regional differentiation. Our contribution contains a justification of the existence and function of the minimum with a proposal for its modification, while it also focuses on the future shape of minimum wages in Slovakia within the changed socio-economic conditions. Consumption and investments are the driving force of the economy but the investment is to some extent driven by the anticipated consumption. Only household consumption accounted for a significant upward impetus to the Slovak economy, which would not be possible without increasing the employment and wage growth.' affiliation: 'Sika, P (Corresponding Author), Univ Econ Bratislava, Fac Natl Econ, Dept Social Dev \& Labour, Bratislava, Slovakia. Sika, Peter, Univ Econ Bratislava, Fac Natl Econ, Dept Social Dev \& Labour, Bratislava, Slovakia.' author: Sika, Peter author-email: peter.sika@euba.sk author_list: - family: Sika given: Peter booktitle: ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT (ESD) da: '2023-09-28' editor: Primorac, Z and Bussoli, C and Recker, N files: [] issn: 1849-7535 keywords: Minimum wage; Unemployment; Regional differentiation keywords-plus: EMPLOYMENT language: English note: '16th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development - The Legal Challenges of Modern World, Split, CROATIA, SEP 01-02, 2016' number-of-cited-references: '20' orcid-numbers: Sika, Peter/0000-0001-6393-7325 pages: 587-596 papis_id: b42826bcf13e48f4fd712ee98c5da60d ref: Sika2016relationshipminimum researcherid-numbers: Sika, Peter/ADT-5146-2022 series: International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development times-cited: '1' title: THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE MINIMUM WAGE AND UNEMPLOYMENT IN THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC type: proceedings unique-id: WOS:000391254400060 usage-count-last-180-days: '0' usage-count-since-2013: '4' web-of-science-categories: Business; Criminology \& Penology; Economics; Law year: '2016'