abstract: 'Minimum wages are increasingly discussed as an instrument against (in-work) poverty and income inequality in Europe. Just recently the German government opted for a substantial ad-hoc increase of the minimum-wage level to euro12 per hour mentioning poverty prevention as an explicit goal. We use the introduction of the federal minimum wage in Germany in 2015 to study its redistributive impact on disposable household incomes. Based on the German Socio-Economic Panel we analyse changes in poverty and income inequality investigating different mechanisms of the transmission from individual gross wage-rates to disposable household incomes. We find that the minimum wage is an inadequate tool for income redistribution because it does not target poor households. Individuals affected by the minimum wage are not primarily in households at the bottom of the income distribution but are spread across it. Consequently, welfare dependence decreases only marginally. The withdrawal of transfers or employment effects cannot explain the limited effect on poverty. Complementary simulations show that neither full compliance nor a markedly higher level of euro12 per hour can render the minimum wage more effective in reducing poverty.' affiliation: 'Backhaus, T (Corresponding Author), Univ Bonn, Inst Appl Microecon, Adenauerallee 24-42, D-53113 Bonn, Germany. Backhaus, Teresa, Univ Bonn, Bonn, Germany. Mueller, Kai-Uwe, German Inst Econ Res Berlin DIW Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Backhaus, Teresa, Univ Bonn, Inst Appl Microecon, Adenauerallee 24-42, D-53113 Bonn, Germany.' author: Backhaus, Teresa and Mueller, Kai-Uwe author-email: tbackhaus@uni-bonn.de author_list: - family: Backhaus given: Teresa - family: Mueller given: Kai-Uwe da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1177/09589287221144233 earlyaccessdate: DEC 2022 eissn: 1461-7269 files: [] issn: 0958-9287 journal: JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN SOCIAL POLICY keywords: 'Minimum wage; inequality; in-work poverty; income distribution; tax-transfer simulation' keywords-plus: EMPLOYMENT; INCREASES; POLICIES; IMPACT; RISKS; POOR language: English month: MAY number: '2' number-of-cited-references: '75' orcid-numbers: Backhaus, Teresa/0000-0002-8696-5334 pages: 216-232 papis_id: 0b1988aabeb0fb27449e2d0652a2909d ref: Backhaus2023canfederal times-cited: '0' title: Can a federal minimum wage alleviate poverty and income inequality? Ex-post and simulation evidence from Germany type: article unique-id: WOS:000899678500001 usage-count-last-180-days: '3' usage-count-since-2013: '5' volume: '33' web-of-science-categories: Public Administration; Social Issues year: '2023'