abstract: 'The paper examines the time allocation between paid work (wage earning or self-employed work generally termed as employment work) and unpaid (domestic chores/care work generally termed as non-employment work) along with wage rates, imputed earnings, and occupational structure among men and women and according to different social groups to establish the extent to which the rural labour market is discriminated by sex and social group. The major objective of the paper is to show the differential in wage income between men and women in farm and non-farm activities. The paper also shows the division of time between employment and non-employment activities by men and women. The paper uses high-frequency data and applies econometric techniques to know the factors behind time allocation among different activities across gender. The study finds that males spend more hours on employment work and work at a higher wage rate than females. As a result, a vast monetary income gap between men and women is observed, even though women worked more hours if employment and non-employment activities are jointly taken into consideration. Time spent on employment work and non-employment (mainly domestic chores) has been found to vary significantly due to social identity, household wealth, land, income, education, and skill. The segregation of labour market by sex was evident in this study, with men shifting to non-farm occupations with greater monetary returns and continued dependence on women''s farm activities. Enhancing the ownership of land and other assets, encouraging women''s participation particularly among minorities, and improving health are some of the policy recommendations directed from this study to enhance participation in employment work and shifting towards higher wage income employment.' affiliation: 'Reddy, AA (Corresponding Author), Indian Council Agr Res, Cent Res Inst Dryland Agr, Hyderabad 500059, Telangana, India. Reddy, A. Amarender, Indian Council Agr Res, Cent Res Inst Dryland Agr, Hyderabad 500059, Telangana, India. Mittal, Surabhi, Agr Econ Res Assoc AERA, New Delhi 110012, India. Singha Roy, Namrata, Christ Univ, Dept Econ, Bengaluru 560029, India. Kanjilal-Bhaduri, Sanghamitra, Univ Algarve, Dept Econ, P-8005139 Faro, Portugal.' article-number: '2671' author: Reddy, A. Amarender and Mittal, Surabhi and Singha Roy, Namrata and Kanjilal-Bhaduri, Sanghamitra author-email: 'amarender.reddy@icar.gov.in surabhimittal@gmail.com namrata.singharoy@christuniversity.in sbhaduri@ualg.pt' author_list: - family: Reddy given: A. Amarender - family: Mittal given: Surabhi - family: Singha Roy given: Namrata - family: Kanjilal-Bhaduri given: Sanghamitra da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.3390/su13052671 eissn: 2071-1050 files: [] journal: SUSTAINABILITY keywords: 'employment; occupation; paid\&\#8211; unpaid work; time allocation; gender; wage structure; agricultural labour markets; India' language: English month: MAR number: '5' number-of-cited-references: '50' orcid-numbers: 'Reddy, A Amarender/0000-0003-0615-0520 Mittal, Surabhi/0000-0002-2179-4714 Roy, Namrata Singha/0000-0002-5639-522X' papis_id: cfc61ea1baa6d19731042dabeb8ca027 ref: Reddy2021timeallocation researcherid-numbers: 'Reddy, A Amarender/O-1832-2018 Mittal, Surabhi/U-7248-2019 Roy, Namrata Singha/AAQ-5725-2020' times-cited: '5' title: 'Time Allocation between Paid and Unpaid Work among Men and Women: An Empirical Study of Indian Villages' type: article unique-id: WOS:000628622000001 usage-count-last-180-days: '2' usage-count-since-2013: '13' volume: '13' web-of-science-categories: 'Green \& Sustainable Science \& Technology; Environmental Sciences; Environmental Studies' year: '2021'