abstract: 'Rural development has been identified by EU leaders as one of the priorities of European structural policies, and as one of the objectives of cohesion policy. Yet despite this commitment, we are very poorly informed about how ordinary people live across the rural areas of Europe, their incomes and quality of life, and their perceptions of policies and economic and social change. This paper argues that greater attention should be devoted to issues of poverty, disadvantage and social exclusion in rural Europe by both policymakers and researchers. This is particularly crucial at the present time as rural Europe is subject to major structural changes deriving both from changes in rural economy and society and from policy initiatives such as the Maastricht Treaty and the Single European Act. These are over and above the wider trends operating throughout Europe in relation to employment, fiscal crisis and ageing, for example. A central requirement is for the articulation of policies for tackling economic and social exclusion (e.g. Poverty 3, Exclusion 1), on the one hand, with those directed towards rural development (e.g. Leader 2), on the other. Fundamental household survey work is required to increase our understanding of what constitutes rural disadvantage, which client groups are affected, and how policies can contribute towards relieving their disadvantage, preferably through client-based instruments rather than less appropriate area-based approaches. The last part of this paper presents preliminary results of such a survey, focusing on issues of employment, housing, poverty and quality of life.' affiliation: SHUCKSMITH, M (Corresponding Author), UNIV ABERDEEN, ST MARYS KINGS COLL, DEPT LAND ECON, ABERDEEN AB9 1FX, SCOTLAND. author: SHUCKSMITH, M and CHAPMAN, P and CLARK, G and BLACK, S author_list: - family: SHUCKSMITH given: M - family: CHAPMAN given: P - family: CLARK given: G - family: BLACK given: S da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1016/0743-0167(94)90044-2 files: [] issn: 0743-0167 journal: JOURNAL OF RURAL STUDIES keywords-plus: DEPRIVATION; ENGLAND; WALES; AREAS language: English month: OCT number: '4' number-of-cited-references: '53' pages: 343-356 papis_id: 1cad3abe0ee67a5348af8bb8b85dc359 ref: Shucksmith1994socialwelfarerural times-cited: '8' title: SOCIAL-WELFARE IN RURAL EUROPE type: article unique-id: WOS:A1994QU11700004 usage-count-last-180-days: '0' usage-count-since-2013: '3' volume: '10' web-of-science-categories: Geography; Regional \& Urban Planning year: '1994'