abstract: 'This article reviews work and employment research, paying particular attention to theory and applications by scholars in organizational psychology and organizational behavior (OP/OB) and employment or industrial relations (ER), with the objective of better understanding employee and labor-management relationships. Our animating premise is that juxtaposing these two research traditions provides a stronger basis for analyzing these relationships today. OP/OB offer micro-and meso-level focuses, whereas ER focuses on organizations, collective actors, and labor markets, with an emphasis on historical context. We hope this review motivates efforts to think about and build new social and psychological contracts that are attuned to the evolving dynamics present in the economy, workforce, and society. To this end, we look to the future and propose ways of deepening, broadening, and accelerating the pace of research that might lead to useful changes in practices, institutions, and public policies.' affiliation: 'Kochan, TA (Corresponding Author), MIT, Sloan Sch Management, Inst Work \& Employment Res, Cambridge, MA 02142 USA. Kochan, Thomas A.; Riordan, Christine A.; Kowalski, Alexander M.; Khan, Mahreen; Yang, Duanyi, MIT, Sloan Sch Management, Inst Work \& Employment Res, Cambridge, MA 02142 USA.' author: Kochan, Thomas A. and Riordan, Christine A. and Kowalski, Alexander M. and Khan, Mahreen and Yang, Duanyi author-email: 'tkochan@mit.edu criordan@mit.edu mkalex@mit.edu mahreen@mit.edu duanyi@mit.edu' author_list: - family: Kochan given: Thomas A. - family: Riordan given: Christine A. - family: Kowalski given: Alexander M. - family: Khan given: Mahreen - family: Yang given: Duanyi booktitle: 'ANNUAL REVIEW OF ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY AND ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR, VOL 6' da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1146/annurev-orgpsych-012218-015335 editor: Morgeson, F and Ashford, SJ and Aguinis, H eissn: 2327-0616 files: [] issn: 2327-0608 keywords: 'employee relationships; labor-management relationships; social contract; psychological contract; changing nature of work' keywords-plus: 'HUMAN-RESOURCE MANAGEMENT; INVOLVEMENT WORK PRACTICES; INDUSTRIAL-RELATIONS; INCOME INEQUALITY; TECHNOLOGICAL-CHANGE; PERFORMANCE; IMPACT; FUTURE; VOICE; CONTRACT' language: English number-of-cited-references: '181' orcid-numbers: Kowalski, Alexander/0000-0002-4636-5449 pages: 195-219 papis_id: b997bceb756aaf1659335ce49062c5ca ref: Kochan2019changingnature researcherid-numbers: Kowalski, Alexander/ABE-2941-2021 series: Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior times-cited: '17' title: The Changing Nature of Employee and Labor-Management Relationships type: article unique-id: WOS:000460290600009 usage-count-last-180-days: '6' usage-count-since-2013: '61' volume: '6' web-of-science-categories: Psychology, Applied; Management year: '2019'