abstract: 'Israeli society presents a unique context for studying motherhood''s impacts on employment and earnings: High fertility and marriage rates coincide with high rates of women''s education and employment. While past research finds low motherhood penalties in Israel, ethno-religious group differences in these penalties are unexplored. Ours is the first longitudinal study to examine simultaneously motherhood''s employment and wage penalties among Israeli ethno-religious groups. Using newly available panel data, we find that motherhood deters employment among Israeli-Palestinians more strongly than among Jews, and particularly among less-educated Israeli-Palestinians. Similarly, motherhood wage penalties and ethno-religious disparities are greatest among the least-educated women. For all groups, highly educated women incur smaller motherhood penalties in employment and earnings, and in some cases receive motherhood wage premiums. Public-sector employment, particularly for Muslims, is associated with higher postnatal employment, lower motherhood penalties, and motherhood premiums among the highly educated. The stronger enforcement of anti-discrimination and work-family policies in the public sector, along with its schoolteachers'' collective bargaining agreement that raises maternal earnings, may contribute to its more positive outcomes for Israeli-Palestinian mothers. Our findings suggest that increasing educational attainment and public-sector employment among Israeli-Palestinians may reduce ethno-religious inequality in motherhood''s impact on employment and earnings.' affiliation: 'Budig, MJ (Corresponding Author), Univ Massachusetts Amherst, Off Provost, 373 Whitmore Adm Bldg,181 Presidents Dr, Amherst, MA 01003 USA. Budig, Michelle J., Univ Massachusetts, Amherst, MA USA. Kraus, Vered; Levanon, Asaf, Univ Haifa, Hefa, Israel.' author: Budig, Michelle J. and Kraus, Vered and Levanon, Asaf author-email: budig@umass.edu author_list: - family: Budig given: Michelle J. - family: Kraus given: Vered - family: Levanon given: Asaf da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1177/08912432231155913 earlyaccessdate: MAR 2023 eissn: 1552-3977 files: [] issn: 0891-2432 journal: GENDER \& SOCIETY keywords: 'work-family; race; ethnicity; inequality; stratification and mobility; education; demography; population; religion' keywords-plus: 'WOMENS EMPLOYMENT; WAGE PENALTY; GENDER; WORK; DISCRIMINATION; FERTILITY; POLICIES; GERMANY; DETERMINANTS; DISADVANTAGE' language: English month: APR number: '2' number-of-cited-references: '81' pages: 208-239 papis_id: 530fd45eb0b960964486eba094e31faf ref: Budig2023israeliethnoreligiou times-cited: '0' title: Israeli Ethno-Religious Differences in Motherhood Penalties on Employment and Earnings type: article unique-id: WOS:000941852800001 usage-count-last-180-days: '2' usage-count-since-2013: '2' volume: '37' web-of-science-categories: Sociology; Women's Studies year: '2023'