abstract: 'This article analyzes the gender gap in wages and access to managerial positions among university graduates in 12 European countries and explores the capability of work-family balance policies to close these gaps. Using the REFLEX database, we apply the coarsened exact matching algorithm to construct a balanced sample of women and men with the same academic characteristics (field of study, internships, and academic achievement, among others). The analysis reveals that the academic program characteristics play a relevant role in labor market outcomes as the gender gaps diminish when controlling for academic features. We find that gender differences in hourly wages and access to top wages are smaller in countries with longer paid paternity leaves and larger enrollment rates of children aged 0-3 years in preschools. In contrast, work-family reconciliation policies have little effect on the constraints women face in accessing high-level positions that require strong commitment and availability.' affiliation: 'Herrarte, A (Corresponding Author), Univ Autonoma Madrid, Madrid, Spain. Herrarte, Ainhoa, Univ Autonoma Madrid, Madrid, Spain. Gomez-Salcedo, Fernando Bellido, Univ Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain.' author: Herrarte, Ainhoa and Gomez-Salcedo, Fernando Bellido author-email: 'Ainhoa.herrarte@uam.es fernando.bellido@urjc.es' author_list: - family: Herrarte given: Ainhoa - family: Gomez-Salcedo given: Fernando Bellido da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.33776/rem.v0i62.5486 eissn: 2340-4264 files: [] issn: 1576-0162 journal: REVISTA DE ECONOMIA MUNDIAL keywords: 'Gender Wage Gap; Management Positions; Top Wages; Work-family Policies; University Graduates' keywords-plus: 'PARENTAL LEAVE POLICIES; WOMENS EMPLOYMENT; EARNINGS GAP; IMPACT; COUNTRIES; CAREERS; OPPORTUNITIES; MOTHERHOOD; INEQUALITY' language: English number: '62' number-of-cited-references: '48' orcid-numbers: Herrarte, Ainhoa/0000-0003-3414-8487 pages: 105-124 papis_id: 97051f1a5d31e054be0f68e72e987a67 ref: Herrarte2022gendergaps researcherid-numbers: Herrarte, Ainhoa/L-2458-2013 times-cited: '0' title: 'GENDER GAPS IN WAGES AND MANAGERIAL POSITIONS: DO FAMILY-ORIENTED POLICIES CONTRIBUTE TO ACHIEVING GENDER EQUALITY AMONG EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY GRADUATES?' type: article unique-id: WOS:000973675700006 usage-count-last-180-days: '2' usage-count-since-2013: '2' web-of-science-categories: Economics year: '2022'