abstract: 'This dossier brings together a series of resources related to the main social policies, measures and actions that have been carried out (or are in the pipeline) by the administration before or during the COVID-19 in order to meet the needs of citizens in general or of certain groups in particular, especially those in exceptionally fragile situations and/or at risk of social exclusion. Thus, in this dossier, experts in the field and those newly initiated alike will find legal norms, bibliography and reports that refer to general social policies, the management and provision of public services, policies for the recognition and democratisation of the care work, policies to support families and carers, time use policies, as well as policies and benefits aimed at preventing and eradicating the feminisation of poverty, gender-based violence and inequality, loneliness and neglect of the elderly, homelessness, income or energy poverty or residential exclusion (e.g. policies on minimum living income or other guaranteed incomes). They will also find materials that reflect on the different ways in which ethics of care is applied, is no longer applied or could be applied in the relations between public administration and the citizenry.' affiliation: 'Gete-Alonso, MS (Corresponding Author), Univ Rovira \& Virgili, Dept Estudis Comunicacio, Campus Catalunya,Av Catalunya 35, Tarragona 43002, Spain. Sumoy Gete-Alonso, Monica, Univ Rovira \& Virgili, Dept Estudis Comunicacio, Campus Catalunya,Av Catalunya 35, Tarragona 43002, Spain.' author: Sumoy Gete-Alonso, Monica author-email: monicasumoy@gmail.com author_list: - family: Sumoy Gete-Alonso given: Monica da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.2436/rcdp.i62.2021.3652 eissn: 1885-8252 files: [] issn: 1885-5709 journal: REVISTA CATALANA DE DRET PUBLIC keywords: 'ethics of care; social policies; management of public services; social distribution of care work; time use policies; social benefits; minimum vital income' keywords-plus: CARE language: Catalan month: JUN number: '62' number-of-cited-references: '386' pages: 177-215 papis_id: 2501a5df2b46b601176067d1d5d21cb1 ref: Sumoygetealonso2021dossierpublic times-cited: '0' title: DOSSIER ON PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND CARING FOR PEOPLE type: article unique-id: WOS:000659967800012 usage-count-last-180-days: '0' usage-count-since-2013: '6' web-of-science-categories: Law year: '2021'