abstract: 'We examine the potential effectiveness of key provisions of the Quebec prevention regime as reformed by the Act to modernize the occupational health and safety regime (AMOHS) in September 2021. We expand Tucker''s (2007) two-axis typology characterizing citizenship at work to include a perspective sensitive to gender and to other sources of inequalities such as class and race. In this expanded model, the right to representative participation, worker influence and internal control extends to all workers (regardless of employment status), and includes accountability along value chains. In the expanded model,risks addressed by the prevention regime, and subject to external control, include often invisibilized risks associated with women''s work. In the face of opposition to the initial reform bill, which underestimated the risks associated with women''s work, adoption of key elements of the reform - the provisions on preventive and participatory mechanisms - was postponed and an interim regime established. The AMOHS will eventually allow for worker participation mechanisms aimed at increasing internal control in all sectors. This, however, comes with a risk that internal control will result in cosmetic rather than substantive compliance, lead to inconsistent levels of worker influence and undermine some of the conditions that underpin effective participation mechanisms, especially for non-unionized workers and those in small establishments. Further, the Public Health network has lost systematic access to workplaces, and it is not known what resources will be available to it or to the inspectorate. It remains to be seen whether the ongoing joint regulatory process to determine future preventive and participatory mechanisms will strengthen prevention and at the same time bolster, rather than weaken, citizenship at work.' affiliation: 'Baril-Gingras, G (Corresponding Author), Univ Laval, Dept Relat Ind, Equipe Interdisciplinaire Sante Genre Egalite, Quebec City, PQ, Canada. Baril-Gingras, G (Corresponding Author), Ctr Interuniv Rech Mondialisat \& Travail Quebec, Quebec City, PQ, Canada. Baril-Gingras, Genevieve; Cox, Rachel, Univ Laval, Dept Relat Ind, Equipe Interdisciplinaire Sante Genre Egalite, Quebec City, PQ, Canada. Baril-Gingras, Genevieve; Cox, Rachel, Ctr Interuniv Rech Mondialisat \& Travail Quebec, Quebec City, PQ, Canada.' author: Baril-Gingras, Genevieve and Cox, Rachel author-email: 'genevieve.baril-gingras@rlt.ulaval.ca cox.rachel@uqam.ca' author_list: - family: Baril-Gingras given: Genevieve - family: Cox given: Rachel da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.7202/1097694ar files: [] issn: 0034-379X journal: RELATIONS INDUSTRIELLES-INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS keywords: 'Occupational health and safety; Prevention regime; Gender; Labour law; Occupational hazards; Women at work; Employment agencies; Social inequalities in health; Citizenship at work' keywords-plus: 'OCCUPATIONAL-HEALTH; WORKERS-COMPENSATION; SAFETY; REPRESENTATION; PARTICIPATION; CANADA' language: French number: '4' number-of-cited-references: '76' papis_id: cd26b27e97b9a44e7f83766655bdcf49 ref: Barilgingras2022reformohs times-cited: '0' title: 'Reform of the OHS prevention regime in Quebec: critical analysis, sensitive to gender and other sources of inequality' type: article unique-id: WOS:001008589400006 usage-count-last-180-days: '0' usage-count-since-2013: '0' volume: '77' web-of-science-categories: Industrial Relations \& Labor year: '2022'