abstract: 'Job skills training is a cost-effective strategy for improving employment among individuals who have low income and employment barriers, but few U.S. government-sponsored employment program participants have received such training. To better understand long-term gains from job skills training, this study compared employment and earnings trajectories between program participants who received job skills training and those who received basic services only. Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979, we estimated 33-year employment and earnings trajectories among U.S. baby-boomer cohorts while accounting for baseline group heterogeneity using inverse propensity score weighting. We found increases in employment rates over the life course, especially among Black women. Job skills training also increased earnings by up to 69.6 \% compared to basic services only. Despite the long-term gains in employment and earnings, job skills training participation is not sufficient to address gender as well as racial and ethnic gaps in full-time employment. Findings reinforce the importance of incorporating job skills training as an essential service element of government-sponsored employment programs to improve long-term labor market outcomes among Americans with economic disadvantages.' affiliation: 'Oh, S (Corresponding Author), 1947 Coll Rd, Columbus, OH 43210 USA. Oh, Sehun, Ohio State Univ, Coll Social Work, Columbus, OH 43210 USA. DiNitto, Diana M., Univ Texas Austin, Steve Hicks Sch Social Work, Austin, TX 78712 USA. Powers, Daniel A., Univ Texas Austin, Dept Sociol, Austin, TX 78712 USA.' article-number: '101845' author: Oh, Sehun and DiNitto, Diana M. and Powers, Daniel A. author-email: oh.570@osu.edu author_list: - family: Oh given: Sehun - family: DiNitto given: Diana M. - family: Powers given: Daniel A. da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2020.101845 eissn: 1873-7870 files: [] issn: 0149-7189 journal: EVALUATION AND PROGRAM PLANNING keywords: 'Job skills training; Employment; Earnings; Government-sponsored employment programs; Baby boomers; Life course perspective' keywords-plus: PROPENSITY SCORE ESTIMATION; PROGRAMS; TUTORIAL; MODELS; WORK; CETA language: English month: OCT number-of-cited-references: '49' papis_id: 8036fe69c661882cd6b281189caed404 ref: Oh2020longitudinalevaluati times-cited: '3' title: A longitudinal evaluation of government-sponsored job skills training and basic employment services among US baby boomers with economic disadvantages type: article unique-id: WOS:000564634100010 usage-count-last-180-days: '0' usage-count-since-2013: '5' volume: '82' web-of-science-categories: Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary year: '2020'